Mick and Mike Join AFDCS Board

[press release]
Zais and Moticha Join AFDCS Board

The Board of Directors has two new members: Mike Moticha and Mick Zais. They were running unopposed, along with incumbents Jim Tatum and Lloyd de Vries. The vote totals were:

Lloyd de Vries 236
Michael Moticha 234
Jim Tatum 233
Mick Zais 224

In addition, Fred Collins, Mark Gereb, Michael Rosenthal and David Lorms each received

Michael Moticha and Mick Zais

one write-in vote. The Election Committee chaired by Otto Thamasett (with Jack Ginsburg and Roy Souther) received 245 ballots, of which four were disqualified.

Tatum, who lives in Oregon, was first elected to the board in 2020, de Vries, of New Jersey, in 1986. Moticha is a long-time active member of the Claude C. Ries Chapter (Southern California) and is part of the AFDCS Auction Committee. Zais is a former president of the American Philatelic Society who resigned that post in 2018 to become U.S. Deputy Secretary of Education and later Acting Secretary of Education. He currently lives in South Carolina.

Four seats on the AFDCS Board of Directors are elected each year for three-year terms, beginning Jan. 1. In addition to the 12 elected directors, the president, the editor of the official journal First Days, and the general counsel serve on the board ex officio, if not elected to the board in their own right.

AFDCS directors are not compensated for serving on the board nor reimbursed for their travel expenses.

For more information on the AFDCS, visit www.afdcs.org or write to the AFDCS, PO Box 246, Colonial Beach, VA 22443-0246, or via e-mail at afdcs@afdcs.org.

Early Information about U.S. Big Summer Show

The site for Great American Stamp Show 2023 — Cleveland’s Huntington Convention Center — has self-cleaning escalator hand-rails! Do you need another reason to go?

If so, here’s other new information about the show:

There is now information on the APS website: https://stamps.org/great-american-stamp-show

The show hotel is the Westin Cleveland Downtown, at $139/night. Use the link off the website or “AP1” (that’s a one) or ask for the American Philatelic Society room block.

The Westin is two block from the convention center. All guests will get free WiFi. The parking is valet parking at $42 a night. (A 20% discount may be available; APS is checking.)

Everything at the convention center is cashless. Use debit or credit cards.

The convention center has water bottle filling stations.

The meeting rooms are right outside the bourse area. You may not get a chance to use those escalators!

The U.S. Postal Service will have two first-days at the show.

On the website, you can already request meeting times for your organizations and sign up to volunteer.

Vandalism Delays AFDCS Auction Lots

From AFDCS Auctions chair John White:

With apologies, the pre-packaging and sending of final invoices for Auction 95 has been delayed due to vandalism in the county I live in – Moore County. Unknown parties shot-up multiple power sub-stations throughout the county, leaving over 40,000 people without power. The outage is estimated to extend to Thursday December 8th.

As many of you know, I am a full-time Firefighter/EMT with Aberdeen Fire/Rescue. I was on duty when the incident occurred. We were busy all night running calls of various nature, and assisting law enforcement with traffic control. Today I am at my part-time station, and will be back at Aberdeen tomorrow (Monday).

The lots have already been separated out by the winning bidders. As soon as power is restored, I will be able to get back to the task and get the invoices out to everyone.

According to The New York Times, the local sheriff “said that the attack appeared targeted, but did not provide further details on a motive or suspect.” A state senator called it a “terrible act, and it appears to be intentional, willful and malicious.”

Some of the damaged equipment will need to be replaced completely, and the outages could last until Thursday for some power customers.

U.S. Scott Catalogue Update (December 2022)

5727 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Camellia
5728 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Winter Aconite
5729 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Crocuses
5730 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Hellebore
5731 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Winterberry
5732 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Pansies
5733 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Plum Blossoms
5734 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Grape Hyacinths
5735 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Daffodils
5736 (60¢) Snowy Beauty – Ranunculus
a. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 2 each #5727-5736

5737 (60¢) Kwanzaa

5738 (60¢) Women Cryptologists of World War II
a. Imperforate

5739 (60¢) Hanukkah

U.S. Scott Catalogue Update (November 2022)

