Editorial Cartoonists (Canada 2021)

Updated October 8th:
[press release]
Canada Post stamp honours editorial cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon
One of five cartoonists being recognized with a stamp, his vast body of work displays wide range from impish cheek to deep empathy

HALIFAX – Canada Post today unveiled a stamp paying tribute to Bruce MacKinnon of The Chronicle Herald (Halifax), one of the country’s most thoughtful, talented and respected editorial cartoonists.

MacKinnon had his first editorial cartoon published in his hometown weekly paper in Antigonish, Nova Scotia, when he was just 14. After he drew weekly cartoons for the Herald, the paper hired him full time in 1986. Since then, he has drawn roughly 8,000 cartoons – but it is their quality that has won him numerous accolades.

His deeply touching tribute to a reservist killed at the National War Memorial was shared around the country and the world, as was his cartoon following the Humboldt Broncos bus crash in 2018. On such dark days, he reflects the gravity of the situation in a way that he calls “subtle and nuanced.”

MacKinnon has won 21 Atlantic Journalism Awards, six National Newspaper Awards for editorial cartooning (and a seventh, the inaugural Journalist of the Year award) and the World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition. The citation for his appointment as a Member of the Order of Canada in 2016 describes him as “one of Canada’s most skilled, empathetic and provocative editorial cartoonists.”

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[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un timbre de Postes Canada rend hommage au caricaturiste de presse Bruce MacKinnon
L’un des cinq caricaturistes à l’honneur dans cette émission, ses œuvres commentent l’actualité avec humour et aussi avec une grande empathie

HALIFAX – Postes Canada a dévoilé aujourd’hui un timbre rendant hommage à Bruce MacKinnon. Caricaturiste de presse pour leChronicle Herald d’Halifax, il est reconnu comme l’un des plus réfléchis, talentueux et respectés au pays.

Bruce MacKinnon n’a que 14 ans lorsqu’il publie sa première caricature dans l’hebdomadaire de sa ville natale d’Antigonish, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Après qu’il ait réalisé des caricatures hebdomadaires pour le Herald, le quotidien l’embauche à temps plein en 1986. Depuis, il a produit environ 8 000 illustrations. Au delà de la quantité, c’est la qualité de ses œuvres qui lui rapporte de nombreuses distinctions.

Son hommage profondément touchant à un réserviste tué au Monument commémoratif de guerre du Canada a fait le tour du monde, tout comme son illustration à la suite de l’accident impliquant un autobus des Broncos de Humboldt en 2018. Durant ces moments difficiles, il souligne l’importance d’illustrer le sérieux d’une situation « avec sensibilité et sobriété ».

Au fil de sa brillante carrière, le caricaturiste remporte sept fois le Concours canadien de journalisme (dont le premier prix Journaliste de l’année), 21 Prix du journalisme de l’Atlantique et le Concours international de dessin pour la liberté de la presse. On le nomme membre de l’Ordre du Canada en 2016. La citation le décrit comme « l’un des caricaturistes de presse les plus compétents, empathiques et provocateurs du Canada ».

Lire la suite ici

Updated October 7th:
[press release]
Canada Post stamp honours editorial cartoonist Duncan Macpherson
Macpherson, the first editorial cartoonist invested into the Order of Canada, is one of five cartoonists being recognized for their contributions to Canadian journalism, humour and art

TORONTO – Canada Post today unveiled a stamp paying tribute to Duncan Macpherson (1924-93), who is widely considered one of the most influential cartoonists in Canada.

An editorial cartoonist for the Toronto Star for more than three decades, Duncan Macpherson drew witty cartoons that challenged what he called “wrongness” on behalf of everyday Canadians. Macpherson also helped reshape the profession for a generation of cartoonists by being the first to hire an agent to negotiate his salary and by pushing for editorial independence. Sometimes, his cartoons opposed the editorial stance of his own newspaper.

“Having dad honoured in this way revives his memory and his name. I’m so proud of his achievements,” says his son, Ian Macpherson. “For me personally, this rediscovery of my dad’s work and its influence has been a terrific experience.”

The first editorial cartoonist to be invested into the Order of Canada, Macpherson received six National Newspaper Awards, the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts medal and the Canada Council for the Arts Molson Prize. He died in 1993 at age 68.

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[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un timbre de Postes Canada rend hommage au caricaturiste de presse Duncan Macpherson
Duncan Macpherson, le premier caricaturiste à être décoré de l’Ordre du Canada en 1988, est l’un des cinq caricaturistes honorés pour leur contribution au journalisme, à l’humour et à l’art au pays

TORONTO, le 7 oct. 2021 /CNW/ – Postes Canada a dévoilé aujourd’hui un timbre rendant hommage à Duncan Macpherson (1924-1993), considéré comme l’un des caricaturistes les plus influents au Canada.

Caricaturiste de presse pour le Toronto Star pendant plus de trois décennies, il dessine des caricatures pleines d’esprit, remettant en question ce qu’il appelle « l’injustice » au nom des Canadiens ordinaires. L’artiste ouvre également la voie à une nouvelle génération en étant le premier caricaturiste canadien à négocier son salaire en passant par un agent. Parfois, ses dessins contredisent la position de son propre journal.

« Le fait que mon père soit honoré de cette façon ravive sa mémoire et son nom, affirme son fils Ian Macpherson. Je suis très fier de ses réalisations. Pour moi, cette redécouverte du travail et de l’influence de mon père a été une expérience formidable. »

Premier caricaturiste à être admis à l’Ordre du Canada, Duncan Macpherson remporte six fois le Concours canadien de journalisme, en plus de recevoir la médaille de l’Académie royale des arts du Canada et le Prix Molson du Conseil des arts du Canada. Il décède en 1993, à l’âge de 68 ans.

Lire la suite ici

Updated October 6th:
[press release]
Canada Post stamp honours editorial cartoonist Terry Mosher
One of five editorial cartoonists being honoured with a stamp, “Aislin” is commemorated for 50 years of thought-provoking work

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post today released a stamp paying tribute to Terry Mosher, the long-time editorial cartoonist for the Montreal Gazette, known as Aislin. It is the third in a five-stamp set honouring editorial cartoonists in Canada.

Mosher began his career drawing portraits and caricatures of tourists in the 1960s and was one of the founders of Artists’ Alley, an open-air gallery on Rue du Trésor in Québec – still a popular attraction.

He freelanced editorial cartoons to the Montreal Star before being hired there full-time in 1967. Five years later, he moved to the Montreal Gazette, where he is still drawing two cartoons a week. His 52nd book – Aislin’s Favourite COVID Cartoons from Around the World – was just released in September.Believing that “no person or no thing is ever perfect,” Mosher upholds cartoonists’ satirical role, despite the controversies and criticism cartoons can provoke. “We all have faults and weaknesses,” he once said. “Can we admit as much by laughing at our frailties?”

Mosher has drawn more than 14,000 cartoons; some have appeared in Time, The Atlantic Monthly, the New York Times International Edition, Punch and National Lampoon. He also earned two National Newspaper Awards, a gold National Magazine Award and was the youngest person to be inducted into the Canadian News Hall of Fame at age 43. He was also inducted into the Canadian Cartoonists Hall of Fame, is President Emeritus of the Association of Canadian Cartoonists and was appointed an Officer of the Order of Canada (2002).

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[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un timbre de Postes Canada rend hommage au caricaturiste de presse Terry Mosher
Aislin, qui dessine des caricatures mordantes depuis 50 ans, est l’un des cinq caricaturistes à être mis en vedette sur un timbre

MONTRÉAL, le 6 oct. 2021 /CNW/ – Postes Canada a émis aujourd’hui un timbre rendant hommage au caricaturiste de longue date du Montreal Gazette Terry Mosher, mieux connu sous le nom d’Aislin. Il s’agit du troisième timbre d’un jeu de cinq consacré aux caricaturistes canadiens.

Terry Mosher commence sa carrière dans les années 1960 en dessinant des portraits et des caricatures de touristes. Il est l’un des fondateurs d’Artists’ Alley, la galerie en plein air sur la rue du Trésor à Québec.

