Hanukkah 2022 (Canada 2022)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp celebrates the Jewish Festival of Lights
The contemporary illustration reflects the joyful spirit of Hanukkah

OTTAWA – Today Canada Post launched the fifth stamp in its ongoing series celebrating Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of Lights. The new stamp reflects the joyful spirit of the festival through a vibrant, contemporary interpretation of the flames on an eight-branched menorah.

Hanukkah is one of the more widely embraced celebrations in the Jewish calendar. An opportunity for reflection and a celebration of triumph and tenacity, it commemorates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after the Jewish people reclaimed it from their oppressors around 165 BCE.

According to Jewish tradition, the Temple’s menorah was to burn continuously, but there was enough oil to last only one day. Miraculously, it lasted the eight days needed to harvest, press and transport a fresh supply of oil.

This miracle is commemorated through the kindling of a special Hanukkah menorah known as a hanukkiyah – a candelabrum bearing a row of eight candle or oil holders. Each evening an additional light is kindled using the shamash (helper candle).

Designed by Andrew Lewis, the stamp was cancelled in Montréal on November 7, in advance of Hanukkah, which this year takes place from nightfall December 18 to nightfall December 26.

The 2022 Hanukkah stamp is available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un nouveau timbre en l’honneur de la fête juive des Lumières
L’interprétation contemporaine reflète l’esprit joyeux de Hanoukka.

OTTAWA – Postes Canada lance aujourd’hui le cinquième timbre de sa série célébrant Hanoukka. Interprétation contemporaine et vivante des flammes d’une menorah à huit branches, ce nouveau timbre reflète l’esprit joyeux de la fête juive des Lumières.

Hanoukka est l’une des plus grandes fêtes du calendrier juif. Se voulant une occasion de réfléchir et de célébrer le triomphe et la ténacité, elle commémore la réinauguration du Temple de Jérusalem, repris de ses oppresseurs par le peuple juif environ 165 ans avant l’ère commune.

Selon la tradition juive, la menorah du Temple devait brûler sans arrêt, mais il ne restait de l’huile que pour une journée. Par miracle, cette petite quantité l’a alimentée pendant huit jours, jusqu’à l’arrivée de nouvelles réserves.

Ce miracle est célébré en allumant une menorah spéciale appelée hanoukkia, un chandelier à huit branches, à raison d’une nouvelle flamme par soir à l’aide du shamash (serviteur).

Conçu par Andrew Lewis, le timbre a été oblitéré à Montréal le 7 novembre, plusieurs semaines avant la fête, qui se tient cette année du coucher du soleil le 18 décembre jusqu’à la tombée de la nuit le 26 décembre.

Le timbre de Hanoukka de cette année est en vente sur postescanada.ca et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays.

[from Details magazine]
A fresh take on an age old tradition, this new Hanukkah stamp conveys the joyful spirit of the Jewish Festival of Lights through a fun, flamboyant interpretation of the flames on a hanukkiyah (a special eight branched menorah). This year, the celebration takes place from nightfall December 18 to nightfall December 26.

The kindling of a hanukkiyah is central to the observation of Hanukkah, paying homage to a miracle that took place more than 2,000 years ago. After the Maccabees led the Jews to victory over their oppressors, it is said that the menorah in the rededicated Temple in Jerusalem burned for eight days on a single day’s worth of oil.

Designer Andrew Lewis says his goal in creating the design was to put a new spin on a classical image. The stylized flames, he explains, create a graphic and emotional energy that reflects the joy and excitement of the holiday. “The different colours of the flames represent the various ways people celebrate Hanukkah today – through prayer, singing, feasting, playing with dreidels, sharing gifts,” he says. “The blue background and the white flame of the central shamash (helper candle) ground the design, as those colours hold special importance in Judaism.”

A more-detailed press release will be distributed on the day of issue, 7 November.

Christmas & Holiday Stamps (Canada 2022)

See the bottom of this page for an unreported — and possibly unobtainable — variety.

Scott Catalogue Numbers:

  • Holiday Birds souvenir sheet of 3, Sc. 3363
  • Cardinal, 3363a and 3365 booklet single
  • Blue Jay, 3363b and 3366 booklet single
  • Grosbeak, 3363c and 3367 booklet single
  • Star and Manager, Sc. 3364 booklet single

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Christmas and holiday stamps illuminate the season and add cheer
The Nativity star and holiday birds capture sacred and secular images

OTTAWA – Canada Post has released new Christmas and holiday stamps that will help Canadians make their mail merrier at this special time of year.

Since 1964, the annual Christmas and holiday stamps have been adding a festive touch to cards and letters throughout the season. For the 2022 stamps, Canadians will once again have their choice of stamps featuring either sacred or secular holiday imagery.

This year, Canada Post is also sharing images of Christmas and holiday stamps dating back decades so Canadians can see how they have evolved over the years, while still capturing the fun and magic of the season.

2022 Christmas and holiday stamps
The majestic new Christmas stamp – designed by Paprika and illustrated by Fanny Roy – is inspired by the Nativity, with an emphasis on the star that led the Magi to the infant Jesus. In biblical accounts of the birth of Jesus, the star of Bethlehem served as both a guide that led the Magi to find the young child and a sign that the prophecy of the coming of a saviour had been realized. The Permanent™ domestic rate stamp is available in booklets of 12. The Official First Day Cover is cancelled in Star City, Saskatchewan.

This year’s secular holiday stamps – designed by Hambly & Woolley Inc. and illustrated by Sandra Dionisi – feature three birds that overwinter in Canada: a cardinal (Permanent™ domestic rate), a blue jay (U.S. rate) and an evening grosbeak (international rate). The colourful stamps provide a festive and wintery look, emphasizing the beauty of the natural world during the holiday season. Domestic rate stamps are available in booklets of 12, with the U.S. and international rate stamps offered in booklets of six. A festive souvenir sheet of the three stamps is also available, along with a souvenir sheet Official First Day Cover, cancelled in Cardinal, Ontario.

