Exhibiting Newsletter Released

March 7, 2015
For Immediate Release

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 is pleased to report the release of its seventh quarterly newsletter, this one with important information for exhibitors. It is available online at

The five page issue provides a comprehensive summary of details every potential exhibitor should know about. Articles reference exhibiting basics and exhibit classifications, applications and acceptance, judges and judging, scoring and prizes. Most useful is a timeline of important dates covering the overall application process.

An application and a PDF copy of The Bulletin are downloadable from the WSS-NY 2016 web site. Hard copies may be requested directly from commissioners appointed by their respective FIP national philatelic organizations. Their contact information can be found at http://www.ny2016.org/SubMenu/The_Commissioners.aspx?id=519. Forms must be returned to the appropriate national commissioner no later than August.

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 takes place May 28 through June 4, 2016 at the Javits Center in New York City. Follow the show on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

WSS-NY 2016 President on APS Stamp Talk

February 4, 2015
For Immediate Release

WSS-NY 2016 President on APS Stamp Talk

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 President Wade Saadi was interviewed January 28 by host Nancy Clark in a recent live production of her well-known “APS Stamp Talk” WSRadio.com podcast. A link to the broadcast can be found at http://www.ny2016.org/SubSubMenu/NY_2016_President_Wade_Saadi_on_APS_Stamp_Talk.aspx?id=25.

The first 30 minutes of the hour-long show dealt with WSS-NY 2016 details, in essence becoming a “State of the Show” report.
It started with a brief discussion of how Saadi balances time between his business and show commitments. He is president and founder of Pencom Systems, a high-tech personnel staffing company operating since 1973. While not retired, he does plan to spend less time at work and more on show activities as its opening nears.

Unlike prior U.S. internationals, WSS-NY 2016 has a much more geographically diverse committee thanks to modern technology. Some of the 25 members come from across the country. All were selected for their expertise in various aspects of philately and show management and are volunteers, with the exception of the Executive Director, who is paid per international norms. Meetings are held regularly at the Collectors Club in New York City with those unable to attend in person phoning in.

When asked about the show’s goals, Saadi was very definitive in his answer. Much is being done to ensure all attendees have a great and memorable experience at an affordable price. On the fiscal side all hope to match the success of Washington 2006, which not only donated $100,000 seed money for the next international but made additional contributions to the APS and numerous other philatelic programs.

Commenting further, Saadi has encountered, “no major snags of consequence.”

To date 134 of 204 dealer booths have been reserved, slightly ahead of estimates at this time. Overseas dealers typically book much closer to show time. Invitations to postal administrations have just gone out. Herrick Stamp Company and Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation that represent over 50 stamp issuing countries among them were the first two to sign up. UNPA will definitely attend.

The U.S. Postal Service is a major sponsor of the eight day show. Saadi guesses they may host more First Day ceremonies than at any U.S. international to date. He learned of the rumor that USPS might release a promotional issue for WSS-NY 2016 during APS Stamp Show in August the same way everyone else did, in Linn’s Stamp News.

Exhibitors are pleased that the show’s Bulletin is now available. Copies should be requested from the exhibitor’s respective national commissioner. Response from FIP member representatives has been swift with 77 already naming national commissioners, another 7 committed to attend, and more expected to participate. The four full color ads in the brochure completely paid for its printing

In a surprise, Saadi mentioned that the show is in the planning stages of arranging celebrity autograph sessions during WSS-NY 2016. While there is a short list of prospects, he was unable comment further as nothing has yet been finalized.

One of the country’s largest trade event companies, Freeman, was selected as the show decorator. USPS chose them to design their area for Washington 2006.

Four major auction houses have been chosen to date. They include Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner, Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions and Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries. Up to two more official auctioneers may be selected.

Full show information can be found online at http://www.ny2016.org. Also see the exhibition’s Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest sites.