Il décroche un emploi de caricaturiste pigiste pour le Montreal Star avant d’être embauché à temps plein en 1967. Cinq ans plus tard, il se joint à la Gazette de Montréal, journal pour lequel il dessine deux caricatures par semaine, ce qu’il fait toujours aujourd’hui. Son52e livre, intitulé Aislin’s Favourite COVID Cartoons from Around the World, a été publié en septembre 2021.Croyant que « rien ni personne n’est parfait », Terry Mosher soutient le rôle satirique des caricaturistes, malgré les critiques qu’ils essuient parfois et les controverses que leurs dessins peuvent causer. « Nous avons tous des qualités et des défauts, souligne-t-il. Pouvons-nous l’admettre en riant de nos faiblesses? »

Au cours de sa carrière, l’artiste produit plus de 14 000 caricatures, dont certaines sont publiées dans Time, The Atlantic Monthly, le New York Times International Edition, Punch ou encore le National Lampoon. Aislin remporte deux fois le Concours canadien de journalisme, ainsi qu’une médaille d’or aux Prix du magazine canadien. À 43 ans, il devient le plus jeune membre du Temple de la renommée du journalisme canadien. Il est également intronisé au Temple de la renommée des caricaturistes canadiens, et il est aujourd’hui Officier de l’Ordre du Canada et président émérite de l’Association des caricaturistes canadiens.

Lire la suite ici

Updated October 5th:
[press release] (identical text to previous press releasea not included)
Canada Post stamp honours editorial cartoonist Brian Gable
One of five editorial cartoonists being recognized with a stamp, Gable is a legend of his profession who uses wit, humour to connect with readers

TORONTO – Canada Post unveiled a stamp today celebrating award-winning editorial cartoonist Brian Gable, whose work over several decades is widely lauded for making Canadians laugh and reflect.

Gable has been drawing his witty cartoons for daily newspapers for more than 40 years, including more than three decades as the editorial cartoonist for The Globe and Mail. He earned degrees in fine art and in education and penned his first published editorial cartoon for a student newspaper while in university. In 1977, he began freelancing editorial cartoons once a week for the Brockville Recorder and Times while teaching high school art in Brockville, Ontario. In 1980, he became an editorial cartoonist for the Regina Leader-Post, where he worked for seven years before joining The Globe and Mail in 1987.

Gable captures the voices of average citizens in his cartoons and how they see decisions made by the powers that be. He regularly uses satire and sarcasm to highlight important issues facing our country and the world. He has won seven National Newspaper Awards for editorial cartooning. In 2018, he was invested as a Member of the Order of Canada. His citation said he’s “a legend within the editorial cartooning community” and that his work “embodies our national sense of humour, namely our ability to laugh at ourselves and our institutions.”

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[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un timbre de Postes Canada rend hommage au caricaturiste de presse Brian Gable
L’un des cinq caricaturistes à l’honneur dans cette émission, Brian Gable est une légende de sa profession, reconnu pour son brillant humour

TORONTO – Postes Canada a dévoilé aujourd’hui un timbre en hommage au caricaturiste de presse primé Brian Gable, dont les œuvres font rire et réfléchir les Canadiens.

Brian Gable nous présente ses caricatures de presse pleines d’esprit tous les jours depuis plus de 40 ans, la majorité ayant été publiées dans le Globe and Mail. Titulaire de diplômes en beaux-arts et en éducation, il réalise sa première caricature éditoriale pour un journal étudiant durant ses études universitaires. En 1977, il commence à faire des caricatures une fois par semaine pour le Brockville Recorder and Times tout en enseignant l’art à l’école secondaire de Brockville, en Ontario. En 1980, il devient caricaturiste de presse pour le Regina Leader-Post. Il y travaille pendant sept ans puis entre au Globe and Mail en 1987.

Dans ses caricatures, l’artiste représente les gens ordinaires et la façon dont ils perçoivent décisions prises par les grands dirigeants de ce monde. Il utilise régulièrement la satire et l’ironie pour mettre en évidence les enjeux importants auxquels notre pays et le monde sont confrontés. Durant sa carrière, il remporte sept fois le Concours canadien de journalisme pour la caricature éditoriale. En 2018, il est investi à titre de Membre de l’Ordre du Canada. Sa citation le décrit comme « une légende au sein de la communauté des caricaturistes de presse » et souligne que son travail « incarne notre sens de l’humour national, à savoir notre capacité à rire de nous-mêmes et de nos institutions ».

Lire la suite ici

Updated October 4th:
[press release]
Canada Post pays tribute to editorial cartoonist Serge Chapleau
One of five newspaper cartoonists whose work is featured on a stamp, Chapleau is honoured for his unique take on 50 years of news

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post unveiled today a stamp honouring Serge Chapleau, the editorial cartoonist at La Presse and a true pioneer of his profession.

Serge Chapleau has drawn inspiration from the biggest European cartoonists and is known for his unique style and high-precision work. From his very first drawing, a portrait of singer Gilles Vigneault published in Perspectives magazine in March 1972, Chapleau became an overnight sensation and quickly established himself as one of the top cartoonists in the Montréal press. After working for various publications, including Le Devoir, L’actualité and 7 jours, he became staff cartoonist for daily newspaper La Presse in 1996, a position he holds to this day.

Through more than 7,000 drawings over the past 50 years, Chapleau has made people laugh and think by conveying the zeitgeist in a single image. In 1982, as a true pioneer of his profession, he became the first cartoonist to bring his characters to life on television. First with rubber puppets, then graphic animations, his famous character Gérard D. Laflaque captivated audiences, and nearly 500 episodes of shows Et Dieu créa… Laflaque and then ICI Laflaque were aired on Radio-Canada.

Winner of a record eight National Newspaper Awards (Editorial Cartooning category), Chapleau has published L’année Chapleau, a yearly collection of his best press drawings, since 1993. When he was named a Member of the Order of Canada in 2015, he was recognized as “one of Canada’s most innovative and respected cartoonists,” and also a pioneer, having created animated cartoons for television.

Canada Post unveils five stamps
Canada Post’s other stamps in this set pay tribute to Brian Gable (The Globe and Mail, to be unveiled October 5), Terry Mosher (Montreal Gazette, October 6), Duncan Macpherson (Toronto Star, October 7) and Bruce MacKinnon (The Chronicle Herald, October 8). A live panel discussion with the cartoonists and Ian Macpherson, Duncan’s son, will be held online on October 8 at 11 am, ET. Register for the webcast here.

About the stamp issue
Canada Post’s newest stamp issue celebrates five of Canada’s greatest editorial cartoonists, whose thought-provoking and seminal work has helped shape our national fabric over the last half-century. The five award-winning cartoonists, each honoured with their own stamp, are some of our country’s best journalists and storytellers. Their

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powerful drawings have been important fixtures in some of Canada’s most prominent and influential newspapers for decades.

Armed with pencils, ink and razor-sharp wit, these editorial cartoonists have boiled down complex issues into a single image – providing pointed commentary on important domestic and world events. Challenging the status quo and tackling controversial subjects head-on, their work has transcended politics and played an important role in upholding Canadian democratic freedoms.

These talented Canadian artists have made us laugh, reflect and cry with cartoons that tap into the emotions of a country. Their combination of humour and art has enlightened and entertained us, contributed to national debate, and brought attention to unfairness and injustice. Canada Post is proud to honour their enormous contributions to Canadian media and society.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada rend hommage au caricaturiste Serge Chapleau
L’un des cinq caricaturistes de presse à être mis en vedette sur un timbre, Chapleau est honoré pour son regard unique sur 50 ans d’actualité

MONTRÉAL – Postes Canada a dévoilé aujourd’hui un timbre-poste rendant hommage à Serge Chapleau, caricaturiste au journal La Presse et véritable pionnier de la profession.