Images of stamps dating back several decades
For nearly 60 years, the annual Christmas and holiday stamps have reflected the magic, landscapes and cultural traditions that make the season so special. This year, Canada Post is sharing images of some of those stamps from decades gone by. While the artwork and designs have changed significantly over the years, the stamps continue to capture the meaning, memories and cherished moments of the season that Canadians hold dear. Sharing Christmas and holiday stamps on cards and letters remains a time-honoured tradition for many people across the country.

The 2022 stamps and collectibles are available at canadapost.ca and postal outlets across Canada. Christmas and holiday stamps from past years are not being reissued.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Des timbres répandent la joie de Noël et des Fêtes
L’étoile de la Nativité et les oiseaux des Fêtes ajoutent une touche festive au courrier.

OTTAWA – Postes Canada a émis de nouveaux timbres de Noël et des Fêtes qui permettront aux gens au pays d’égayer leur courrier en cette période de réjouissances.

Depuis 1964, les timbres annuels de Noël et des Fêtes ajoutent une touche festive aux cartes et aux lettres. Cette année encore, les Canadiennes et les Canadiens pourront orner leur courrier de timbres présentant des images sacrées ou profanes des Fêtes.

Cette année, Postes Canada fait aussi un retour sur plusieurs décennies pour montrer comment ses timbres ont évolué, tout en continuant de refléter la joie et la magie du temps des Fêtes.

Timbres de Noël et des Fêtes de 2022
Conçu par Paprika et illustré par Fanny Roy, le sublime nouveau timbre de Noël s’inspire de la Nativité et met en vedette l’étoile qui a conduit les Mages à l’Enfant Jésus. Dans les récits bibliques de la naissance de Jésus, l’étoile de Bethléem guide les Mages jusqu’au nouveau-né, signe que la prophétie de la venue d’un sauveur s’est réalisée. Le timbre PermanentMC au tarif du régime intérieur est offert en carnet de 12 et le pli Premier Jour officiel est oblitéré à Star City, en Saskatchewan.

Conçus par Hambly & Woolley Inc. et illustrés par Sandra Dionisi, les timbres profanes de cette année présentent trois oiseaux qui hivernent au Canada : le cardinal (Permanent au tarif du régime intérieur), le geai bleu (tarif des envois à destination des États-Unis) et le gros-bec errant (tarif du régime international). Par leurs couleurs vives et leur thème hivernal, les vignettes font ressortir la beauté de la nature durant le temps des Fêtes. Le timbre Permanent au tarif du régime intérieur est offert en carnet de 12, tandis que les vignettes au tarif des envois à destination des États-Unis et du régime international le sont en carnet de 6. L’émission comprend également un bloc-feuillet festif réunissant les trois timbres, ainsi qu’un pli Premier Jour officiel du bloc-feuillet oblitéré à Cardinal, en Ontario.

Une tradition au cœur de la population
Depuis près de 60 ans, les émissions annuelles de Noël et des Fêtes reflètent la magie, les paysages et les traditions culturelles qui rendent cette période si spéciale. Cette année, Postes Canada présente des images de timbres qui datent de plusieurs décennies. Bien que les illustrations et les motifs aient beaucoup changé au fil du temps, les vignettes continuent de refléter l’importance, les souvenirs et les moments précieux d’une période chère aux gens d’ici, qui prennent plaisir depuis longtemps à s’envoyer des cartes et des lettres qui en sont ornées.

Les timbres et les articles de collection de 2022 sont en vente sur postescanada.ca et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays. Ceux des années précédentes ne seront pas réémis.
Added December 9th:
I received this postcard from Canada Post this week. I don’t recall CPC offering postcard-versions of this year’s holiday stamps. It wasn’t in the announcement I posted here and I don’t see a postcard-version of the U.S.-rate stamp on the Canada Post website, either. (It wasn’t easy finding the Holiday Birds stamps, though, so maybe postcards are there…somewhere.) You can click on the picture here for a larger version. Front and back of the postcard are shown.

Least Necessary 2023 U.S. Stamp? (Poll)

Yes, completely snarky, because one person’s unnecessary stamp may be the highlight of another’s collection. And the U.S. Postal Service has to serve a population that is most diverse than that of most country’s. Still…

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Coming Soon
Least necessary 2023 U.S. Stamp?
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Patriotic Block (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

Patriotic Block will be a new nondenominated, nonprofit-price stamp intended for bulk mailings by authorized nonprofit organizations and will be sold in self-adhesive coils of 3,000 and 10,000. This stamp displays the components of the American flag — the stars and stripes — arranged in a four-quadrant block on a white background. Carol Beehler designed the stamp with art direction by Antonio Alcalá.

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated March 10, 2024:
Scott editors have added number 5756A for a version of this stamp with a larger year date, stars and bars than No. 5756.

Updated April 3rd:
The Scott catalogue number for this issue is 5756. Note that the Scott editors are calling it “Stars and Bars.”

