USPS Seeks July 2023 Rate Hikes

The Postal Regulatory Commission approved these changes on May 31, 2023.

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
U.S. Postal Service Files Notice with PRC for New Mailing Services Pricing

  • Actions taken to address continued elevated inflation and prior years defective pricing model
  • New prices scheduled to take effect July 9, 2023
  • Postal Service prices remain among the most affordable in the world

[VSC note: This is almost word-for-word the press release for the previous rate increase request six months ago, which the Postal Regulatory Commission granted without change.]

WASHINGTON, DC — Today, the United States Postal Service filed notice with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) of mailing services price changes to take effect July 9, 2023. The new rates include a three-cent increase in the price of a First-Class Mail Forever stamp from 63 cents to 66 cents.

If favorably reviewed by the Commission, the proposed increases will raise First-Class Mail prices approximately 5.4 percent to offset the rise in inflation. The price changes have been approved by the Governors of the U.S. Postal Service.

The price for 1-ounce metered mail will increase to 63 cents, and the price to send a domestic postcard will increase to 51 cents. A 1-ounce letter mailed to another country would increase to $1.50. There will be no change to the single-piece letter and flat additional-ounce price, which remains at 24 cents. The Postal Service is also seeking price adjustments for Special Services products including Certified Mail, Post Office Box rental fees, money order fees and the cost to purchase insurance when mailing an item.

The proposed Mailing Services price changes include:

Letters (1 oz.)
Letters (metered 1 oz.)
Domestic Postcards
International Postcards
International Letter (1 oz.)
Current Prices
Proposed Prices

As operating expenses fueled by inflation continue to rise and the effects of a previously defective pricing model are still being felt, these price adjustments are needed to provide the Postal Service with much needed revenueto achieve the financial stability sought by its Delivering for America 10-year plan. The prices of the U.S. Postal Service remain among the most affordable in the world.

The PRC will review the changes before they are scheduled to take effect. The complete Postal Service price filing, with prices for all products, can be found on the PRC website under the Daily Listings section at The Mailing Services filing is Docket No. R2023-2. The price tables are also available on the Postal Service’s Postal Explorer website at

Ganz Is New APS President

Cheryl Ganz is the new president of the American Philatelic Society, the USA’s largest stamp collecting organization. She was elected by the Board of Directors to fill the vacancy created by the resignation by Bob Zeigler. He was “not able to attend this meeting,” said Ganz in the electronic (Zoom) meeting. According to executive director Scott English, Zeigler had an Indiana stamp club meeting and was the “designated driver” for several other members.

“I pledge to give [this office] my all,” she said after her nomination. She added that the APS is in good shape and it was a great time to be leading the organization. She also noted that it is the first time that both the APS and the American Philatelic Research Library have women presidents — Melanie Rogers heads the APRL.

Ganz was the only nominee and the vote was unanimous.

Dr. Ganz is a life member of the APS and chair of its Board of Vice Presidents. Her numerous philatelic honors include the Lichtenstein Medal for Distinguished Service to Philately from the Collectors Club of New York (2016), the APS’ Luff Award for Exceptional Contributions to Philately (2016) and the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists of the Royal Philatelic Society London (2018).

She joined the staff of the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum in 2005 after earning her PhD in History at the University of Illinois Chicago, and from 2007 until her retirement in 2014, she was the NPM’s chief philatelic curator. She is currently its “curator of philately emerita” — a title created to recognize her “significant and lasting contributions” to the museum.

She also currently serves on the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee, which reviews stamp design nominations and makes recommendations to the Postmaster General.

Her books include The 1933 Chicago World’s Fair: A Century of Progress and Every Stamp Tells a Story: The National Philatelic Collection, and is a co-author of Zeppelin Hindenburg: An Illustrated History of LZ-129. Her philatelic exhibits include” Delivering Hope: FDR & Stamps of the Great Depression;” “Fire & Ice: Hindenburg and Titanic;” and “Favorite Finds; Pacific Exchange: China & U.S. Mail.”