S’inspirant des plus célèbres bédéistes européens, Serge Chapleau est reconnu pour son style unique et ses portraits d’une grande précision. Dès son premier dessin publié, un portrait du chanteur Gilles Vigneault dans le magazine Perspectives en mars 1972, Chapleau a fait sensation et est rapidement devenu l’un des caricaturistes incontournables de la presse montréalaise. Après diverses collaborations fructueuses, notamment dans le journal Le Devoir et les magazines L’actualité et 7 jours, il est devenu le caricaturiste attitré du quotidien La Presse en 1996, un poste qu’il occupe encore aujourd’hui.

Grâce à plus de 7 000 dessins réalisés depuis 50 ans, Chapleau fait rire et réfléchir en racontant en une image ce qui agite et ébranle la société. Véritable pionnier de la profession, il est devenu en 1982 le premier caricaturiste à donner vie à ses personnages au petit écran. D’abord avec des marionnettes en caoutchouc, qui deviendront plus tard des animations graphiques, son personnage Gérard D. Laflaque a séduit l’auditoire et près de 500 épisodes des émissions Et Dieu créa… Laflaque puis ICI Laflaque ont été diffusés par Radio-Canada.

Récipiendaire de huit prix du Concours canadien de journalisme dans la catégorie Caricature, un record, Chapleau publie depuis 1993 L’année Chapleau, un recueil annuel de ses meilleurs dessins de presse. Lorsqu’il est reçu Membre de l’Ordre du Canada en 2015, on le présente comme « l’un des caricaturistes les plus innovateurs et respectés au pays », en précisant qu’il « a aussi fait figure de pionnier grâce à sa caricature animée ».

Postes Canada dévoile cinq timbres
Les autres timbres de cette émission de Postes Canada rendent hommage à Brian Gable (The Globe and Mail, dévoilement le 5 octobre), Terry Mosher (Montreal Gazette, 6 octobre), Duncan Macpherson (Toronto Star, 7 octobre) et Bruce MacKinnon (The Chronicle Herald, 8 octobre). Une discussion en direct avec les caricaturistes et Ian Macpherson, fils de Duncan Macpherson, aura lieu en ligne le 8 octobre à 11 h (HE). Inscrivez-vous à la webémission.

À propos de l’émission de timbres
La plus récente émission de timbres de Postes Canada rend hommage à cinq des plus grands caricaturistes éditoriaux du pays, dont les œuvres inspirantes et marquantes

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contribuent à la création du tissu social canadien depuis 50 ans. Ces cinq caricaturistes primés, chacun honoré par son propre timbre, comptent parmi les meilleurs journalistes et raconteurs de notre pays. Leurs dessins percutants ont été des éléments importants dans certains des journaux les plus lus et les plus influents du Canada pendant des décennies.

Armés de crayons, d’encre et d’un esprit aiguisé, ces caricaturistes de presse ont illustré des problèmes complexes en une seule image et commenté avec une grande pertinence d’importants événements sur la scène nationale et internationale. Contestant le statu quo et abordant de front des sujets controversés, leur travail a transcendé la politique et joué un rôle important dans la défense des libertés démocratiques canadiennes.

En dessinant des caricatures qui puisent dans les émotions des Canadiens, ces talentueux artistes nous ont fait rire, réfléchir et pleurer. Alliant humour et art, ils nous informent et nous divertissent, en plus d’alimenter la conversation nationale et de lever le voile sur les inégalités et les injustices. Postes Canada est fière de souligner les contributions importantes de ces caricaturistes aux médias d’ici et à la société canadienne.

Updated October 1st:
[press release]
Canada Post to pay tribute to five legendary editorial cartoonists next week through a special stamp issue
Each day a new stamp will be unveiled, honouring these individuals for their brilliant, funny and provocative images, ending with an online roundtable discussion with the artists

OTTAWA – Over the next week, Canada Post will unveil five stamps that celebrate five of Canada’s greatest editorial cartoonists, whose thought-provoking and seminal work has helped shape our national fabric over the last half-century. Videos and stories will be shared with each unveiling, with a special online roundtable discussion with the artists planned for Friday, October 8.

The five award-winning cartoonists, each honoured with their own stamp, are some of our country’s best journalists and storytellers. Their powerful drawings have been important fixtures in some of Canada’s most prominent and influential newspapers for decades.

Armed with pencils, ink and razor-sharp wit, these editorial cartoonists have boiled down complex issues into a single image – providing pointed commentary on important domestic and world events. Challenging the status quo and tackling controversial subjects head-on, their work has transcended politics and played an important role in upholding Canadian democratic freedoms.

These talented Canadian artists have made us laugh, reflect and cry with cartoons that tap into the emotions of a country. Their combination of humour and art have enlightened and entertained us, contributed to national debate, and brought attention to unfairness and injustice.

Canada Post is proud to honour the enormous contributions to Canadian media and society of these editorial cartoonists:

Monday, October 4: Serge Chapleau of La Presse, winner of eight National Newspaper Awards and a Member of the Order of Canada. An annual collection of his best caricatures has been published every year since 1993. In 2004, his popular puppet character Gérard D. Laflaque was brought to life on the television satire Et Dieu créa…Laflaque.

Tuesday, October 5: Brian Gable of The Globe and Mail, winner of seven National Newspaper Awards and a Member of the Order of Canada, whose citation said his work “embodies our national sense of humour, namely our ability to laugh at ourselves and our institutions.”

Wednesday, October 6: Terry Mosher of the Montreal Gazette, best known by his pen name, Aislin. Over the last half-century, Mosher has drawn more than 14,000 cartoons, which have appeared around the world. He is an Officer of the Order of Canada and has won two National Newspaper Awards and a gold National Magazine Award. At 78, he is both a historian and an elder statesman of the craft in Canada; one of Mosher’s more than 50 books is about Duncan Macpherson’s career and influence.

Thursday, October 7: Duncan Macpherson (1924-93), of the Toronto Star, one of the most influential cartoonists in Canada. The first editorial cartoonist to be invested into the Order of Canada, and winner of six National Newspaper Awards, he drew witty cartoons for three decades, challenging what he called “wrongness” on behalf of everyday Canadians. He also successfully pushed for independence from the editorial stance of his own newspaper, thereby changing the role for the editorial cartoonists who followed.

Friday, October 8: Bruce MacKinnon of The Chronicle Herald (Halifax), who has won 21 Atlantic Journalism Awards, six National Newspaper Awards for editorial cartooning (and a seventh, the inaugural Journalist of the Year award) and the World Press Freedom International Editorial Cartoon Competition. His citation as a Member of the Order of Canada called him “one of Canada’s most skilled, empathetic and provocative editorial cartoonists.

The live panel discussion with the cartoonists and Ian Macpherson, Duncan’s son, will be held online on October 8 at 11 am, ET. Register for the webcast here. It will be moderated by Anthony Wilson-Smith, President and CEO of Historica Canada and Chair of the Canada Post Stamp Advisory Committee.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Cinq grands caricaturistes de presse seront à l’honneur dans une émission de timbres la semaine prochaine
Postes Canada dévoilera un timbre par jour, chacun soulignant l’intelligence, l’humour et l’irrévérence des œuvres, et présentera une table ronde en ligne avec les artistes

OTTAWA – Au cours de la prochaine semaine, Postes Canada dévoilera cinq timbres qui rendent hommage à cinq des plus grands caricaturistes éditoriaux du pays, dont les œuvres inspirantes et marquantes contribuent à la création du tissu social canadien depuis 50 ans. Des vidéos et des entrevues seront présentées lors de chaque dévoilement, et la semaine se terminera avec une table ronde en ligne spéciale avec les artistes le vendredi 8 octobre.

Ces cinq caricaturistes primés, chacun honoré par son propre timbre, comptent parmi les meilleurs journalistes et raconteurs de notre pays. Leurs dessins percutants ont été des éléments importants dans certains des journaux les plus lus et les plus influents du Canada pendant des décennies.