Updated February 9th:
Technical Specifications (Coil of 3,000):

Issue: Patriotic Block Stamp
Item Number: 751400
Denomination & Type of Issue: Nondenominated Nonprofit (5-cent value)
Format: Coil of 3,000 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: March 1, 2023, Liberty, NY 12754
Art Director: Antonio Alcalá, Alexandria, VA
Designer: Carol Beehler
Modeler: Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Gravure
Printer: American Packaging Corp. / Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Rotogravure Cerutti
Stamps per Coil: 3,000
Print Quantity: 30,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Nonphosphored Type III
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Pantone 1795C, Pantone 7687C, Pantone Cool Gray 7C
Stamp Orientation: Vertical
Image Area (w x h): 0.73 x 0.84 in / 18.542 x 21.336 mm
Stamp Size (w x h): 0.87 x 0.98 in / 22.098 x 24.892 mm
Plate Size: 500 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by three (3) single digits
Coil Number Frequency: Plate number every 25th stamp below stamp image

Technical Specifications (Coil of 10,000):

Issue: Patriotic Block Stamp
Item Number: 761600
Denomination & Type of Issue: Nondenominated Nonprofit (5-cent value)
Format: Coil of 10,000 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: March 1, 2023, Liberty, NY 12754
Art Director: Antonio Alcalá, Alexandria, VA
Designer: Carol Beehler
Modeler: Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Gravure
Printer: American Packaging Corp. / Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Rotogravure Cerutti
Stamps per Coil: 10,000
Print Quantity: 1,000,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Nonphosphored Type III
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Pantone 1795C, Pantone 7687C, Pantone Cool Gray 7C
Stamp Orientation: Vertical
Image Area (w x h): 0.73 x 0.84 in / 18.542 x 21.336 mm
Stamp Size (w x h): 0.87 x 0.98 in / 22.098 x 24.892 mm
Plate Size: 500 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by three (3) single digits
Coil Number Frequency: Plate number every 25th stamp below stamp image

Updated January 28th:
On March 1, 2023, in Liberty, NY, the United States Postal Service® will issue the Patriotic Block stamp (non-denominated, priced at the Nonprofit Organization rate of 5 cents) in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) coil of 3,000 stamps (Item 751400) and a PSA coil of 10,000 stamps (Item 761600). This stamp will go on sale nationwide March 1, 2023, and must not be sold or canceled before the first-day-of-issue.

In 2023, the Postal Service™ will issue Patriotic Block, a new nondenominated, nonprofit-price stamp intended for bulk mailings by authorized nonprofit organizations and sold in self-adhesive coils of 3,000 and 10,000. The graphic stamp design features the components of the American flag arranged in a four-quadrant block. Two identical quadrants at the top left and bottom right contain a white star on a blue background; the other two quadrants each hold three red stripes, which run vertically in the top right block and horizontally in the bottom left. Carol Beehler designed the stamp with art direction by Antonio Alcalá.

Item 751400 Coil of 3,000 Stamps
Item 761600 Coil of 10,000 Stamps

No automatic distribution of either.

How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. Each cover must have sufficient postage to meet First-Class Mail® requirements. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope address to:

FDOI – Patriotic Block Nonprofit Stamp
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by July 1, 2023.

Technical Specifications:

Not yet available

Updated January 10th:
This stamp will be issued March 1 in Liberty, NY, with no headquarters ceremony.

School Bus (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

School Bus will be a new additional-ounce stamp, available in panes of 20 and coils of 100. The issuance celebrates the iconic yellow school bus and its role in ensuring that millions of children get to school and home again every day. The stamp features a stylized illustration of a 21st century yellow school bus, in profile in front of a silhouetted schoolhouse that is more evocative of an earlier era. Artist Steve Wolf worked with art director Greg Breeding and stamp designer Mike Ryan.

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated March 9th:
The image size for the stamps in the coil of 100 was corrected. The revised information is incorporated in the table below.

Updated January 13th:
I was surprised at how the coil version is set up: Vertically, but attached at the top and bottom of the design. Also note that the length/width ratio is different in the sheet and coil versions. (You can click on the picture on the right for a bigger version.)

Updated December 28th:
The First Day Of Issue “killer bars” is the only postmark for this issue.

Updated December 5th from the Postal Bulletin:
On January 5, 2023, in High Point, NC, the United States Postal Service® will issue the School Bus stamp (Non-denominated Additional Ounce Rate) in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 (Item 122400) and coil of 100 (Item 740500). This stamp will go on sale nationwide January 5, 2023, and must not be sold or canceled before the first-day-of-issue.

With the release of this new additional ounce stamp, the Postal Service™ celebrates the iconic yellow school bus and its role in ensuring that millions of children get to school and home again every day. The stamp features a stylized illustration of a 21st century yellow school bus, in profile, in front of a silhouetted schoolhouse that is more evocative of an earlier era. Artist Steve Wolf worked with art director Greg Breeding and designer Mike Ryan to create this stamp, which will be issued in panes of 20 and coils of 100.

Item 122400, School Bus, PSA Pane of 20 Stamps
Item 740500, School Bus, PSA Coil of 100 Stamps

No automatic distribution.

How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. Each cover must have sufficient postage to meet First-Class Mail® requirements. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

FDOI – School Bus Stamp
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by May 5, 2023.

Technical Specifications – Pane of 20:

Issue: School Bus Stamp
Item Number: 122400
Denomination & Type of Issue: Non-denominated Additional Ounce Rate
Format: Pane of 20 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: January 5, 2023, High Point, NC, 27260
Art Director: Greg Breeding, Charlottesville, VA
Designer: Mike Ryan, Charlottesville, VA
Artist: Steve Wolf, Austin, TX
Modeler: Sandra Lane/Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Gallus RCS
Stamps per Pane: 20
Print Quantity: 100,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Phosphor, Block Tag
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Magenta, Yellow, Black, Pantone 9202, Pantone 4248, Pantone WM Gray 9
Stamp Orientation: Horizontal
Image Area (w x h): 1.05 x 0.77 in./26.67 x 19.558 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.22 x 0.91 in./30.988 x 23.114 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 5.76 x 5.55 in./146.304 x 140.97 mm
Plate Size: 160 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by six (6) single digits
Marginal Markings:
Front: Plate number in four corners of pane
Back: ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (122400) • Plate position diagram (8) • Promotional text