WSS-NY 2016 Offers New Membership Level

February 3, 2015
For Immediate Release

WSS-NY 2016 Offers New Membership Level

February 3, 2015
For Immediate Release

WSS-NY 2016 Offers New Membership Level

A new “Liberty Platinum” category for donations between $2,501 and $9,999 has been added to World Stamp Show-NY 2016’s list of membership levels.

Donna Richardson, the exhibition’s Executive Director explained, “In working with our Leadership Circle and Liberty Club Chairs, we became aware of a notable gap in our donor levels. Together with their input, and that of the philatelic community, we created our ‘Liberty Platinum’ level to properly recognize and reward such major donations.”

Each of the now seven contribution levels comes with its own list of premiums ranging from exhibit frame Honor Plaques to dinner tickets to the Awards Palmares. These can be seen online at http://www.ny2016.org/SubMenu/Memberships.aspx?id=503. It is also possible to donate through PayPal or a major credit card on the same web page. Most membership levels have the option to split the donation by making two equal payments, one now and another in January, 2016.

To date over $400,000 has been donated outright or pledged by philatelists in the U.S. and other countries in support of WSS-NY 2016. As an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) organization, Americans who itemize are entitled to use their donation as a tax deduction to the fullest extent of the law. Donations of any amount are welcomed.

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 takes place May 28 to June 4 at the Javits Center in New York City. Visit the show’s web site at http://www.ny2016.org and check out our daily Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter postings.

CBS Sunday Morning Features Stamp Collecting

The CBS News.com article is here. That includes the video, which you can reach directly at here or on our home page. It appears the link in the reply below is truncated. -LdeV

For the first time in its nearly 36 year history, the popular TV show CBS Sunday Morning will be featuring a segment on stamp collecting. It will air this coming Sunday, January 18th. American Philatelic Society Executive Director Ken Martin was first interviewed by the producer and provided several names for the crew to contact.

Among them was World Stamp Show-NY 2016 Entry Level and Youth Chairperson Debby Friedman, who also heads the Collectors Club Youth Stamp Club in New York City. A visit was arranged during one of the Club’s regular Saturday morning meetings in September.
Debby recounts that her group had very little advance notice of the filming, some of which took place in the Club’s library. The setup was complicated and time consuming, as the crew first wanted shots of a group activity and then get one-on-one time with the kids.

“I opted to let the kids pick stamps of interest to them and talk about why they picked what they did,” she said. “It was a very long day for all of us, but the kids’ reactions were ‘awesome’, ‘proud’ and ‘exciting’. They are looking forward to seeing themselves on television, as are all of their friends and relatives!”

Check your local TV listings for the show’s air time. Most CBS affiliates carry the broadcast beginning at 9 AM. Look for host Charles Osgood’s introduction to the show to determine when the segment will run. The totem pole on the set’s stage will also give a clue as to when to expect to see it during the 90 minute program.

For more information on how you can become involved in stamp collecting or with World Stamp Show-NY2016, please visit us at http://www.ny2016.org.

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 Exhibition Bulletin Released

Information important to potential exhibitors is now available with the release of the Bulletin by World Stamp Show-NY 2016, taking place in 15 months from May 28-June 4, 2016 at the Javits Center in New York City.

The 60 page full-color booklet contains complete details about exhibit entry requirements, the application and acceptance process, and costs involved. It also covers the GREX (General Regulations for Exhibitions) held under the patronage of the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie, the 91 member international body considered as the “United Nations” of the hobby.

Three members of the WSS-NY 2016 team collaborated on the work. Stephen D. Schumann, the show’s Commissioner General, provided much of the regulatory section. Steven J. Rod, show Vice President, concentrated on the cultural section, while Design Chairman Niko Courtelis focused on the graphics and layout.

Exhibits among the 3,800 competitive frames are allowed in all 13 FIP-recognized philatelic categories. For the first time ever, First Day Cover exhibits will be accepted under the Experimental Exhibiting Group. One, five or eight frame exhibits may be entered, the latter reserved for previous international large vermeil or higher winners. At least 20% of WSS-NY 2016 entries will be allocated to first-time international exhibits. Literature entries are additionally welcome.