5721 (60¢) Christmas – Virgin and Child
a. Convertible booklet pane of 20

5722 (60¢) Christmas – Elf and Teddy Bear
5723 (60¢) Christmas – Elf Tying Ribbon
5724 (60¢) Christmas – Elf with Toy Car
5725 (60¢) Christmas – Elf with Rocket
a. Block of 4, #5722-5725
b. Convertible booklet pane of 20, 5 each #5722-5725

5726 Peanuts Characters pane of 20, 2 each # 5726a-5726j
a. (60¢) Charlie Brown
b. (60¢) Lucy
c. (60¢) Franklin
d. (60¢) Sally
e. (60¢) Pigpen
f. (60¢) Linus
g. (60¢) Snoopy and Woodstock
h. (60¢) Schroeder
i. (60¢) Peppermint Patty
j. (60¢) Marcie
k. As #5726, imperforate
l. As #5726a, imperforate
m. As #5726b, imperforate
n. As #5726c, imperforate
o. As #5726d, imperforate
p. As #5726e, imperforate
q. As #5726f, imperforate
r. As #5726g, imperforate
s. As #5726h, imperforate
t. As #5726i, imperforate
u. As #5726j, imperforate

Canada’s 2023 Stamp Program

Updated October 30th, subject to change. Some of the information may not have been confirmed by Canada Post, but the agency did confirm no Lunar New Year stamps in 2023.

All links open in a new window.

January 30
March 1
April 3
April 18
May 8
May 1
May 23
June 21
June 28
July 12
August 28
September 28
October 19
October 30
November 2
November 2
November 7
November 9
November 16
Chloe Cooley
Flowers: Ranunculus
Animal Mothers and Babies
King Charles III definitive
Community Foundation semi-postal (literacy)
Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Three Indigenous Leaders: Cournoyea, Manuel, Chalifoux
Denys Arcand
Let’s Take The Ferry!
“Women Who Made A Difference” / Quebec Feminists
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation (4 stamps)
Donald Sutherland
Willie O’Ree
Madonna and Child
Holiday: Winter Scenes
Mona Parsons (was “Courageous Canadian WWII resistance fighter”)

A mailing from Canada Post implies this is the end of the 2023 stamp programme. No mention was made of the previously-listed “A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.”

APS Suspends ARIPEX (Arizona)

[press release]
APS Board Suspends ARIPEX WSP Accreditation

On Thursday, November 3, 2022, the APS Board of Directors unanimously voted to suspend the World Series of Philately accreditation for ARIPEX ahead of the planned show in 2023. The suspension means the winner of the competitive exhibition will not be eligible for the Champion of Champions.

APS Executive Director Scott English and the Committee on National Exhibitions and Judging (CANEJ) Chair Darrell Ertzberger participated in ARIPEX in February 2022, identifying issues with the show. The APS offered corrective actions and support to make the necessary changes to ARIPEX but found no improvement.

On October 30, 2022, CANEJ met to review reports from English, Ertzberger, and others and determined that ARIPEX failed to comply with WSP rules and recommended the APS Board suspend WSP accreditation for 2023. Specifically, the Committee found ARIPEX violating three provisions of Section E(2) due to late and incomplete reporting, failing to maintain a level of excellence, and violating one or more rules for WSP exhibitions.

In suspending the WSP accreditation, the APS outlined several steps to address the concerns, or it will revoke accreditation. The required actions are:

  1. Rebuild the show’s organizational structure to include individuals separate from the Show Chair serving as chairs for the bourse, exhibits, awards, and jury to restore confidence the exhibits can be better managed and preserve the national-level requirements,
  2. The governing body, the Arizona Federation of Stamp Clubs, must rebuild its committee to ensure proper oversight and accountability for the show’s operations, and
  3. Commit to the approved rules of the World Series of Philately to include a functioning website, an approved prospectus, and an approved jury no later than August 1, 2023.

“This was not an easy decision, but we have to protect the interests of members who entrust valuable collections to the show committee,” said English, “I’ve heard from members ready, willing, and able to get ARIPEX back on track. We hope the ARIPEX leadership takes the necessary steps to make it happen.”

World Series of Philately
A WSP show is an APS World Series of Philately show. These U.S. national-level shows have undergone an accreditation process and must follow standards (WSP Rules/Requirements) to maintain their status. The multi-frame grand award-winning exhibit at each WSP show is invited to compete in the annual Champion of Champions at the Great American Stamp Show for the highest exhibiting honor.

