February 4, 2015
For Immediate Release
WSS-NY 2016 President on APS Stamp Talk
World Stamp Show-NY 2016 President Wade Saadi was interviewed January 28 by host Nancy Clark in a recent live production of her well-known “APS Stamp Talk” WSRadio.com podcast. A link to the broadcast can be found at http://www.ny2016.org/SubSubMenu/NY_2016_President_Wade_Saadi_on_APS_Stamp_Talk.aspx?id=25.
The first 30 minutes of the hour-long show dealt with WSS-NY 2016 details, in essence becoming a “State of the Show” report.
It started with a brief discussion of how Saadi balances time between his business and show commitments. He is president and founder of Pencom Systems, a high-tech personnel staffing company operating since 1973. While not retired, he does plan to spend less time at work and more on show activities as its opening nears.
Unlike prior U.S. internationals, WSS-NY 2016 has a much more geographically diverse committee thanks to modern technology. Some of the 25 members come from across the country. All were selected for their expertise in various aspects of philately and show management and are volunteers, with the exception of the Executive Director, who is paid per international norms. Meetings are held regularly at the Collectors Club in New York City with those unable to attend in person phoning in.
When asked about the show’s goals, Saadi was very definitive in his answer. Much is being done to ensure all attendees have a great and memorable experience at an affordable price. On the fiscal side all hope to match the success of Washington 2006, which not only donated $100,000 seed money for the next international but made additional contributions to the APS and numerous other philatelic programs.
Commenting further, Saadi has encountered, “no major snags of consequence.”
To date 134 of 204 dealer booths have been reserved, slightly ahead of estimates at this time. Overseas dealers typically book much closer to show time. Invitations to postal administrations have just gone out. Herrick Stamp Company and Inter-Governmental Philatelic Corporation that represent over 50 stamp issuing countries among them were the first two to sign up. UNPA will definitely attend.
The U.S. Postal Service is a major sponsor of the eight day show. Saadi guesses they may host more First Day ceremonies than at any U.S. international to date. He learned of the rumor that USPS might release a promotional issue for WSS-NY 2016 during APS Stamp Show in August the same way everyone else did, in Linn’s Stamp News.
Exhibitors are pleased that the show’s Bulletin is now available. Copies should be requested from the exhibitor’s respective national commissioner. Response from FIP member representatives has been swift with 77 already naming national commissioners, another 7 committed to attend, and more expected to participate. The four full color ads in the brochure completely paid for its printing
In a surprise, Saadi mentioned that the show is in the planning stages of arranging celebrity autograph sessions during WSS-NY 2016. While there is a short list of prospects, he was unable comment further as nothing has yet been finalized.
One of the country’s largest trade event companies, Freeman, was selected as the show decorator. USPS chose them to design their area for Washington 2006.
Four major auction houses have been chosen to date. They include Auktionshaus Christoph Gärtner, Daniel F. Kelleher Auctions, Schuyler J. Rumsey Philatelic Auctions and Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries. Up to two more official auctioneers may be selected.
Full show information can be found online at http://www.ny2016.org. Also see the exhibition’s Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest sites.