Armés de crayons, d’encre et d’un esprit aiguisé, ces caricaturistes de presse ont illustré des problèmes complexes en une seule image et commenté avec une grande pertinence d’importants événements sur la scène nationale et internationale. Contestant le statu quo et abordant de front des sujets controversés, leur travail a transcendé la politique et joué un rôle important dans la défense des libertés démocratiques canadiennes.

En dessinant des caricatures qui puisent dans les émotions des Canadiens, ces talentueux artistes nous ont fait rire, réfléchir et pleurer. Alliant humour et art, ils nous informent et nous divertissent, en plus d’alimenter la conversation nationale et de lever le voile sur les inégalités et les injustices.

Postes Canada est fière de souligner les contributions importantes de ces caricaturistes éditoriaux aux médias d’ici et à la société canadienne.

Lundi 4 octobre : Serge Chapleau de La Presse, huit fois gagnant du Concours canadien de journalisme et membre de l’Ordre du Canada. Une collection annuelle de ses meilleures caricatures est publiée depuis 1993. En 2004, sa populaire marionnette Gérard D. Laflaque est transposée à l’écran dans l’émission satirique Et Dieu créa… Laflaque.

Mardi 5 octobre : Brian Gable du Globe and Mail, huit fois gagnant du Concours canadien de journalisme et membre de l’Ordre du Canada. Sa citation à l’Ordre du Canada souligne que son travail « incarne notre sens de l’humour national, à savoir notre capacité à rire de nous-mêmes et de nos institutions ».

Mercredi 6 octobre : Terry Mosher du Montreal Gazette, mieux connu sous le nom Aislin. Au cours des 50 dernières années, il a réalisé plus de 14 000 caricatures qui ont fait le tour du monde. Officier de l’Ordre du Canada, il remporte deux fois le Concours canadien de journalisme, ainsi qu’une médaille d’or aux Prix du magazine canadien. À 78 ans, il est historien et le doyen du métier au Canada. Il est auteur de plus de 50 livres, dont l’un porte sur la carrière et l’influence de Duncan Macpherson.

Jeudi 7 octobre : Duncan Macpherson (1924-1993), du Toronto Star, est l’un des caricaturistes les plus influents au Canada. Premier caricaturiste de presse à être reçu membre de l’Ordre du Canada et gagnant du Concours canadien de journalisme à six reprises, il a réalisé des caricatures pleines d’esprit pendant trois décennies, remettant en question ce qu’il appelait « l’injustice » au nom des Canadiens ordinaires. Il a également milité pour l’indépendance éditoriale auprès de son employeur, ce qui a changé le rôle des nouvelles générations de caricaturistes de presse.

Vendredi 8 octobre : Bruce MacKinnon du Chronicle Herald d’Halifax, gagnant du Prix du journalisme de l’Atlantique à 21 reprises, du Concours canadien de journalisme (dont le premier prix Journaliste de l’année) à sept reprises et du Concours international de dessin pour la liberté de la presse. Sa citation de membre de l’Ordre du Canada le qualifie de « l’un des caricaturistes de presse les plus compétents, empathiques et provocateurs du Canada ».

Une discussion en direct avec les caricaturistes et Ian Macpherson, fils de Duncan Macpherson, aura lieu en ligne le 8 octobre à 11 h (HE). Inscrivez-vous à la webémission. La discussion sera animée par Anthony Wilson-Smith, président et chef de la direction d’Historica Canada et président du Comité consultatif sur les timbres-poste de Postes Canada.

Posted September 27th:
From Canada Post:
On October 8, the postal service will issue a new set of stamps that highlight the works of five of the nation’s most renowned editorial cartoonists.
We invite you to join us for a unique opportunity to hear directly from these highly acclaimed talents, as they recount tales of covering the news and societal trends, while expressing their opinions and perspectives through their art.

Moderator: Anthony Wilson-Smith, President and CEO, Historica Institute, and Chair, Stamp Advisory Committee

In conversation with

  • Serge Chapleau, La Presse
  • Brian Gable, The Globe and Mail
  • Bruce MacKinnon, The Chronicle Herald
  • Terry Mosher (Aislin), Montreal Gazette
  • Ian Macpherson, representing his father Duncan Macpherson, Toronto Star

Sign up to watch a webcast and the opportunity to submit questions. It begins at 11:00 a.m. and will last for about 60 minutes.

Finalists in Britain’s Kid COVID Stamp Design Contest

[press release]
Royal Mail Announces Young Artist Finalists In Heroes’ Stamp Competition
Secures Guinness World Records® Title For Largest Postage Stamp Design Competition
Competition for UK children to design stamps marking the amazing work of key workers and others during the pandemic received 606,049 entries

  • Royal Mail has announced details of the 120 regional finalists in its Heroes of the Pandemic stamp design competition
  • from North East

    Each of the 120 regional finalists will receive £100 in gift vouchers and £100 for their school

  • Entries were submitted from 7,479 schools, helping Royal Mail to secure the Guinness World Records title for Largest postage stamp design competition
  • The competition was open to UK children aged 4-14 to design a stamp to celebrate their ‘heroes of the pandemic’
  • Eight designs will be chosen as part of a special set of stamps
  • The designs highlight the amazing work played by key workers and others in keeping the UK connected during these unprecedented times
  • Only five times in Royal Mail’s 500-year history have designs created by children been used on stamps; 1966; 1981; 1992; 2013; and 2017
  • The winners will follow in the footsteps of highly acclaimed children’s illustrators who have designed stamps in the past, such as: Quentin Blake; Nick Park; and Axel Scheffler
  • Full details can be found at www.royalmail.com/stampcompetition


Royal Mail has announced 120 regional finalists in its stamps design competition to celebrate the heroes of the pandemic.

from London

The 120 regional finalists will each receive £100 in gift vouchers and £100 for their school and will go forward to the next stage of the competition with a chance that their design will appear on a stamp next year.

All 120 images can be viewed or downloaded by region:

from North East

The announcement comes as Royal Mail secured a Guinness World Records® title of Largest postage stamp design competition, which received an incredible 606,049 entries. An astonishing 7,479 schools submitted entries.

The previous highest number of entries received for a stamp design competition was 239,374, achieved for Royal Mail’s Christmas Stamp Design Competition held in 2013.

Royal Mail’s Heroes of the Pandemic stamp competition is now officially:

Guinness World Records
Largest postage stamp design competition

from Wales

The largest postage stamp design competition consisted of 606,049 completed submissions and was achieved by Royal Mail Group Limited and iChild Limited (both UK), London, UK, on 1 July 2021.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “It is of great credit to the children of this country that in world record breaking numbers they picked up their paintbrushes, pens and paints and paid artistic tribute to the heroes of our coronavirus response.

“Their brilliant efforts represent the collective gratitude of the nation to everyone who went above and beyond during the pandemic.

“Congratulations to all those who have made it to the next round and thank you to everyone who has taken part and to the teams at Royal Mail for managing this record number of entries.”

from Scotland

Simon Thompson, Royal Mail CEO, said: “We would like to thank all of the 606,049 children who submitted such brilliant designs to the competition. We have been amazed and impressed by the sheer volume of entries. And to have achieved a Guinness World Records title in the process shows how much the UK’s children value those heroes who have kept the nation moving during such a difficult period. To the 120 regional finalists – Well Done! We are really looking forward to seeing the winning eight designs!”

To arrive at the 120 regional finalists, a network of judges, consisting of current and retired art teachers, evaluated each of the 606,049 entries. Over a three-month period, the best entries from Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and England were chosen from each age group.

From the 120 regional finalists, a special panel of judges will now determine the winning 24 regional designs in November.

from Northern Ireland

From these 24 entries, eight winning images will be chosen as official Royal Mail stamps. They will then appear on millions of items of mail across the UK when they are issued in the Spring of 2022.

The competition was open to UK schoolchildren to mark the important role played by key and frontline workers, as well as others, during the pandemic. Children, aged 4 to 14, were given the chance to design an official Royal Mail stamp as part of a special set of eight. Children were asked to think about who their hero or heroes were, and to design a stamp in their honour.