Technical Specifications – Coil of 100:

Issue: School Bus Stamp
Item Number: 740500
Denomination & Type of Issue: Non-denominated Additional Ounce Rate
Format: Coil of 100 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: January 5, 2023, High Point, NC, 27260
Art Director: Greg Breeding, Charlottesville, VA
Designer: Mike Ryan, Charlottesville, VA
Artist: Steve Wolf, Austin, TX
Modeler: Sandra Lane/Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Alprinta 74
Stamps per Coil: 100
Print Quantity: 50,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Phosphor, Overall
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Magenta, Yellow, Black, Pantone 9202, Pantone 4248, Pantone WM Gray 9
Stamp Orientation: Horizontal
Image Area (w x h): 0.84 x 0.73 in / 21.336 x 18.542 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 0.98 x 0.87 in./24.892 x 22.098 mm
Plate Size: 744 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by six (6) single digits
Coil Number Frequency: Plate numbers every 31st stamp below stamp image

Updated November 30th:
This stamp will be issued Thursday, January 5, in High Point, NC, without a ceremony.

Women’s Soccer (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

This stamp issuance celebrates women’s soccer in the United States. From youth leagues to the elite world champion U.S. national team, millions of girls and women throughout the country participate in this fast-paced, competitive sport. The graphic stamp artwork depicts a female soccer player in action, walloping a ball with a side volley. Conjuring the aesthetic of mid-century print design, the illustrator used simplified shapes and bold colors to convey the high energy and fast motion of the sport. The somewhat grainy rendering lends a timeless quality to the design, evoking not just a single all-star athlete or era but the entire legacy of women’s soccer. Art director Antonio Alcalá designed the stamp with an original illustration by Noah MacMillan (1988-2022).

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated April 3rd:
The Scott catalogue number for this issue is 5754.

Updated January 17th:
[first-day ceremony details] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Women’s Soccer Stamp To Kick Off at the SheBelieves Cup

What: The U.S. Postal Service will dedicate the Women’s Soccer commemorative Forever stamp at the SheBelieves Cup in Orlando, FL.

The stamp ceremony is free and open to the public. News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtag #WomensSoccerStamp.

Who: The Honorable Amber McReynolds, member, U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors

When: Thursday, Feb. 16, 2023, at 11 a.m. EST

Where: Exploria Stadium
618 W. Pine Street
Orlando, FL 32805

RSVP: Dedication ceremony attendees are encouraged to RSVP at usps.com/womenssoccer.

Background: This new Forever stamp celebrates women’s soccer in the United States. From youth leagues to the elite world champion U.S. National Team, millions of girls and women throughout the country participate in the fast-paced, competitive sport.

Soccer, also known as football internationally, is the most popular sport in the world, played by hundreds of millions of players in almost every country. In the United States, women’s soccer has gained a firm foothold in sports and popular culture. From youth leagues to the elite world champion U.S. National Team, millions of girls and women across the country participate in the fast-paced, competitive sport.

The stamp artwork depicts a female soccer player in action, striking a ball with a side volley. Conjuring the aesthetic of mid-century print design, illustrator Noah MacMillan (1988-2022) used simplified shapes and bold colors to convey the high energy and fast motion of the sport. The somewhat grainy rendering lends a timeless quality to the design, evoking not just a single all-star athlete or era, but the entire legacy of women’s soccer.

Art director Antonio Alcalá designed the stamp.

From the Postal Bulletin:
On February 16, 2023, in Orlando, FL, the United States Postal Service® will issue the Women’s Soccer stamp (Forever® priced at the First-Class Mail® rate) in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 stamps (Item 483000). This stamp will go on sale nationwide February 16, 2023, and must not be sold or canceled before the first-day-of-issue.

This stamp issuance celebrates women’s soccer in the United States. From youth leagues to the elite world champion U.S. national team, millions of girls and women throughout the country participate in this fast-paced, competitive sport. The graphic stamp artwork depicts a female soccer player in action, walloping a ball with a side volley. Conjuring the aesthetic of mid-century print design, the illustrator used simplified shapes and bold colors to convey the high energy and fast motion of the sport. The somewhat grainy rendering lends a timeless quality to the design, evoking not just a single all-star athlete or era but the entire legacy of women’s soccer. Art director Antonio Alcalá designed the stamp with an original illustration by Noah MacMillan (1988–2022).

No automatic distribution.

How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

FDOI – Women’s Soccer Stamp
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by June 16, 2023.

Technical Specifications:

Issue: Women’s Soccer Stamp
Item Number: 483000
Denomination & Type of Issue: First-Class Mail Forever
Format: Pane of 20 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: February 16, 2023, Orlando, FL 32862
Art Director: Antonio Alcalá, Alexandria, VA
Designer: Antonio Alcalá, Alexandria, VA
Artist: Noah MacMillan (Deceased), Takoma Park, MD
Modeler: Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Gallus RCS
Stamps per Pane: 20
Print Quantity: 20,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Phosphor, Block Tag
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
Stamp Orientation: Horizontal
Image Area (w x h): 1.42 x 0.84 in / 36.068 x 21.336 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.56 x 0.98 in / 39.624 x 24.892 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 7.24 x 5.92 in / 183.896 x 150.368 mm
Press Sheets Size (w x h): 21.72 x 11.84 in./ 551.69 x 300.74 mm
Plate Size: 120 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by four (4) single digits
Marginal Markings:
Front: Plate number in four corners of the pane
Back: ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (483000) • Plate position diagram (6) • Promotional text

Updated January 13th:
Here are the first-day postmarks for this issue:The Digital Color Postmark measures 2.67″ x 1.14″ The Pictorial Postmark measures 2.69″ x 1.23″

Updated January 10th:
This stamp will be issued Wednesday, February 16, in Orlando, FL, when the U.S.Women’s National Team will play Canada in the “SHEBELIEVES” Cup.