Monique Mercure (Canada 2022)

Announced 4 November

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp honours acclaimed Canadian actress Monique Mercure
Quebec’s grande dame of stage and screen appeared in more than 80 films and TV productions

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post today issued a commemorative stamp celebrating Quebec’s grande dame of stage and screen, Monique Mercure. Known for her fiery spirit, versatility and powerful performances, Mercure (1930-2020) was one of Canada’s most beloved and acclaimed actresses.

She began her acting career in the early 1960s at the theatre and made her film debut in 1963 in Claude Jutra’s À tout prendre. This kicked off a career that would extend over the next six decades. A household name in Quebec, Mercure performed in more than 100 classical and contemporary plays in North America and Europe and over 80 films and TV productions.


Some of her most popular films were Mon oncle Antoine (1971), J.A. Martin photographe (1977) – which earned Mercure Canada’s first Festival de Cannes award for best actress – Naked Lunch (1991) and The Red Violin (1998). She also appeared as a regular in popular French-language TV series Providence (2005-11) and Mémoires vives (2013-16).

Throughout her career, Mercure received numerous awards and honours, including two Genie Awards, two Prix Gémeaux, the Prix Denise-Pelletier, the Prix Gascon-Roux from the Théâtre du Nouveau Monde and a Governor General’s Performing Arts Award for Lifetime Artistic Achievement.

She was named an Officer of the Order of Canada in 1979 and promoted to Companion in 1993. Mercure was also named a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Grand Officer of the Ordre national du Québec.

Mercure joins her peers from the performing community that Canada Post has honoured with stamps, including Fay Wray, Mary Pickford and Christopher Plummer.

About the stamp
The stamp features an illustration by Oriana Fenwich based on a photograph of Monique Mercure taken in 1963 by Henri Paul, courtesy of Radio-Canada Archives. The stamp was printed by Colour Innovations and designed by Underline Studio. Cancelled in Montréal, the issue includes a booklet of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps, a pane of six stamps and an Official First Day Cover.

The stamp and collectibles are available now at canadapost.ca at post offices starting November 14.

Canada Post video:

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un timbre rend hommage à l’actrice canadienne Monique Mercure
La grande dame de la scène et de l’écran au Québec a joué dans plus de 80 films et productions télévisées

MONTRÉAL – Postes Canada a émis aujourd’hui un nouveau timbre commémoratif en l’honneur de Monique Mercure, grande dame de la scène et de l’écran au Québec. Connue pour sa fougue, sa polyvalence et son jeu d’une puissante intensité, Monique Mercure (1930-2020) compte parmi les actrices les plus admirées au pays.

Elle amorce sa carrière d’actrice au début des années 1960 en jouant au théâtre et fait ses débuts au cinéma dans le film À tout prendre, de Claude Jutra, en 1963. Son ascension est fulgurante. Véritable icône au Québec, Monique Mercure joue dans plus d’une centaine de productions théâtrales en Amérique du Nord et en Europe, et plus de 80 films et productions télévisées au cours de ses 60 ans de carrière.


Ses films les plus mémorables comprennent Mon oncle Antoine (1971), J.A. Martin photographe (1977) – grâce auquel elle devient la première Canadienne à remporter le prix de l’interprétation féminine au Festival de Cannes –, Naked Lunch (1991) et The Red Violin (1998). Elle apparaît régulièrement dans les séries dramatiques Providence de 2005 à 2011 et Mémoires vives de 2013 à 2016.

Monique Mercure remporte de nombreuses distinctions, notamment deux prix Génie, deux prix Gémeaux, le prix Denise-Pelletier, le prix Gascon-Roux du Théâtre du Nouveau Monde et le prix du Gouverneur général pour les arts du spectacle de la réalisation artistique.

Elle est nommée Officier de l’Ordre du Canada en 1979, puis Compagnon en 1993, en plus d’être reçue membre de la Société royale du Canada et grande officière de l’Ordre national du Québec.

Monique Mercure fait partie des personnalités du monde artistique à qui Postes Canada a consacré un timbre, aux côtés de Fay Wray, Mary Pickford et Christopher Plummer, notamment.