“One day at a flea market, I acquired an envelope that had been on the Graf Zeppelin, and that was it,” she told UIC Alumni magazine in 2015, when she received the school’s Alumni Achievement Award.

She was married to fellow collector P. Felix Ganz until his death in 1992. She lives in the Chicago area, and has been active in “Chicagoland” philately for many years.

Zeigler [below] himself rose to the APS presidency as the result of a resignation: Mick Zais had to give up the leadership post to become Deputy Secretary of Education in the Trump administration.

“Bob stepped up when we needed leadership,” English told VSC in an email. “He built a strong bond between the APS and APRL Boards to work as a team by being transparent and inclusive and we are better served for it.”

English called Zeigler “a collector’s president, traveling to stamp shows, stamp clubs, and representing the APS all over the country. He volunteered countless hours serving as a judge, expert, speaker, and as President of the APS, all while managing his law firm back home.” Zeigler is listed as an “emeritus partner” on the website of Zeigler, Cohen & Koch. He specialized in medical malpractice defense, products liability, and insurance coverage disputes, as does the firm.

English said Zeigler’s specialty allowed him to give valuable advice to the APS on how to deal with the COVID pandemic.

Stephen Reinhard [right] will leave the Board as Immediate Past President. Reinhard was elected to the APS Board in 2011 as Vice President. In 2013, the APS membership elected Reinhard as President of the APS Board, and he served until 2016. Since 2016, Reinhard has served as the Immediate Past President of the APS Board.

Per the APS Bylaws, Ganz appointed Greg Galetti, the vice president of the APRL, to fill the vice president vacancy created when she became president. The Board also approved a resolution honoring Reinhard for is service to the APS.

The meeting lasted less than an hour.

Updated April 18th:
At the American Philatelic Research Library board of trustees meeting, Galetti resigned as a trustee and vice president of the APRL, reports Foster Miller in The Stamp Collecting Forum.

Jean Wang, a doctor and well-known topical philatelist, was elected to replace him as a trustee. Tom Bieniosek was elected as the new vice president

Scott U.S. Catalogue Update April 2023

5754 (63¢) Women’s Soccer
a. Imperforate

5755 $10 Floral Geometry

5756 (5¢) Stars and Bars coil stamp

5757 (63¢) Toni Morrison
a. Imperforate

5758 (63¢) Historic Railroad Stations – Point of Rocks Station, Maryland
a. Imperforate
5759 (63¢) Historic Railroad Stations – Main Street Station, Richmond, Virginia
a. Imperforate
5760 (63¢) Historic Railroad Stations – Santa Fe Station, San Bernardino, California
a. Imperforate
5761 (63¢) Historic Railroad Stations – Tamaqua Station, Pennsylvania
a. Imperforate
5762 (63¢) Historic Railroad Stations – Union Terminal, Cincinnati, Ohio
a. Imperforate
b. Vert. strip of 5, #5758-5762
c. Imperforate vert. strip of 5, #5758a-5762a

Chicago Group Donates to Boston 2026

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Collectors Club of Chicago Donation to Boston 2026

Boston 2026 World Expo is pleased to announce that it has received a $5,000 donation from the Collectors Club of Chicago (CCC) Board of Directors. The Boston 2026 executives are grateful to Bill Maddocks, CCC President, Melanie Rogers, CCC Secretary, and the rest of the board of the CCC for their generous support of Boston 2026.

Founded in the late 1920s The Collectors Club of Chicago has as its primary objectives the documentation, preservation, advancement and promotion of philately through education, study, research and services. It is best known for its publication prowess of high quality original research works, catering to a wide assortment of philatelic interests.

Today meetings are held at the club’s stately four-story row house property, The Cabeen House [left], on North Dearborn Street in the ‘Gold Coast’ district of downtown Chicago. Most current members reside outside of greater Chicago, including many countries overseas.