Waterfalls (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

Among nature’s most beautiful wonders, waterfalls come in all shapes and sizes, from serene cascades to mighty cataracts. The Postal Service celebrates the variety and beauty of American waterfalls with 12 new stamps. Each stamp features a photograph with the name of the waterfall and state in which it is located. Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps and pane with existing photographs.

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated (catching up) September 7th:
How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

FDOI – Waterfall Stamps
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by October 13, 2023.

Technical Specifications:

Issue: Waterfalls Stamps
Item Number: 580900
Denomination & Type of Issue: First-Class Mail Forever
Format: Pane of 12 (12 designs)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: June 13, 2023, Yellowstone National Park, WY 82190
Art Director: Greg Breeding, Charlottesville, VA
Designer: Greg Breeding, Charlottesville, VA
Existing Photo: Tim Fitzharris
Existing Photo: Kevin Schafer
Existing Photo: John Cancalosi
Existing Photo: Joe Miller
Existing Photos: David B. Vernon
Existing Photo: Sandra Woods
Existing Photo: Nicole Nugent
Existing Photo: Quang-Tuan Luong
Existing Photo: Kenneth Keifer
Modeler: Joe Sheeran
Manufacturing Process: Offset
Printer: Ashton Potter (USA) Ltd (APU)
Press Type: Muller A76
Stamps per Pane: 12
Print Quantity: 34,992,000 stamps
Paper Type: Nonphosphored Type III, Block Tagged
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
Stamp Orientation: Vertical
Image Area (w x h): 1.225 x 1.56 in / 31.115 x 39.624 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.255 x 1.59 in / 31.877 x 40.386 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 7.8132 x 6.6257 in / 198.4552 x 168.2927 mm
Press Sheets Size (w x h): 24.1896 x 20.6271 in / 614.4158 x 523.9283 mm
Plate Size: 108 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “P” followed by four (4) single digits in two corners
Marginal Markings:
Front: Header: Waterfalls • Plate number in bottom 2 corners
Back: ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (580900) • Plate position diagram (9) • Promotional text

Updated August 7th:
Here are the Scott catalogue numbers for this issue: 5800 Waterfalls pane of 12
a. Deer Creek Falls, AZ
b. Nevada Fall, CA
c. Harrison Wright Falls, PA
d. Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, WY
e. Waimoku Falls, HI
f. Stewart Falls, UT
g. Niagara Falls, NY
h. Dark Hollow Falls, VA
i. Grotto Falls, TN
j. Sunbeam Falls, WA
k. LaSalle Canyon Waterfall, IL
l. Upper Falls, NC
m. As No. 5800, imperforate
n. As No. 5800a, imperforate
o. As No. 5800b, imperforate
p. As No. 5800c, imperforate
q. As No. 5800d, imperforate
r. As No. 5800e, imperforate
s. As No. 5800f, imperforate
t. As No. 5800g, imperforate
u. As No. 5800h, imperforate
v. As No. 5800i, imperforate
w. As No. 5800j, imperforate
x. As No. 5800k, imperforate
y. As No. 5800l, imperforate

Updated May 5th:
[first day ceremony details] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Postal Service To Issue Waterfall Stamps

What: The U.S. Postal Service is celebrating the variety and beauty of American waterfalls with 12 new stamps. Each stamp features a photograph with the name of the waterfall and state in which it is located beneath it.

The first-day-of-issue event for the Waterfalls Forever stamps is free and open to all visitors of Yellowstone National Park. News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtag #WaterfallsStamps.

Who: Mike Elston, U.S. Postal Service Board of Governors secretary, will serve as the dedicating official

Cameron “Cam” Sholly, Yellowstone National Park superintendent

Kenneth Keifer, photographer of the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River stamp

When: Tuesday, June 13, 2023, at 11 a.m. MT

Where: Canyon Visitors Education Center
Yellowstone National Park, WY

RSVP: Attendees are encouraged to RSVP at: usps.com/waterfalls.

Background: Among nature’s most beautiful wonders, waterfalls come in all shapes and sizes, from serene cascades to mighty cataracts. The 12 waterfalls featured on the stamps represent many different types — and each is unique.

Waterfall IDs:First row: Deer Creek Falls, Grand Canyon National Park, AZ, photo by Sandra Woods; Nevada Fall, Yosemite National Park, CA, photo by Quang-Tuan Luong; Harrison Wright Falls, Ricketts Glen State Park, PA; and Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River, Yellowstone National Park, WY, photos by Kenneth Keifer.Second row: Waimoku Falls, Haleakalā National Park, HI, photo by Quang-Tuan Luong; Stewart Falls, Mount Timpanogos Wilderness, UT, photo by Nicole Nugent; Niagara Falls, Niagara Falls State Park, NY, photo by John Cancalosi; and Dark Hollow Falls, Shenandoah National Park, VA, photo by Quang-Tuan Luong.
Third row: Grotto Falls, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, TN, photo by Joe Miller; Sunbeam Falls, Mount Rainier National Park, WA, photo by Kevin Schafer; LaSalle Canyon Waterfall, Starved Rock State Park, Oglesby, IL, photo by David B. Vernon; and Upper Falls, Blue Ridge Parkway, NC, photo by Tim Fitzharris.

Framing the stamps is selvage that again features David B. Vernon’s LaSalle Canyon image.

Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps and pane with existing photographs.

Updated March 14th:
Here are the first-day postmarks for this issue:The Digital Color Postmark measures 2.90″ x 1.49″ The pictorial postmark measures 2.32″ x 1.49″

Updated March 14th:
The issue date is June 13th in Yellowstone National Park, WY. The fourth stamp (far right) on the top row is the Lower Falls of the Yellowstone River.