The designs received celebrate a wide range of heroes, including: NHS workers; mums; dads; carers; refuse collectors; cleaning staff; teachers; su

from East of England

permarket workers; public transport staff; delivery drivers and, indeed, postmen and postwomen. Also depicted on

the designs were many volunteers who have helped in their local communities or raised money for charity, such as Captain Sir Tom Moore.

Full details can be found at www.royalmail.com/stampcompetition

from East Midlands

As with all Special Stamps issued by Royal Mail, the final eight stamps will be sent to Her Majesty The Queen before they can be printed and issued.

Only five times in the company’s 500-year history have children designed official Royal Mail stamps: 1966; 1981; 1992; 2013; and 2017.

The winners will follow in the footsteps of highly acclaimed children’s illustrators who have designed stamps in the past, such as: Quentin Blake; Nick Park; and Axel Scheffler.

Truth and Reconciliation (Canada 2022)

Updated September 28, 2022:
[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Stamps capture Indigenous artists’ visions for truth and reconciliation
Four-stamp issue features work of First Nations, Inuit and Métis artists

OTTAWA – Canada Post unveiled [28 September] four new stamps that encourage awareness and reflection on the tragic legacy of Indian residential schools and the need for healing and reconciliation. The stamps – being released September 29 in connection with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on September 30 – are the first in an annual series showcasing the visions of First Nations, Inuit and Métis artists for the future of truth and reconciliation.

Between the 1830s and 1990s, more than 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis children across Canada were taken from their families and sent to federally created Indian residential schools. They were stripped of their languages, cultures and traditions. Children endured unsafe conditions, disease, and physical, sexual and emotional abuse while at the church-run schools. Thousands of them never made it home. Residential school Survivors continue to experience trauma from their time at the institutions, and that has been passed down to successive generations.

The four-stamp issue will help Canadians reflect on the injustices and trauma that have been inflicted on generations of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples and calls attention to the responsibility all Canadians have in reconciliation. The stamps are cancelled in Brantford, Ontario, the site of the Mohawk Institute, whose opening in the early 1830s made it Canada’s first Indian residential school. The Indigenous languages found on the stamps represent the language and dialect of the artists who created the work.

Jackie Traverse, First Nations artist (Lake St. Martin, Manitoba) – Anishinaabe, Ojibwe
“This image represents seeds of change. Here we have man and woman, the Elders, their children and their grandchildren. I’ve put the (unofficial) national flower, the bunchberry, in the centre to represent Canada, with the roots from the seeds reaching to the past. For all of us to experience a good harvest we need to share the sun, water and the land. This is how we bring forth good crops and ensure everyone has the harvest of tomorrow.”

Traverse’s mother died at a young age and her siblings were apprehended in the Sixties Scoop. She grew up in one of Winnipeg’s toughest neighbourhoods. Traverse is a multi-disciplined Indigenous artist who works in several media, from oil and acrylic paintings to mixed media, stop-motion animation and sculpture. She draws inspiration from her Indigenous culture and her experiences as an Indigenous woman living in Winnipeg. Her work speaks to the realities of being an Indigenous woman.

Gayle Uyagaqi Kabloona, Inuit artist – Qamani’tuaq (Baker Lake), Nunavut
“I believe each group within Canada has a different responsibility for reconciliation. For Indigenous People, our responsibility is to ourselves and to others within our communities: learning or passing on our language and culture that was attacked only one generation ago. I created a woman lighting a qulliq (QUL-liq), the traditional Inuit stone lamp used for heat and light to signify caretaking. This woman is carrying on in her culture as she has always done, taking care of herself and others and healing.”

Originally from Baker Lake, Nunavut, Kabloona comes from a family of renowned Inuit artists. Art is how she connects with others within her culture, showcases her Inuit heritage, and expresses her Indigenous identity. Kabloona’s work puts a modern take on traditional Inuit imagery, and strong women frequently make appearances in her art. She co-founded a small group ceramics studio and has taught art as therapy at an addictions healing centre for Inuit, located in Ottawa. Last year, Kabloona was awarded a residency at the Art Gallery of Guelph, working with an Inuit curator, and created a new piece to be shown alongside her grandmother’s and great-grandmother’s artwork from the gallery’s collection.

Kim Gullion Stewart, Métis artist – Athabasca, Alberta (currently lives in Pinantan Lake, British Columbia)
“Flowers in Métis art remind people to live in a symbiotic way with land, waterways, ecosystems and one another. In this piece I have placed beaded flowers on top of contour lines representing the Rocky Mountains, twisty lines for rivers and dashes demarking political territories. While maps like this one are a two-dimensional record of historical process and places, they are incomplete until they include elements that are important to the people who are Indigenous on this continent.”

Gullion Stewart was born in Athabasca, Alberta. Her father’s heritage connects her to the Métis homeland of Red River, Man. She creates metaphorical meaning by connecting Métis cultural art forms (hide tanning, beading, quillwork) with contemporary and graphic art forms. In her art, she searches to uncover the depths of her Métis identity and learn Métis knowledge systems that have been hidden, lost or adapted as a survival mechanism. She is inspired by what Métis leader Louis Riel (1844-85) once said: “My people will sleep for 100 years, but when they awake it will be the artists who give them their spirit back.”

Blair Thomson, artist and graphic designer
“A pair of bold hands are held over the eyes and human face. Intended to be cross-representative — those of Indigenous Peoples/Survivors, covering their face in sadness, pain, memories, and those of the settler, masking their view of reality and shame. Tears stream from between the fingers. The background further connects to the school windows, looking out and dreaming of home. The eyes looking out from behind the hands reinforce the message that settlers must ‘never look away again.’”

Thomson is founder and creative director of Believe in, a design practice with studios in Canada and the United Kingdom. A harmony between strategic foundation, unique ideas and beautiful outcomes lies at the heart of his approach and creative processes. His work is multi-award winning and has been featured in many leading design publications worldwide. Thomson is the collector, archivist and historian responsible for Canada Modern (an archive of modernist, Canadian graphic design from 1960-85).
Stamps and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Timbres illustrant les visions d’artistes autochtones sur la vérité et la réconciliation
Émission de quatre timbres mettant en vedette des œuvres d’artistes inuit, métis et des Premières Nations

OTTAWA – Aujourd’hui, Postes Canada a dévoilé quatre nouveaux timbres qui suscitent sensibilisation et réflexion sur l’histoire tragique des pensionnats autochtones et le besoin de guérison et de réconciliation. Ces timbres seront émis le 29 septembre, la veille de la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, et constituent le premier volet d’une série annuelle illustrant la vision d’artistes inuit, métis et des Premières Nations sur la vérité et la réconciliation.

Des années 1830 à 1990, plus de 150 000 enfants inuit, métis et de Premières Nations de partout au pays ont été arrachés des bras de leur famille pour être envoyés dans des pensionnats autochtones créés par le gouvernement fédéral et dirigés par le clergé. Des milliers d’entre eux n’en sont jamais revenus. Dans ces établissements aux conditions non sécuritaires et propices à la maladie, on leur interdisait de parler leur langue maternelle. En plus d’être dépouillés de leur culture et de leurs traditions spirituelles, ces enfants ont subi des sévices physiques, sexuels et émotionnels, dont les traumatismes se font encore sentir chez les survivants et leur descendance.

Cette émission de quatre timbres invite les membres de la population à réfléchir aux injustices et aux traumatismes vécus par des générations de Premières Nations, d’Inuit et de Métis, et à assumer leurs responsabilités en ce qui a trait à la réconciliation. Les timbres sont oblitérés à Brantford, en Ontario, là où était situé le Mohawk Institute, dont l’ouverture au début des années 1830 en a fait le premier pensionnat autochtone du Canada. Par ailleurs, les timbres comportent des mots dans les langues traditionnelles et les dialectes régionaux des artistes qui ont créé les illustrations.