À propos du timbre
Le timbre est orné d’une illustration de Monique Mercure réalisée par Oriana Fenwick et inspirée d’une photo prise par Henri Paul en 1963, gracieuseté des archives de Radio-Canada. La vignette a été imprimée par Colour Innovations et conçue par Underline Studio. Oblitérée à Montréal, l’émission comprend un carnet de six timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur, un feuillet de six timbres et un pli Premier Jour officiel.

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post recognizes acclaimed Canadian actress Monique Mercure

MONTRÉAL – On November 9, Canada Post invites you to attend the unveiling of a special stamp to celebrate the remarkable legacy of Canadian actress Monique Mercure, Québec’s grande dame of stage and screen.
The upcoming stamp will be officially issued on Monique Mercure’s birthday, November 14, after it is unveiled in Montréal on Wednesday, November 9.

Who: Special guests:
Michèle Mercure, Daughter of Monique Mercure
Pier-Yves Larouche, Grandson of Monique Mercure
Louise Sicuro, Founder of Journées de la culture and friend of Monique Mercure
Simon Brault, Director and CEO of the Canada Council for the Arts
Patricia Tuslane, Actress and friend of Monique Mercure
Alice Ronfard, Director

The event includes a special performance from cellist Claude Lamothe accompanied by actress Sophie Clément. Quatuor Rhapsodie will also perform before and after the event.

Where: Rialto Theatre
5723 Avenue du Parc, Montréal

When: Wednesday, November 9, at 6 pm, Eastern Time

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada rend hommage à l’actrice canadienne Monique Mercure

MONTRÉAL – Le 9 novembre, Postes Canada vous invite au dévoilement d’un timbre spécial qui commémore le talent, la beauté et l’héritage remarquables de l’actrice d’ici Monique Mercure, grande dame de la scène et de l’écran au Québec.

Le timbre sera émis officiellement le 14 novembre, date de l’anniversaire de naissance de Monique Mercure, après son dévoilement à Montréal, le mercredi 9 novembre.

Qui: Invités spéciaux:
Michèle Mercure, fille de Monique Mercure
Pier-Yves Larouche, petit-fils de Monique Mercure
Louise Sicuro, fondatrice des Journées de la culture et amie de Monique Mercure
Simon Brault, directeur et chef de la direction du Conseil des arts du Canada
Patricia Tuslane, actrice et amie de Monique Mercure
Alice Ronfard, metteure en scène

L’événement comprend une performance spéciale du violoncelliste Claude Lamothe, accompagné de l’actrice Sophie Clément. De plus, le Quatuor Rhapsodie se produira avant et après l’événement.

Où: Théâtre Rialto
5723, avenue du Parc, Montréal

Quand: Le mercredi 9 novembre à 18 h, heure de l’Est

Christmas 2022 (UK 2022)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Royal Mail Reveals Stamps for Christmas 2022

  • Royal Mail celebrates Christmas 2022 with a series of six barcoded stamps, exclusively illustrated by award-winning artist, Katie Ponder
  • The six designs reflect Kent-based Katie’s unique style, providing a fresh and contemporary feel to the classic Nativity story
  • The illustrations this year focus on key moments in the traditional Christmas story including the journey to Bethlehem and the Magi being guided by the star
  • This year’s stamps will be the last Christmas stamps to feature the silhouette of the Late Queen Elizabeth
  • Royal Mail is encouraging customers to post their festive greetings early and order their online gifts and shopping well in advance, to help its posties deliver the bumper festive mailbag
  • The stamps are on sale now and will be available at www.royalmail.com/christmas2022, by phone on 03457 641 641 and 7,000 Post Offices across the UK

Royal Mail has revealed its Christmas 2022 stamps, featuring scenes of the Nativity, exclusively illustrated by award-winning artist, Katie Ponder.

The six designs reflect Kent-based Katie’s unique style, providing a fresh and contemporary feel to the classic Nativity story.

With references to art deco adding a timeless quality to the stamp images, the illustrations this year focus on key moments in the traditional Christmas story – including the journey to Bethlehem and the Magi being guided by the star.

Royal Mail also worked with The Revd Lucy Winkett, Rector of St James’s Church, Piccadilly on the stamp issue.