Roy Lichtenstein (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

The work of the iconic American artist of the pop art movement, Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997) is celebrated with a stamp issuance in his honor. Each of the five stamps in this pane of 20 features one work of art by Lichtenstein: “Standing Explosion (Red)” (porcelain enamel on steel sculpture, 1965); “Modern Painting I” (oil and magna on canvas, 1966); “Still Life with Crystal Bowl” (oil and magna on canvas, 1972); “Still Life with Goldfish” (oil and magna on canvas, 1972); and “Portrait of a Woman” (oil and magna on linen, 1979). The selvage features a photograph of Lichtenstein by Bob Adelman with the artist’s face framed by a model of his 1983 sculpture Brushstrokes in Flight. Derry Noyes served as art director and designer for this issuance.

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated June 6th:
Here are the Scott catalogue numbers for this issue:
5792 Standing Explosion (Red), 1965
a. Imperforate
5793 Modern Painting I, 1966
a. Imperforate
5794 Still Life with Crystal Bowl, 1972
a. Imperforate
5795 Still Life with Goldfish, 1972
a. Imperforate
5796 Portrait of a Woman, 1979
a. Imperforate
b. Horiz. strip of 5, #5792-5796
c. Imperforate horiz. strip of 5, #5792a-5796a

Updated March 24th from the Postal Bulletin:

On April 24, 2023, in New York, NY, the United States Postal Service® will issue the Roy Lichtenstein stamps (Forever® priced at the First-Class Mail® rate) in five designs, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 stamps (Item 483500). These stamps will go on sale nationwide April 24, 2023, and must not be sold or canceled before the first-day-of-issue. The Roy Lichtenstein commemorative pane of 20 stamps must not be split and the stamps must not be sold individually.With these stamps, the Postal Service™ honors Roy Lichtenstein (1923–1997), the iconic American artist of the pop art movement. Each of the five stamps in this pane of 20 features one work of art by Lichtenstein:

  • Standing Explosion (Red) (porcelain enamel on steel, 1965).
  • Modern Painting I (acrylic, oil, graphite pencil on canvas, 1966). [right]
  • Still Life with Crystal Bowl (acrylic, oil, graphite pencil on canvas, 1972).
  • Still Life with Goldfish (acrylic, oil, graphite pencil on canvas, 1972).
  • Portrait of a Woman (acrylic, oil, graphite pencil on canvas, 1979).

The selvage features a photograph by Bob Adelman of Lichtenstein, his face framed by a model of his 1983 sculpture, Brushstrokes in Flight. Derry Noyes served as art director and designer for this issuance.

No automatic distribution.

How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

FDOI – Roy Lichtenstein Stamps
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by August 24, 2023.

Technical Specifications:

Issue: Roy Lichtenstein Stamps
Item Number: 483500
Denomination & Type of Issue: First-Class Mail Forever
Format: Pane of 20 (5 designs)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: April 24, 2023, New York, NY 10199
Art Director: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Designer: Derry Noyes, Washington, DC
Existing Art: Roy Lichtenstein
Modeler: Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Offset / Flexographic
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Gallus RCS
Stamps per Pane: 20
Print Quantity: 18,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Phosphor Tagged Paper, Block
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Pantone 1805C, Pantone 2104C
Stamp Orientation: Vertical
Image Area (w x h): 1.085 x 1.42 in / 27.559 x 36.068 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.225 x 1.56 in / 31.115 x 39.624 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 9.70 x 7.30 in / 246.38 x 185.42 mm
Press Sheets Size (w x h): 19.40 x 14.60 in / 492.76 x 370.84 mm
Plate Size: 80 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by six (6) single digits in two corners
Marginal Markings:
Front: Header: Roy Lichtenstein 1923–1997 • Plate number in bottom 2 corners
Back: ©2022 Estate of Roy Lichtenstein. All rights reserved. • ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (483500) • Plate position diagram (4) • Promotional text

First Day Postmarks:The Digital Color Postmark for this issue measures 2.82″ x 1.49″ The pictorial postmark measures 2.54″ x 1.23″

Updated March 22nd:
[ceremony details] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Artist Roy Lichtenstein’s Work To Appear on Five StampsWhat: The U.S. Postal Service will honor American artist Roy Lichtenstein with five commemorative Forever stamps featuring his colorful pop art.

The first-day-of-issue event for the stamps is free and open to the public. News of the stamps is being shared with the hashtag #RoyLichtensteinStamps.

Who: Tom Marshall, U.S. Postal Service general counsel and executive vice president, will serve as dedicating official.

When: Monday, April 24, at 11:30 a.m. ET

Whitney Museum of American Art
Susan and John Hess Family Theater
99 Gansevoort Street
New York, NY 10014

RSVP: Attendees are encouraged to RSVP at usps.com/roylichtenstein.

Background: Roy Lichtenstein (1923-1997), the iconic American artist of the pop art movement, stunned the art world in 1961 with his large paintings starring cartoon characters and a range of consumer products, among other unlikely subjects. Some art connoisseurs found them outrageous, but others saw great meaning in them. Lichtenstein’s career quickly took off.

Pop art, which arose in the late 1950s and reached its height in the 1960s, looked to popular culture for its aesthetic. It often was seen as poking fun at consumerism.

With their trademark heavy black outlining, intense colors, dot patterns simulating four-color mechanical printing and machine-made quality, Lichtenstein’s paintings are instantly recognizable.

The many honors Lichtenstein received over the course of his career include induction into the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 1979 and the National Medal of Arts in 1995. His work is found in prestigious museums and galleries around the world.