To facilitate the application process, all participating countries appoint national commissioners who distribute and receive exhibit paperwork and coordinate entries with the event’s Commissioner General. The two United States commissioners have just been named, Dr. Yamil Kouri of Massachusetts for exhibitors east of the Mississippi and Mrs. Vesma Grinfelds of California for exhibitors in the West. Exhibitors in other countries should consult their national philatelic organization for commissioner appointees. They will also appear on the WSS-NY 2016 web site with contact information when known. Updates will only appear online.

Full show information, along with the electronic version of the Bulletin, is online at http://www.ny2016.org. Also see the exhibition’s Facebook, YouTube and Pinterest sites.

Thomas M. Fortunato
Chairman, Marketing & Public Relations

Sixth World Stamp Show-NY 2016 Newsletter

Sixth WSS-NY 2016 Newsletter Focuses on Societies

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 (WSS-NY 2016) has issued another in its series of quarterly international exhibition newsletters, this one focusing on society participation, with 18 months before its doors open. It is available for viewing and downloading online at http://www.ny2016.org/images/ny2016newsletters/2014-12-newsletter6.pdf.

As exhibition President Wade Saadi mentions, “This is the first special newsletter we’ve ever produced, and it focuses on Societies! From the very beginning we at World Stamp Show-NY 2016 have understood that members of philatelic societies of all kinds would make up the backbone of this great once-a-decade event in so many ways.”

The newsletter lists the 50 philatelic organizations that have already committed to participate in the once-a-decade U.S. philatelic event by manning a booth, holding a national convention and/or seminar on their specialty. More are readying their plans and will be announced when finalized. A few society booths remain unreserved.

Of special note is that philatelic societies and organizations may reserve meeting rooms on an availability basis free of charge, however priority will be given to those groups that have donated to WSS-NY 2016 in one of three membership levels. The schedule of society meetings, seminars and events will be announced in May 2015.

A variety of customizable ads publicizing a society’s attendance and events are now available for downloading at http://www.ny2016.org/SubMenu/Participation.aspx?id=499. The page also outlines additional ways groups may take part in the show.

Other major articles deal with sponsoring special exhibit prizes, a plan to promote philately to the general public in the New York region, and a request for donated philatelic items for use during the show.

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 takes place over eight days from May 28-June 4, 2016 at the Javits Center in New York City. Full show information is online at http://www.www.ny2016.org.

World Stamp Show-NY 2016 Newsletters To Date


World Stamp Show-NY 2016 is now less than 18 months from opening its doors.  Considered as the “Olympics of Stamps” and happening only once every 10 years, the U.S. is poised to host the world’s largest stamp show from May 28-June 4, 2016 at the Javits Center in New York City.  Organizers have been working on show plans since 2006 when the last show took place in Washington, DC.

Do not miss your opportunity to make philatelic purchases from over 200 dealers and dozens of postal administrations from around the world!  All eight days will be filled with special events, including first day ceremonies, seminars on many aspects of the hobby, youth and beginner activities and much, much more.

Here are the first five quarterly newsletters produced to keep everyone informed of the progress of the show.

See the show’s web site at http://www.ny2016.org to learn more about this not to be missed mega-event!  Join the email list to receive regular updates about the show here: http://ny2016.org/Edit_Contact.aspx.  Start making your plans to attend!

2013-08-newsletter1  08/2013  Introducing the initial team, their roles and the Liberty Club.

2013-11-newsletter2  11/2013  Salute to Donors, Web Site New Look, Social Media Update

2014-02-newsletter3  02/2014  A Must Read- You Can Afford a Trip to New York City.  Featuring a variety of articles for budget-minded philatelists.

2014-06-newsletter4  06/2014  The Javits Center, Attending Societies, Stamp Treasures on Display, Stamps as Art

2014-08-newsletter5  08/2014  Hotel Update, the British Guiana Sale, Auctioneers Announced