More Old Sacramento Photos

No, no, this isn’t a photo of a stamp collector in the hotel bar after TurkeyPex 2022 (or 1872, for that matter). It’s one of the displays from Old Sacramento State Park, a little over a mile from the convention center where Great American Stamp Show 2022 will be held August 25-28. You might want to leave some time in your trip to visit Old Sacramento. It looks as if it will be worthwhile.

Canada’s 2022 Stamp Programme

Pre-2022 overview story is here.

Updated December 31st.

January 21
February 7
March 1
April 7
April 12
April 22
May 20
June 7
June 9
June 21
July 7
July 21
September 19
September 21
September 29
October 6
October 17
October 28
November 1
November 1
November 7
November 14
Black History: jazz artist Eleanor Collins Sc. 3316
Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Sc. 3317 pane, 3318 booklet
Flowers: Calla Sc. 3319-23 (see page)
Organ and Tissue Donation Sc. 3324
Eid Sc. 3325
Singer Salome Bey Sc. 3226
Endangered Whales Sc. 3327 (souvenir sheet), 3328-3332
Gov. General’s Foot Guards (env) Sc. TBA
Vintage Travel Posters (CAPEX) Sc. 3333 (souvenir sheet), 3334-3338
Indigenous Leaders (3) Sc. 3339 (souvenir sheet), 3340-3342
Ukraine Relief Sc. TBA
Vintage Carousels Sc. 3343, 3344-3348
Community Foundation Sc. B33
1972 Canada-USSR Summit Hockey Series Sc. 3349
Truth & Reconciliation Sc. 3350-3
Diwali Sc. 3354
Canadians in Flight (second set) Sc. 3355-60 (See page)
Remembrance Day: Tommy Prince Sc. 3361, 3362 for booklet version
Christmas Star (modern take on Nativity) Sc. 3364
Holidays Birds Sc. 3363, 3365-7 (see page)
Hanukkah Sc. 3368
Monique Mercure Sc. 3369 single from pane, 3370 booklet single

For all Canadian new issues:The press release issued December 20:
[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Indigenous leaders, legendary singers, and vintage travel posters and carousels among subjects in Canada’s 2022 stamp program
Other stamps will shine a spotlight on the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, organ and tissue donation and endangered whales

OTTAWA – The 2022 Canadian stamp program will celebrate some of the country’s most accomplished individuals, historic milestones, holidays, and creatures that share our planet.

The line-up includes the following subjects, among others:

  • Two legendary jazz and blues singers
  • Life-saving organ and tissue donation
  • Vintage travel posters, which will be launched at the CAPEX 22 international philatelic exhibition in Toronto
  • Three eminent Indigenous leaders
  • The plight of endangered whales in Canadian waters
  • Vintage carousels that are the pride of five Canadian communities
  • The National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, which honours the lost children and survivors of the residential school system and their families and communities
  • Canadians in Flight, part II, a return trip showcasing more examples of aeronautical prowess.

The following popular series will also return:

  • Our annual Flower stamps will bloom with elegant callas.
  • The Canada Post Community Foundation issue will once again encourage Canadians to support children and youth.
  • New Eid, Diwali and Hanukkah stamps will honour the spirit of these cultural celebrations.
  • Annual Christmas and holiday stamp issues will feature a modern take on the Nativity and messages of good cheer from three beautiful birds.

Canada Post is proud of its role as one of Canada’s storytellers. The independent Stamp Advisory Committee recommends the subjects for the annual stamp program and relies on thoughtful input from groups and individuals to ensure that those chosen are meaningful to all Canadians.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Dirigeants autochtones, chanteuses légendaires, et affiches touristiques et carrousels d’époque parmi les sujets choisis pour le programme des timbres-poste du Canada de 2022
D’autres timbres porteront sur la Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, le don d’organes et de tissus ainsi que les baleines en voie de disparition

OTTAWA – Le programme des timbres-poste du Canada de 2022 comptera parmi ses sujets variés des Canadiens accomplis, des moments marquants de l’histoire, des fêtes et des créatures avec lesquelles nous partageons notre planète.