VSC: The five works on the stamps, left to right, are

  • Standing Explosion (Red)
  • Modern Painting I
  • Still Life with Crystal Bowl (at the Whitney)
  • Still Life with Goldfish
  • Portrait of a Woman

Updated January 10th:
These stamps will be issued Monday, April 24th, in New York City. Lichtenstein’s studio in Greenwich Village was donated (“gifted”) to the Whitney Museum of American Art and is being refurbished now. He worked there from 1988 to 1997.

Toni Morrison (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

Author Toni Morrison (1931-2019) is honored in this stamp issuance. Her artfully crafted novels explored the diverse voices and multifaceted experiences of African Americans. Known for such books as “The Bluest Eye,” “Song of Solomon” and “Beloved,” Morrison was the rare author who achieved both bestseller status and critical success. In 1993, she made history as the first African American woman to win the Nobel Prize for Literature. The stamp features a photograph of Morrison taken in 2000. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamp with photography by Deborah Feingold.

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated April 3rd:
The Scott catalogue number for this issue is 5757.

Updated February 8th:
[ceremony details] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
U.S. Postal Service to Issue Toni Morrison Forever Stamp

What: The U.S. Postal Service will honor author Toni Morrison with a Forever stamp. Known for such books as “The Bluest Eye,” “Song of Solomon” and “Beloved,” Morrison was the rare author who achieved both bestseller status and critical success.

The stamp features a photo of Morrison taken in 2000.

The first-day-of-issue event for the Toni Morrison Forever stamp is free and open to the public. News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtag #ToniMorrisonStamp.

Who: Pritha Mehra, USPS chief information officer and executive vice president

When: Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at 11 a.m. EST

Where: Princeton University
38 Nassau St.
Princeton, NJ 08544

RSVP: For additional information about the ceremony location and parking on campus, dedication ceremony attendees are encouraged to RSVP at:

Background: Eager to write the sort of novels she had always wanted to find on bookshelves, Toni Morrison (1931-2019) explored the diverse voices and multifaceted experiences of African Americans.

Morrison published her first novel, “The Bluest Eye,” in 1970. An important inquiry into the life of an 11-year-old African American girl struggling with the internalization of negative racial stereotypes, the book remains a canonical novel about society’s neglect and mistreatment of African American girls.

Morrison did not shy away from difficult subjects. Her 1977 national bestseller, “Song of Solomon,” examined the many ways that the African American search for identity, both individually and collectively, is complicated by the legacy of slavery. In 1987, Morrison won the Pulitzer Prize for “Beloved,” a harrowing rumination on trauma and the lingering, even haunting nature of the past. “Beloved” firmly secured Morrison’s reputation as a great American writer and made her the rare author to achieve both bestseller status and critical success.

In 1989, Morrison became the Robert F. Goheen Professor in the Humanities at Princeton University. In 1993, she was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, becoming the first African American woman to receive the distinction.

In later novels, Morrison further explored wide-ranging questions about the effects of social change on families and communities, skin-color prejudice among African Americans, and the lingering impact of violence and abuse. As she continued to experiment with language and push the possibilities of narrative, she never wavered from her purpose: bringing attention to important stories that had too long gone untold.

Art director Ethel Kessler designed this stamp with a photograph by Deborah Feingold.

The Toni Morrison stamp is being issued as a Forever stamp. It will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1-ounce price.

Updated January 29th:
Here are the first-day postmarks for this issue:The Digital Color Postmark measures 2.48″x1.05″ The Pictorial Postmark measures 2.56″x1.06″

Updated January 28th:
Princeton University “will explore Toni Morrison’s creative process with an abundance of exhibitions and events” beginning February 22nd and running through the spring. Details are here. The stamp issuance is mentioned, without details.

From the Postal Bulletin:
On March 7, 2023, in Princeton, NJ, the United States Postal Service® will issue the Toni Morrison stamp (Forever® priced at the First-Class Mail rate) in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 stamps (Item 483100). This stamp will go on sale nation-wide March 7, 2023, and must not be sold or canceled before the first-day-of-issue.

This stamp celebrates Toni Morrison (1931–2019), whose artfully crafted novels explored the diverse voices and multi-faceted experiences of African Americans. Known for such books as The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, and Beloved, Morrison was the rare author who achieved both bestseller status and critical success. In 1993, she made history as the first African-American woman to win the Nobel Prize in Literature. The stamp features a photograph of Morrison taken in 2000. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamp with photography by Deborah Feingold.

Item 483100, Pane of 20 Stamps. No automatic distribution

How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope address to:

FDOI – Toni Morrison Stamp
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by July 1, 2023.

Technical Specifications:

Issue: Toni Morrison Stamp
Item Number: 483100
Denomination & Type of Issue: First-Class Mail Forever
Format: Pane of 20 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: March 7, 2023, Princeton, NJ, 08540
Art Director: Ethel Kessler, Bethesda, MD
Designer: Ethel Kessler, Bethesda, MD
Existing Photo: Deborah Feingold
Modeler: Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Gallus RCS
Stamps per Pane: 20
Print Quantity: 30,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Phosphor Tagged Paper, Block
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black
Stamp Orientation: Square
Image Area (w x h): 1.085 x 1.085 in / 27.559 x 27.559 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 1.225 x 1.225 in / 31.115 x 31.115 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 5.90 x 7.12 in / 149.86 x 180.848 mm
Press Sheets Size (w x h): 11.80 x 21.36 in / 299.72 x 542.544 mm
Plate Size: 120 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by four (4) single digits
Marginal Markings:
Front: Plate number in four corners of pane
Back: ©2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (483100) • Plate position diagram (6) • Promotional text

Updated January 10th:
This stamp will be issued March 7 in Princeton, NJ. According to Wikipedia, “from 1989 until her retirement in 2006, Morrison held the Robert F. Goheen Chair in the Humanities at Princeton University.”