Jackie Traverse, artiste des Premières Nations (Lake St. Martin, Manitoba) – Anishinaabe, ojibwée
« Cette illustration représente l’espoir du changement. On peut y voir un homme et une femme (les aînées), leurs enfants et leurs petits-enfants. Au centre, le quatre-temps, notre fleur nationale non officielle, avec ses racines qui plongent vers le passé. Elle représente le Canada. L’image nous rappelle que pour que nous puissions tous profiter de récoltes abondantes aujourd’hui et demain, nous devons partager le soleil, l’eau et la terre. »

Jackie Traverse, artiste multidisciplinaire, grandit dans un des quartiers les plus durs de Winnipeg. Sa jeunesse est empreinte de tragédies : sa mère meurt très jeune, et ses frères et sœurs sont enlevés durant la rafle des années 1960. L’artiste utilise le multimédia, la peinture acrylique et à l’huile, l’animation image par image et la sculpture pour créer des œuvres dont elle puise l’inspiration dans sa culture et sa réalité de femme autochtone vivant à Winnipeg.

Gayle Uyagaqi Kabloona, artiste inuk – Qamani’tuaq (Baker Lake, Nunavut)
« Je crois que chaque groupe au Canada a une responsabilité différente en ce qui a trait à la réconciliation. En tant que peuples autochtones, nous avons une responsabilité envers nous-mêmes et les gens de nos communautés : apprendre ou enseigner nos langues et nos cultures qui ont été attaquées il n’y a de cela qu’une génération. J’ai créé l’image d’une femme qui allume une kudlik [ou qulliq], une lampe de pierre traditionnelle inuite servant à se réchauffer et à s’éclairer, ici symbole de compassion. Cette femme vit selon sa culture comme elle l’a toujours fait, guérissant et prenant soin d’elle-même et des autres. »

Originaire de Baker Lake, au Nunavut, Gayle Uyagaqi Kabloona est issue d’une famille d’artistes inuit renommés. L’art lui permet de faire briller son patrimoine inuit, de nouer des liens avec les autres en faisant rayonner sa culture et d’exprimer son identité autochtone. Elle aime moderniser un visuel traditionnellement inuit, et les vedettes de ses œuvres sont souvent des femmes fortes. Elle a fondé un atelier de céramique avec un petit groupe de personnes et enseigne l’art comme thérapie dans un centre de guérison pour les Inuit aux prises avec un problème de dépendance situé à Ottawa. L’an dernier, l’artiste a obtenu une résidence à l’Art Gallery of Guelph, en collaboration avec un conservateur inuit, et a produit une nouvelle création qui sera présentée aux côtés des œuvres de sa grand-mère et de son arrière-grand-mère.

Kim Gullion Stewart, artiste métisse – Athabasca, Alberta (elle vit à Pinantan Lake, en Colombie-Britannique)
« Les fleurs perlées rappellent la nécessité de vivre en symbiose avec la terre, les cours d’eau, les écosystèmes et les uns avec les autres. Sur ce motif, j’ai placé des fleurs perlées sur le tracé des montagnes Rocheuses, les lignes sinueuses qui représentent les rivières et les pointillés qui délimitent les territoires politiques. Bien que les cartes comme celle-ci constituent une archive bidimensionnelle de lieux et de processus historiques, elles sont incomplètes jusqu’à ce qu’elles intègrent des éléments importants pour les peuples indigènes du continent. »

Kim Gullion Stewart est née à Athabasca, en Alberta. Les racines de son père la relient à la patrie métisse de la rivière Rouge, au Manitoba. Elle crée des significations métaphoriques en reliant des procédés artistiques métis (tannage des peaux, perlage, courtepointe) à des procédés artistiques contemporains et graphiques. Sa démarche artistique la pousse à puiser dans les profondeurs de son identité métisse et à réapprendre des systèmes de connaissances métis qui ont été cachés, perdus ou adaptés aux fins de survie. « Les miens dormiront pendant 100 ans, et quand ils se réveilleront, ce seront les artistes qui leur rendront leur esprit. » Cette citation de Louis Riel (1844-1885) est une grande source d’inspiration pour Kim Gullion Stewart.

Blair Thomson, artiste et graphiste
« L’illustration présente des mains superposées à un visage humain. Ces mains représentent deux points de vue : celui des colons, qui masquent la réalité et leur honte, et celui des peuples autochtones, qui couvrent leur visage de tristesse, de douleur et de souvenirs. Des larmes coulent entre les doigts. L’arrière-plan rappelle les fenêtres des pensionnats à travers lesquelles les enfants regardaient en rêvant de retourner chez eux. Les yeux derrière les mains réitèrent que les colons ne doivent plus jamais détourner le regard. »

Blair Thomson est le fondateur et le directeur de création de Believe in, une agence de conception dont les ateliers se situent au Canada et au Royaume-Uni. La démarche artistique de Monsieur Thomson cherche à harmoniser fondements stratégiques, idées uniques et résultats magnifiques. Maintes fois primées, ses œuvres ont également été publiées dans de nombreuses publications de conception de renom partout sur la planète. Il est le collectionneur, l’archiviste et l’historien responsable de Canada Moderne, une archive du graphisme canadien moderne de 1960 à 1985.
Les timbres et les articles de collection sont en vente sur postescanada.ca et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays.

[press release from September 27, 2021]
Canada Post to issue new Truth and Reconciliation stamp in 2022
Annual stamp issue to help raise awareness and support spirit of healing

OTTAWA – In keeping with its commitment to the principles of truth and reconciliation, Canada Post is working with Indigenous experts to issue a Truth and Reconciliation stamp in 2022 – the first in what will be an annual series.

The stamp will be issued each year in connection with the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, a new federal day of commemoration on September 30 (held for the first time in 2021) to honour the lost children and survivors of residential schools, their families and communities. The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation also coincides with Orange Shirt Day, a national movement that began in 2013 to honour the more than 150,000 First Nations, Inuit and Métis children who were sent to residential schools. The annual stamp issue will help raise awareness about Indigenous truth and reconciliation and support a spirit of healing.

“Canada Post has a long history of sharing important Canadian stories through its stamp program. As a national storyteller and a public institution in virtually every community across Canada, we are committed to supporting the principles of truth and reconciliation,” says Doug Ettinger, President and CEO of Canada Post.

“As a country, it is part of our collective duty to acknowledge and honour the experiences of Indigenous peoples and to move forward together, in a spirit of healing. We hope this annual stamp series can help facilitate that.”

Canada Post has launched several initiatives and will launch others to mark the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and support the principles of truth and reconciliation:

  • On September 29 and 30, Canada Post employees are invited to wear orange shirts to work.
  • Beginning in 2022, the Canada Post Community Foundation will award an annual Signature Grant of $50,000 to a national organization that offers programming anchored in the principles of truth and reconciliation and that supports Indigenous children and youth across the country. In 2021, the Foundation awarded 17 grants, totalling approximately $270,000, to programs that support Indigenous youth.
  • Most of Canada Post’s operations, including all corporate post offices, will be closed September 30 to observe the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.
  • From September 24 to 30, Canada Post’s head office in Ottawa is being illuminated with orange light to commemorate the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. [see photo above]
  • In November 2020, the Corporation launched its Indigenous and Northern Reconciliation Strategy. To read more about the strategy, click here.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada émettra un nouveau timbre consacré à la vérité et à la réconciliation en 2022
L’émission annuelle permettra de sensibiliser le public à la cause dans un esprit de guérison

OTTAWA – Suivant son engagement à l’égard des principes de vérité et de réconciliation, Postes Canada collabore avec des experts autochtones pour émettre un timbre consacré à la vérité et à la réconciliation en 2022, le premier d’une série annuelle.

Un timbre sera émis chaque année à l’occasion de la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, un nouveau jour férié fédéral de commémoration qui a lieu le 30 septembre (et tenu pour la première fois en 2021). Cette journée rend hommage aux enfants disparus et aux survivants des pensionnats autochtones, ainsi qu’à leurs familles et leurs communautés. Elle coïncide avec la Journée du chandail orange, un mouvement national qui a commencé en 2013 pour rendre hommage aux quelque 150 000 enfants inuit, métis et des Premières Nations qui ont été envoyés dans les pensionnats. Cette émission aidera à sensibiliser les gens à la vérité et à la réconciliation avec les Autochtones dans un esprit de guérison.