Voici quelques-uns des sujets au programme:

  • Deux chanteuses légendaires de jazz et de blues.
  • Dons d’organes et de tissus qui sauvent des vies.
  • Affiches touristiques d’époque, dont le lancement aura lieu à l’exposition philatélique internationale CAPEX 22 à Toronto.
  • Trois éminents dirigeants autochtones.
  • Le sort des baleines en voie de disparition dans les eaux canadiennes.
  • Carrousels d’époque qui font la fierté de cinq communautés canadiennes.
  • La Journée nationale de la vérité et de la réconciliation, qui rend hommage aux survivants du système des pensionnats et aux enfants qui ne sont jamais rentrés chez eux, ainsi qu’à leurs familles et leurs communautés.
  • Exploits de l’aviation canadienne, partie II, un nouveau volet qui met en vedette d’autres prouesses aéronautiques

Les séries populaires suivantes seront aussi de retour:

  • Notre série annuelle de timbres sur les fleurs qui seront ornés d’élégantes callas.
  • Le timbre de la Fondation communautaire de Postes Canada qui invitera encore une fois les Canadiens à soutenir les enfants et les jeunes.
  • De nouveaux timbres consacrés à l’Aïd, à Diwali et à Hanoukka qui rendront hommage à l’esprit de ces fêtes culturelles.
  • Les timbres annuels de Noël et des Fêtes présentant un regard moderne sur la Nativité ainsi que trois superbes oiseaux porteurs de messages de gaieté.

Postes Canada est fière de faire partie des conteurs du Canada. Le Comité consultatif sur les timbres-poste, qui travaille de façon indépendante, recommande les sujets du programme annuel des timbres en s’appuyant sur la contribution réfléchie de groupes et de particuliers pour s’assurer que les sujets choisis sont significatifs pour tous les Canadiens.

Veteran Stamp Dealer Stanley Piller Dies

U.S. Classics dealer Stanley Piller has passed away, according to posts online. He was elected earlier this year as president of the American Stamp Dealers Association. According to his Facebook page, he was born October 21, 1942.

A native of New York City, Piller was living in Contra Costa County, Calif., east of Oakland. According to his firm’s website, he had been a member of the APS since 1963 and of the ASDA since 1971. He began selling covers as a child, and purchased an existing stamp store in 1976. He had a masters degree in Chemical Engineering.

Piller was author of the book New York Postmaster’s Provisional and had written for philatelic periodicals such as Stamp Collector and Scott Stamp Monthly. He was also an expertizer for all three of the services.

Near GASS 2022: Old Sacramento

About a mile from the convention center where Great American Stamp Show 2022 is being held is Old Sacramento State Park. Shown here is the B.F. Hastings Bank Building, built in 1852, which served as the western endpoint of the Pony Express. It’s part of a 28-acre state park that was Sacramento’s waterfront during the Gold Rush.And just to give you an idea of where it is in relation to the stamp show at the SAFE Convention Center:

More To See During GASS 2022 Than Just Stamps

Please note these important announcements May 4th on hotel rooms and exhibit frames.

Meanwhile here are some of the messages and pictures we’ve posted on tourism opportunities in Sacramento during Great American Stamp Show 2022, August 25-28.:

GASS 2022 Side Trip: Crocker Museum

One site you might like to visit while in Sacramento for Great American Stamp Show 2022 is the Crocker Museum: It began in the mid 1800s as a personal gallery of the wealthy Crocker family and is still one of the leading museums in California today.It is about 1.4 miles from the SAFE Credit Union Convention Center where the stamp show is being held, or about 25 minutes by mass transit.

Writer Margaret Atwood (Canada 2021)

Updated November 26th:
Stamp Specifications:Reuters coverage of the ceremony:

CTV coverage of the ceremony:

Updated November 25th:From left to right: Sarah Polley, actress, writer, director, producer and political activist, Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, National Chair of The Word On The Street Canada, Chair of the Harold Innis Foundation, Co-founder of the Women and Gender Studies Institute at the University of Toronto, and citizen activist, internationally renowned Margaret Atwood and Doug Ettinger, President and CEO of Canada Post.

[press release] [click on photos for larger versions]
Internationally renowned Margaret Atwood featured on new stamp
Prolific, award-winning author one of Canada’s most successful literary figures

TORONTO – Canada Post today unveiled a new commemorative stamp to honour literary giant Margaret Atwood and her incredible 60-year career.

With more than 50 works to her credit – including novels, short fiction, poetry, criticism, graphic novels and children’s stories – Atwood is among the most successful and admired writers Canada has ever known.

Born in Ottawa in 1939, the best-selling writer burst onto the literary scene in the early 1960s with two award-winning collections of poetry, Double Persephone and The Circle Game. In 1969, she established herself as a serious writer of fiction with her first novel, The Edible Woman.

Sometimes referred to as “the queen of CanLit,” Atwood has sold millions of books, which have been translated into more than 30 languages. Several of her works have been adapted into films and critically acclaimed television series, including the Emmy Award-winning series The Handmaid’s Tale.