This year’s stamps will be the last Christmas issue to feature the silhouette of the Late Queen Elizabeth.

David Gold, Director of External Affairs & Policy, Royal Mail, said: “Our Christmas stamp issue is always much anticipated, and it is one we particularly look forward to. The charming style of these designs sets the perfect tone for the festive season.”

The barcodes on this year’s Christmas stamps allow customers to watch a seasonal, themed video created exclusively for Royal Mail by the award winning Aardman studio. The video features Shaun the Sheep and his friends sending some festive cheer to the Farmer’s dog.

To choose and view the video, both the sender and recipient should download the Royal Mail App. The sender can select the Christmas video for the recipient to watch just by scanning the stamp barcode — giving that someone special something extra to smile about this Christmas.

The stamps are on sale now and will be available at www.royalmail.com/christmas2022, by phone on 03457 641 641 and in 7,000 Post Offices across the UK.

String Instruments (Netherlands 2022)

[from the PostNL press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
String Instruments

Appearance: Ten personal stamps in ten different designs, marked with ‘Nederland 1’, the denomination for items up to 20g in weight destined for delivery in the Netherlands
Design and photography: Bart de Haas, The Hague
Date of issue: 7 November 2022
Item number: 820060

PostNL gives an overview of ten distinctive string instruments from both Western and non-Western musical traditions. The featured instruments are part of the Kunstmuseum Den Haag’s music collection. All photos were taken by graphic designer Bart de Haas from the Hague, who also designed the stamp sheet. The ten personal stamps in ten different designs are marked with ‘Nederland 1’, the denomination for items up to 20g in weight destined for delivery in the Netherlands. The validity period is unlimited

Each stamp features an overall image and a detail of a string instrument. The picture of the detail continues on the right or left-hand sheet edge. On the stamp, the pictures are connected by a pattern of white circles of different sizes. Each string instrument has its own background colour with a colour gradient. On the sheet edge to the left and right, the picture fragments are separated by a horizontal strip of which the colour is derived from the picture below. The colours on the top and bottom sheet edge are also derived from the stamp colours. The names of the string instruments are shown alternately at the bottom on the left and right-hand side of the stamps. The sheet edge next to it features the name of the country or area where the instrument comes from. The PostNL logo is printed at the top on the left-hand side of the stamp sheet; the logo of the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, the name of the designer Bart de Haas and the item number are printed at the bottom on the right-hand side.

The stamp sheet was designed by graphic designer Bart de Haas from The Hague. He took pictures of the ten featured musical instruments at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag. The museum manages a collection of more than 3,800 musical instruments, which was started by Daniel François Scheurleer (1855-1927).

Scheurleer not only collected musical instruments but also manuscripts, books, prints, drawings and paintings with a musical theme. Over time, the collection was expanded significantly to include non-Western and electronic musical instruments. ‘Milly van Houten-de Kom was a great help when I was researching string instruments,’ De Haas explains. ‘She is responsible for managing the huge collection of the Kunstmuseum. I also sought the advice of Frits Zwart, former music collection curator at the museum.’

De Haas wanted to feature a balanced mix of Western and Non-western instruments. ‘They have not been placed opposite each other, but distributed diagonally from left to right across the stamp sheet. After all, the essence of music is the link between them. The stamps feature string instruments from all over the world. From Europe, of course, but also from Africa, America and Asia. The shape of the instruments varies. The harp is a multi-stringed, complex, large instrument. The rubab, on the other hand, is a small instrument with only a few strings. The soundboard of the kamancheh featured is made from the shell of an armadillo. I was keen to show plenty of variety. Also when it came to the playing method, strumming versus bowing. That is why some stamps feature the bow as well.’
The String instruments stamps are available while stocks last at www.postnl.nl/collect and can be ordered by telephone from the Collect Club customer service on telephone number +31 (0)88 868 99 00.

Technical Details:
Stamp size: 30 x 40mm (wxh)
Sheet size : 170 x 122 mm (wxh)
Paper: normal with phosphor print
Gum: gummed
Printing technique: offset
Printing colours: cyan, magenta, yellow, black
Appearance: personal stamp with denomination Nederland 1 for letters weighing up to 20g with destinations within the Netherlands
Edition: 5000
Item number: 820060
Issue date: 7 November 2022