« Postes Canada fait connaître depuis longtemps des histoires canadiennes importantes grâce à son programme des timbres-poste. À titre de conteur national et d’institution publique présente dans pratiquement toutes les collectivités du Canada, la Société est déterminée à appuyer les principes de vérité et de réconciliation », souligne Doug Ettinger, président-directeur général de Postes Canada.

« En tant que pays, nous avons le devoir collectif de reconnaître les expériences, de rendre hommage au vécu des peuples autochtones et d’aller de l’avant ensemble, dans un esprit de guérison. Nous espérons que cette série de timbres annuelle nous aidera à y parvenir. »

Postes Canada a lancé plusieurs initiatives et en lancera d’autres pour souligner la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, et pour appuyer les principes de vérité et de réconciliation :

  • Les 29 et 30 septembre, le personnel de Postes Canada est invité à porter un chandail orange au travail.
  • À compter de 2022, la Fondation communautaire de Postes Canada accordera une subvention annuelle Signature de 50 000 $ à un organisme national qui offre des programmes basés sur les principes de vérité et de réconciliation, et qui vient en aide aux enfants et aux jeunes autochtones partout au pays. En 2021, la Fondation a accordé 17 subventions totalisant environ 270 000 $ à des programmes qui soutiennent les jeunes Autochtones.
  • Postes Canada suspendra la plupart de ses activités et tous les bureaux de poste de la Société seront fermés le 30 septembre afin de souligner la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation.
  • Du 24 au 30 septembre, le siège social de Postes Canada à Ottawa est illuminé en orange.
  • En novembre 2020, la Société a lancé sa stratégie de réconciliation avec les communautés autochtones et du Nord. Apprenez-en davantage sur la stratégie.

Chicagopex Stamp Show Is Back

[press release]
Chicagopex Stamp Show Is Back!

CHICAGO, Sept. 26, 2021 – Chicagopex takes place Nov. 19-21, 2021, at the Westin Chicago Northwest, 400 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL, 60143. The show runs 10am-6pm on Friday and Saturday. It runs 10am-4pm on Sunday. Admission and parking are free.

The show marks the 135th anniversary of the Chicago Philatelic Society and will feature almost 300 frames of exhibits, which may be viewed by the public. Many of them are from exhibitors from the convening societies: Germany Philatelic Society, the Lithuania Philatelic Society, Polonus Polish Philatelic Society, and the American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors. AAPE is hosting its single frame team competition, while GPS is back in Chicago with many of its study groups offering talks and meetings too.

Chicagopex is also hosting its 55th annual literature competition, featuring entries in a variety of formats including print and digital.

The convening societies are offering special presentations and meetings open to the public. See the full Chicagopex schedule for details. On Friday night, there are dinners for the convening societies’ members and guests, and on Saturday, show-goers are invited to attend the show banquet. Both events require reservations in advance.

Speakers include:

  • APS Executive Director Scott English at 11am Friday hosting a town hall for the American Philatelic Society.
  • James Mazepa at noon Saturday speaking on “Postal Systems in Liberated Poland – 1944-1945.”
  • Jim Hill at 2pm Saturday speaking on “Around the World on the Graf Zeppelin.”

There will be multiple opportunities to get books signed (with books available for purchase) in the hotel lobby:

  • Each day 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. – “Walt Disney’s First Superstar: Mickey Mouse,” Vols. 1 and 2, by author Edward Bergen
  • Friday and Sunday 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. – “U.S. Zeppelin and Airship Mail Flights” by Cheryl Ganz and “Carol Gordon: Cachetmaker” by Susan B. Jones.
  • Saturday 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. – “The History of Airmail in Poland” by Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski

Other groups with meetings and/or speakers include: the American Topical Association, the British North America Philatelic Society, Chicago Philatelic Society (CPS), the Collectors Club of Chicago, the Collectors Club [of New York], Germany Philatelic Society Chapter #5, and Illinois Postal History Society.

The show committee expects about 70 dealer booths, booths for USPS and UNPA, a youth booth and a book sale by the Collectors Club of Chicago.

All meetings and speeches are free and open to the public. When booking a room, ask for the Chicagopex special rate. The hotel phone number is 630-773-4000. For more information visit www.chicagopex.org.

About Chicago Philatelic Society (CPS):
Organized Oct. 8, 1886, as a continuation of the Chicago Stamp Collectors Union, which was organized in Dec. 1884, CPS is chapter no. 1 of the American Philatelic Society and one of two organizations with the longest uninterrupted service to philately in the United States.

Follow CPS on social media:

James Hautman Wins 2021 Duck Stamp Competition

[press release]
Minnesota Artist James Hautman Wins 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest
Federal Duck Stamp Supports Wildlife Conservation

After two days of competition, James Hautman of Chaska, Minnesota, emerged as the winner of the 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest with his painting of a pair of redheads floating in the water. The announcement was made via live stream at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters in Falls Church, Virginia.

Hautman’s acrylic painting will be made into the 2022-2023 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, or “Duck Stamp”, which will go on sale in late June 2022. The Service produces the Federal Duck Stamp, which sells for $25 and raises approximately $40 million in sales each year. These funds support critical conservation to protect wetland habitats in the National Wildlife Refuge System for the benefit of wildlife and the enjoyment of people.

This year, the Migratory Bird Conservation Commission, chaired by Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, approved the allocation of more than $111 million from the fund, made up partly of Duck Stamp dollars, to support the acquisition of lands from willing sellers for the Refuge System. The new areas provide additional access to the public to some of the most spectacular places available for hunting, fishing, birdwatching, hiking, and other outdoor activities.

“The talent at this year’s Duck Stamp contest was incredible,” said Service Principal Deputy Director Martha Williams. “The remarkable attention to detail showcases the birds’ beauty in their natural environment. The sale of Duck Stamps plays a major role in the conservation of public lands and is an essential component of the Biden-Harris administration’s America the Beautiful initiative to conserve 30 percent of our land and waters by 2030. Buy a Duck Stamp and help conserve habitat that protects wildlife and provides recreational opportunities such as hunting, fishing, birdwatching, and hiking.”

Since it was first established in 1934, sales of the Duck Stamp to hunters, bird watchers, outdoor enthusiasts, and collectors have raised more than $1.1 billion to conserve over 6 million acres of habitat for birds and other wildlife and provide countless opportunities for hunting and other wildlife-oriented recreation on our public lands.

Waterfowl hunters age 16 and older are required to purchase and carry the current Federal Duck Stamp. Many non-hunters, including birdwatchers, conservationists, stamp collectors, and others also purchase the stamp in support of habitat conservation. Additionally, a current Federal Duck Stamp can be used for free admission to any national wildlife refuge that charges an entry fee.

In addition to James Hautman, Robert Hautman of Delano, Minnesota, placed second with his acrylic painting of Ross’s geese, and Joshua Spies of Sioux Falls, South Dakota, took third place with his acrylic painting of a flying drake redhead.

[Hautman’s brothers Robert (who placed second this year) and Joe have also won the duck stamp competition multiple times. Together, the three brothers have won 14 of the last 32 competitions. Jim has won 5 of those, starting in 1990. They have a joint website, Hautman.com, where they sell prints.—VSC]

Per the 2020 final rule requiring a theme of “celebrating our waterfowl hunting heritage,” this contest had a mandatory requirement that each entry had a waterfowl hunting scene and/or accessory. Of 137 entries judged in this year’s competition, 14 entries made it to the final round of judging. Eligible species for this year’s Federal Duck Stamp Contest were the greater white-fronted goose, Ross’s goose, blue-winged teal, king eider, and redhead. View the online gallery of the 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest entries.

The judges for this year’s Federal Duck Stamp Contest were: Paul Rhymer, artist; Dave Goyer, philatelist; Wayne Hubbard, conservation partner; Larry Richardson, artist; and Dixie Sommers, conservation partner.