Atwood’s success is also reflected in the international acclaim and numerous awards and honours she has received, among them the Giller Prize, two Booker Prizes, two Governor General’s Literary Awards, a Guggenheim Fellowship, the Franz Kafka International Literary Prize and the PEN Pinter Prize. She is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Chevalier of France’s Ordre des Arts et des Lettres, an International Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and, in 1981, she was named a Companion of the Order of Canada.The stamp, designed by Steven Slipp and printed by Lowe-Martin, features a photograph by renowned photographer Ruven Afanador, with the lines “A word after a word after a word is power” from her poem “Spelling.” The front of the Official First Day Cover [shown below] showcases a sketch by the author entitled Neither fish nor flesh (1975). The cancel – a raven silhouette symbolizing Atwood’s interest in birds – is postmarked in Toronto, which was chosen due to the author’s deep connections to the city’s publishing community.The stamp and collectibles are available at and postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un nouveau timbre met en vedette Margaret Atwood, auteure de renommée internationale
Auteure prolifique et récipiendaire de plusieurs prix, elle est l’une des plus grandes figures littéraires au Canada

TORONTO – Aujourd’hui, Postes Canada a dévoilé un nouveau timbre commémoratif en l’honneur de la légendaire auteure Margaret Atwood et de ses soixante années de carrière.

Avec plus de 50 œuvres à son actif, dont des romans, des nouvelles, des poèmes, des critiques, des romans graphiques et des histoires pour enfants, Margaret Atwood est l’une des écrivaines les plus brillantes et les plus acclamées du Canada.

Née à Ottawa en 1939, cette auteure à succès fait son entrée sur la scène littéraire au début des années 1960 avec ses recueils de poésie primés, Double Persephone et The Circle Game. C’est en 1969, lors de la publication de son premier roman, La femme comestible, que Margaret Atwood se distingue comme romancière.

Parfois surnommée « Queen of CanLit » (reine de la littérature canadienne), Margaret Atwood vend des millions de livres traduits dans plus de 30 langues. Plusieurs de ses œuvres sont adaptées pour le cinéma et la télévision, notamment la série télévisée acclamée par la critique La servante écarlate, qui a remporté des prix Emmy.

La renommée internationale de Margaret Atwood et les nombreux prix et prestigieuses récompenses qu’elle a reçus, comme le prix Giller, deux prix Booker, deux Prix littéraires du Gouverneur général, une bourse Guggenheim, le prix littéraire international Franz Kafka et le prix PEN Pinter, témoignent aussi de son succès. Elle est membre de la Société royale du Canada, Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres de France, membre honoraire international de l’American Academy of Arts and Sciences et, depuis 1981, Compagnon de l’Ordre du Canada.Le timbre, conçu par Steven Slipp et imprimé par Lowe-Martin, présente une photo prise par le célèbre photographe Ruven Afanador. En arrière-plan, on peut lire la phrase « A word after a word after a word is power » (Un mot après un mot après un mot, c’est le pouvoir), un vers tiré du poème Spelling de Margaret Atwood. Le recto du pli Premier Jour officiel présente un dessin de l’auteure intitulé Neither fish nor flesh (1975). Le cachet d’oblitération, une silhouette de corbeau inspirée de l’intérêt d’Atwood pour les oiseaux, porte la mention « Toronto ON » en hommage aux liens profonds que l’écrivaine entretient avec la communauté éditoriale de la métropole.Le timbre et les articles de collection sont en vente sur et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays.

Framed Art product:[Media Advisory from November 22]
Canada Post recognizes acclaimed writer Margaret Atwood with new stamp

Canada Post invites you to attend the unveiling of a special stamp in honour of renowned Canadian writer, Margaret Atwood, at the Toronto Reference Library on Thursday, November 25.

[Photo: Author Margaret Atwood at the 2015 Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas, United States. © 2015 Larry D. Moore. Licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. More on at Atwood in Wikipedia.]

Note: Due to COVID-19 capacity restrictions and protocols, the event is open to a limited number of people. Any media interested in attending are required to confirm their attendance to by Wednesday, November 24.
Those registered to attend will receive all required COVID-19 protocols in advance to help maintain everyone’s safety.