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (US 2023)

Announced by the USPS on October 24, 2022.

This stamp honors Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933-2020), the 107th Supreme Court Justice of the United States. After beginning her career as an activist lawyer fighting gender discrimination, Justice Ginsburg became a respected jurist whose important majority opinions advancing equality and strong dissents on socially controversial rulings made her a passionate proponent of equal justice and an icon of American culture. The stamp features an oil painting of Justice Ginsburg facing the viewer in her black judicial robe with an intricate white collar. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamp with art by Michael J. Deas, based on a photograph by Philip Bermingham.

New information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated November 7th:
The Scott catalogue number for this issues is 5821.

Updated September 7th from the Postal Bulletin:
On October 2, 2023, in Washington, DC, the United States Postal Service® will issue the Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp (Forever® priced at the First-Class Mail® rate) in one design, in a pressure-sensitive adhesive (PSA) pane of 20 stamps (Item 483300). This stamp will go on sale October 2, 2023, and must not be sold or canceled before the first-day-of-issue.

With this stamp, the Postal Service™ honors Ruth Bader Ginsburg (1933–2020), the 107th Supreme Court Justice of the United States. After beginning her career as an activist lawyer fighting gender discrimination, Ginsburg became a respected jurist whose important majority opinions advancing equality and strong dissents on socially controversial rulings made her a passionate proponent of equal justice and an icon of American culture. This stamp features an oil painting of Ginsburg facing the viewer in her black judicial robe with an intricate white collar. Art director Ethel Kessler designed the stamp with art by Michael J. Deas based on a photograph by Philip Bermingham.

No automatic distribution.

How to Order the First-Day-of-Issue Postmark:
Customers have 120 days to obtain the first-day-of-issue postmark by mail. They may purchase new stamps at their local Post Office™ or at The Postal Store® website at store.usps.com/store/home. They must affix the stamps to envelopes of their choice, address the envelopes (to themselves or others), and place them in a larger envelope addressed to:

FDOI – Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stamp
USPS Stamp Fulfillment Services
8300 NE Underground Drive, Suite 300
Kansas City, MO 64144-9900

After applying the first-day-of-issue postmark, the Postal Service will return the envelopes through the mail. There is no charge for the postmark up to a quantity of 50. There is a 5-cent charge for each additional postmark over 50. All orders must be postmarked by February 2, 2024.

Technical Specifications:

Issue: Ruth Bader Ginsburg Stamp
Item Number: 483300
Denomination & Type of Issue: First-Class Mail Forever
Format: Pane of 20 (1 design)
Series: N/A
Issue Date & City: October 2, 2023, Washington, DC 20066
Art Director: Ethel Kessler, Bethesda, MD
Designer: Ethel Kessler, Bethesda, MD
Artist: Michael J. Deas, New Orleans, LA
Modeler: Sandra Lane / Michelle Finn
Manufacturing Process: Offset, Microprint USPS
Printer: Banknote Corporation of America
Press Type: Alprinta 74
Stamps per Pane: 20
Print Quantity: 32,000,000 stamps
Paper Type: Phosphor Tagged Paper, Block
Adhesive Type: Pressure-sensitive
Colors: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black, Pantone 7563 C
Stamp Orientation: Vertical
Image Area (w x h): 0.840 x 1.420 in / 21.336 x 36.068 mm
Overall Size (w x h): 0.980 x 1.560 in / 24.892 x 39.624 mm
Full Pane Size (w x h): 5.940 x 8.250 in / 150.876 x 209.550 mm
Press Sheets Size (w x h): 17.820 x 24.750 in / 452.628 x 628.650 mm
Plate Size: 180 stamps per revolution
Plate Number: “B” followed by five (5) single digits in two corners
Marginal Markings:
Front: Header: RUTH BADER GINSBURG • Plate number in bottom 2 corners
Back: © 2022 USPS • USPS logo • Two barcodes (483300) • Plate position diagram (9) • Promotional text

Updated August 24:
Here are the first-day postmarks for this issue:The Digital Color Postmark measures 3.00″ x 1.42″.The pictorial postmark measures 2.73″ x 1.01″

[ceremony details] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
U.S. Postal Service to Unveil Stamp Honoring Ruth Bader Ginsburg

What: The first-day-of-issue ceremony for a new Forever stamp commemorating the legacy of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

When: Monday, Oct. 2, 2023, at 6 p.m. EDT

Where: National Portrait Gallery
Eighth and G streets NW
Washington, DC 20001

Who: The Honorable Roman Martinez IV, chairman of the USPS Board of Governors

RSVP: Media representatives and dedication ceremony attendees are encouraged to RSVP at: usps.com/ruthbaderginsburg.

Details: The United States Postal Service is proud to announce the dedication ceremony for a new Forever stamp honoring Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, celebrating her groundbreaking contributions to justice, gender equality and the rule of law.

The ceremony will feature:

  • The official stamp unveiling
  • A keynote address by Governor Martinez
  • Remarks by other notable speakers
  • A presentation on the design and significance of the stamp
  • An opportunity for interviews and photographs

News of the stamp is being shared with the hashtags #RuthBaderGinsburgStamp and #RBGStamp.

This event is free and open to the public.

About the Stamp: The Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp features an oil painting of her in her black judicial robe and iconic white collar. The stamp captures her enduring spirit and tireless dedication to upholding the principles of the Constitution.

Ethel Kessler, an art director for USPS, designed the stamp with a portrait by Michael J. Deas based on a photograph by Philip Bermingham.

The Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp is being issued as a Forever stamp in panes of 20. Forever stamps will always be equal in value to the current First-Class Mail 1-ounce price.

Updated May 31:
This stamp will be issued Monday, October 2 — yes, the “first Monday in October” — in Washington, DC.