You can contribute to conservation and America’s great outdoors tradition by buying Federal Duck Stamps at many national wildlife refuges, sporting goods stores, and other retailers, through the U.S. Postal Service, or online at http://www.fws.gov/birds/get-involved/duck-stamp/buy-duck-stamp.php.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information, visit www.fws.gov, or connect with us through any of these social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.

75 Years of Brcko-Banovici Railway (Srpska 2021)

Poste Srpske Ad — the postal agency of the Republic of Srpska – Bosnia and Herzegovina — issued a souvenir sheet September 17th. The European Commission designated year 2021 as the “European Year of Rail.” (You can click on the pictures here for larger versions.)

According to the Poste Srpske Ad website, via Google Translate:

The Second World War was far more destructive for the area – where the united South Slavic peoples lived until the beginning of the 1990s – than the First. The then Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia emerged from the greatest war conflict in the history of mankind so far with a completely destroyed economy. In the central republic of this state union – Bosnia and Herzegovina – the economic capacities and the traffic network were completely destroyed, so that immediately after the end of the war, plans for their reconstruction were adopted.

Within these plans, the construction of the Brčko-Banovići normal gauge railway (1,435 mm) was an absolute priority. For the post-war economic recovery of socialist Yugoslavia, it was necessary to provide a good raw material base. Rich deposits of relatively high-calorie, Banović coal forced the highest leaderships of BiH and the FPRY to plan the construction of a railway connection between Banović and the nearest major traffic hub, Brčko, as early as the beginning of 1946. From mid-March to the end of April 1946, preparations for the realization of this project lasted, and on the Labor Day of the first youth work brigade in the Federal People’s Republic of Yugoslavia, work began on the route of the future railway.

Under the slogan “We are building the railway, the railway is building us”, 220 brigades worked on 24 sections, with a total of 62,268 young men and women from all over Yugoslavia, and they were assisted by about 2,000 volunteers from abroad. In order to build 92 kilometers of railway between Brcko and Banovic, the brigadiers – mostly by hand, with very few tools and without mechanization – had to dig 1.36 million cubic meters of earth and 134 thousand cubic meters of stone, drill three tunnels and build 22 bridges, 25 kilometers of embankment and 177 other facilities. The railway was completed in only 190 days of hard work, and it was ceremoniously opened to traffic on November 7, 1946.

The Brčko-Banovići railway was the first federal action of the Yugoslav youth, and even today the words of the famous writer Miroslav Krleža resound on its rails: “This is not the first railway in the world for sure, but it is the first built by children …”

—Nebojša Đumić

In addition to the souvenir sheet, Poste Srpske Ad also is offering a first day cover (shown right). The direct link to this issue on the website is here.

The face value for the souvenir sheet is BAM 7,30 or € 3,73, which is about US$4.37. The FDC sells for BAM 9,30 or about US$5.58 or €4.75.

First-Time Winner for FDC Writing Award

[press release]
“Newcomer” Wins AFDCS Writing Award

The American First Day Cover Society’s Philip H. Ward, Jr., Memorial Award for Excellence in First Day Cover Literature published in 2020 was given to Kris McIntosh (right) for her article “The Fight for the Women’s Right to Vote,” which appeared in the October 2020 issue of The American Philatelist. It is her first Ward Award.

Second place went to “Al Fluegel and the Missing ‘68s” by Steven Altman, which was published in the May-June 2020 issue of First Days and the June 2020 edition of The U.S. Specialist. This was also the first time Altman has been cited by the Ward Award committee.

Ken Lawrence won third place with an article in the January 20, 2020, issue of Linn’s Stamp News, “Freda Dickie Weaver, Multi-Talented First Day Cover Cachet Artist.” He previously won the Ward in 1996 and 2019, and shared it with other authors in 1989.

A complete list of past winners can be found on the AFDCS website.

All articles published in First Days, the official journal of the AFDCS, are automatically considered for the Ward Award. Other articles and publications may be submitted for consideration.

Philip Henry Ward, Jr., began servicing first day covers in 1909. Although an electrical engineer by trade, he wrote on new issues for The American Philatelist, Mekeel’s Weekly Stamp News and The Weekly Philatelic Gazette in the early 20th century.

The American First Day Cover Society is a not-for-profit educational organization. In addition to First Days, the AFDCS also publishes handbooks and catalogues, and promotes the collecting of both modern and “classic” issues and cachets, as well as exhibiting FDCs. It offers awards for outstanding first day cover exhibits and an annual contest for cachetmakers, and is a co-host of the annual Great American Stamp Show.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit www.afdcs.org, e-mail afdcs@afdcs.org or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 246, Colonial Beach, VA 22443-0246.

AFDCS Recognizes Volunteers With 2021 Awards

For Immediate Release
AFDCS Recognizes Volunteers With 2021 Awards

The American First Day Cover Society is recognizing more than half a dozen of its members for their service to the organization. At its annual convention, held in conjunction with Great American Stamp Show in August in Rosemont, Ill., Glenn C. Michel Special Recognition Awards were presented to:

  • Tom Peluso (posthumously), who often donated his artistic talents: He produced many convention event covers and donated many of his Therome Cachets FDCs to the Society’s auctions through the cachet contest;
  • Otto Thamasett, for coordinating the Graebner Chapter portion of the AFDCS Americover Hospitality Suite for over 15 years, including donations to the Hospitality Suite Silent Auction;
  • Chris Lazaroff, Tris Fall, and Jim Hogg for serving on the search committee that

    Gary Dickinson

    selected the new AFDCS editor and executive secretary, after those posts became vacant because of the coronavirus pandemic;

  • Gary Dickinson, for writing a column on Canadian FDCs in First Days for more than 10 years, and compiling a catalogue of Elvis Presley FDCs;
  • John White and members of the Claude C. Ries Chapter Auction Committee (co-chaired by Michael Litvak and Dave Bennett), for their work on the highly-successful semi-annual AFDCS auctions.

Michel Awards can be won by the same person more than once and winners are chosen by a committee chaired by James Tatum, Jr. The award is named after “Mike” Michel, the AFDCS general counsel who guided the society through a reorganization in the mid-1980s.

The American First Day Cover Society is a not-for-profit educational organization. In addition to First Days, the AFDCS also publishes handbooks and catalogues, and promotes the collecting of both modern and “classic” issues and cachets, as well as exhibiting FDCs. It offers awards for outstanding first day cover exhibits and an annual contest for cachetmakers, and is a co-host of the annual Great American Stamp Show.

For more information about the AFDCS, visit www.afdcs.org, e-mail afdcs@afdcs.org or write the AFDCS at Post Office Box 246, Colonial Beach, VA 22443-0246.

Watch U.S. Duck Stamp Judging Live (FWS 2021)

[press release]
Join the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the 2021 Virtual Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s annual national wildlife art competition – the 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest – will be broadcast live on September 24 and 25.

The media and public are invited to view the contest via live webcast as five judges review 137 contest entries and select the winning artwork. Judging for the duck stamp begins at 10:00 a.m. EST, Friday and 10:00 a.m. EST, Saturday, with the final selection announced around noon. This event is not open to the public this year. Tune in for video cameos from Service Principal Deputy Director, Martha Williams, artists, and other members of the conservation community.

The winning art selected will appear on the 2022-2023 Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp, or “Duck Stamp”. The Federal Duck Stamp plays a critically important role in wildlife conservation. Since 1934, sales from the iconic stamp have raised more than $1.1 billion to protect over 6 million acres of wetlands habitat.

More information is available here.

What: Selection of the 2021 Federal Duck Stamp Art Contest Winner

When: September 24 and 25, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. EST (judging begins at 10:00 a.m., daily; winning artwork expected to be announced on Saturday between 11:00 a.m. and noon)

Where: Virtual Webcast

Who: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. For more information, visit www.fws.gov, or connect with us through any of these social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Flickr.  [The Flickr site has pictures of some or all of the entries.]