Who: In attendance at the live event will be the following:

  • Margaret Atwood
  • Sarah Polley, actress, writer, director, producer and political activist
  • Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, National Chair of The Word On The Street Canada, Chair of the Harold Innis Foundation, Co-founder of the Women and Gender Studies Institute at the University of Toronto, and citizen activist

Where: Bram and Bluma Appel Salon
Toronto Reference Library
789 Yonge Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto

When: Thursday, November 25, at 11 a.m.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada rend hommage à l’auteure acclamée Margaret Atwood avec un nouveau timbre

TORONTO – Postes Canada vous invite au dévoilement d’un timbre émis tout spécialement en l’honneur de la célèbre auteure canadienne, Margaret Atwood, à la Toronto Reference Library, le jeudi 25 novembre.

Remarque: En raison des limites de capacité et des mesures liées à la COVID-19, seul un nombre limité de personnes pourront assister à l’événement. Les représentants des médias qui souhaitent y prendre part doivent confirmer leur présence à l’adresse d’ici le mercredi 24 novembre.
Les personnes inscrites seront informées à l’avance de toutes les mesures relatives à la COVID-19 à respecter pour assurer la sécurité de tous.

Qui: Invités présents:
Margaret Atwood
Sarah Polley, actrice, scénariste, réalisatrice, productrice et activiste politique
Ceta Ramkhalawansingh, présidente nationale de The Word On The Street Canada, présidente de la Harold Innis Foundation, cofondatrice du Women and Gender Studies Institute de l’Université de Toronto, et militante citoyenne

Où: Bram and Bluma Appel Salon
Toronto Reference Library
789, rue Yonge, 2e étage, Toronto

Quand: Jeudi 25 novembre à 11 h (HE)


Events at London 2022

[press release]
There will be more than the booths and exhibits to explore at London 2022, the international stamp exhibition taking place on 19 to 26 February at London’s Business Design Centre in Islington.

Over thirty philatelic societies will be holding meetings during the exhibition. Details of which societies are meeting, together with the date and time, can be found by viewing the exhibition website, In addition, some fifteen societies will each have a table at the exhibition on Wednesday, 23 February, an opportunity to meet existing members, and welcome those who would like to know more. Again, details are on the website.

The European Federation of Philatelic Associations, FEPA, is holding two seminars. The first will be take place from midday to 2pm on Sunday, 20 February and will be conducted by John Davies FRPSL on ‘Best Practice in Youth Philately’. This seminar is aimed at those who either actively work in youth philately or have a role in marketing or sponsoring youth philately. Of course, anyone who is considering how to get involved in youth philately or is simply interested in what’s going on in that field is welcome.

The second seminar will take as its theme ‘Digitalisation and Social Media in Philately’, and will be led by Dr Eric Scherer on Friday, 25 February from 10am to midday. This seminar is ideally suited for those who are seeking advice on how to connect philately and social media and are planning to explore the opportunities. Hopefully participants who can share their experiences will make this seminar more meaningful. Anyone who is broadly interested to learn about digitalisation in philately will certainly find this seminar helpful.

In addition, the FIP (International Federation of Philately) will be holding meetings of a number of the Commissions that are involved with particular aspects of our hobby. These will be: Astrophilately (Monday, 21 February); Traditional (Wednesday, 23 February); Revenues (Wednesday, 23 February); Literature (Thursday, 24 February); Postal History (Thursday, 25 February); Postal Stationery (Friday, 25 February).

Those intending to attend the seminars or Commission meetings are advised to check the timing and location in advance.

London 2022 will be open each day from 10am to 6pm (closing at 4pm on Saturday, 26 February). Entry costs £10 on the first day, tickets now available by visiting; admission is free on all other days.

Viewing Exhibits at London 2022

[press release]
As always with international stamp exhibitions held in London, demand has been high to display competitively at London 2022, the international stamp exhibition taking place on 19 to 26 February at London’s Business Design Centre in Islington.

Following the successful formula adopted at London 2010, the exhibits will be on display in two sections.

Exhibits of Postal History, Postal Stationery, Open Class, Picture Postcards, Revenues and part of the Youth Class will be on display from Saturday, 19 February until midday on Tuesday, 22 February.

Entries of Traditional Philately, Aerophilately, Thematics, the remainder of the Youth Class, plus exhibits for the World Stamp Championship, can be seen from Wednesday, 23 February until midday on Friday, 25 February.

There will be an opportunity during Saturday, 26 February to see those exhibits that have been recognised as the ‘Best in Class’, as well as the Grand Prix and World Stamp Championship winners.

London 2022 will be open each day from 10am to 6pm (closing at 4pm on Saturday, 26 February). Entry costs £10 on the first day, tickets now available by visiting; admission is free on all other days.