The property also houses the largest philatelic library collection in the midwestern United States containing books, philatelic journals, CDs, post office publications, auction catalogs and a wealth of other material. It is available for members as well as, “anyone in the philatelic community demonstrating a need to conduct philatelic research requiring philatelic literature.”

Societies and philatelic groups considering participation in Boston 2026 are encouraged to contact Mark Schwartz, Boston 2026 Society Chair, as soon as possible by email at expressing their interests.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook.

Siegel Auctions Donates to Boston 2026

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Siegel Auction Donation to Boston 2026

Dr. Yamil H. Kouri, Jr., president of Boston 2026 World Stamp Show, Inc. is pleased to announce the first donation to Boston 2026 World Expo by an auction house. Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. of New York City, and its President, Scott R. Trepel, have pledged a donation of $10,000 to the Boston 2026 show fund.

Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries will also take a large dealer booth (#125) on the Boston 2026 show floor.

Scott Trepel has been the president of Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries since 1992. At the Great American Stamp Show 2021 he was presented the John Walter Scott Dealer Award by the American Philatelic Society. He is also a past member of the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum Advisory Council.

Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. was also a major contributor to New York 2016 World Stamp Show, the previous world philatelic exhibition in the United States. Scott’s partnership with Boston 2026 World Expo will contribute to its success.

Yamil and Scott will also be exploring joint marketing and sponsorship opportunities involving both organizations.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook.

Zeigler Resigning as APS President

[partly from press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Zeigler Resigning as APS President

APS President Bob Zeigler announced his intention to step down as President of the American Philatelic Society, effective March 31, 2023. Zeigler will remain on the APS Board of Directors as Immediate Past President.

Following Section 5.7(a) of the APS Bylaws, the APS Board of Vice Presidents has called a meeting for Monday, April 3, 2023, at 7:30 pm Eastern to fill the vacancy “by election by the Board of Directors from among its own membership.”

Bob Zeigler was elected Vice President to the APS Board of Directors in 2016. In May 2018, the APS Board of Directors elected Zeigler to fill the remaining term of APS President Mick Zais, who resigned to become Deputy Secretary of Education. Zeigler was re-elected by the APS membership in 2019 and again in 2022. During Zeigler’s tenure as President, the APS met the response of closure during the COVID-19 pandemic and helped retire the debt of the Match Factory in Bellefonte.

“Bob stepped up when we needed leadership,” APS executive director Scott English told VSC in an email. “He built a strong bond between the APS and APRL Boards to work as a team by being transparent and inclusive and we are better served for it.”

English called Zeigler “a collector’s president, traveling to stamp shows, stamp clubs, and representing the APS all over the country. He volunteered countless hours serving as a judge, expert, speaker, and as President of the APS, all while managing his law firm back home.” Zeigler is listed as an “emeritus partner” on the website of Zeigler, Cohen & Koch. He specialized in medical malpractice defense, products liability, and insurance coverage disputes, as does the firm.

Stephen Reinhard [right] will leave the Board as Immediate Past President. Reinhard was elected to the APS Board in 2011 as Vice President. In 2013, the APS membership elected Reinhard as President of the APS Board, and he served until 2016. Since 2016, Reinhard has served as the Immediate Past President of the APS Board.

The meeting to elect a new President will be held via Zoom and is open to the public. To register for the meeting,

Boston 2026 on “Fast Track”

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Boston 2026 on the “Fast Track”

With over three years to go before America’s next international opens its doors, progress on several fronts is ahead of schedule according to the Boston 2026 Leadership Team.

One month into the formal booth selection process sale of dealer booths have been stronger than expected according to Mark Butterline, show Executive Director. “All 10’x30′ booths are now sold out, with several other popular sizes expected to sell out soon.” USA/Canada Bourse Manager Mark Reasoner ( encourages prospective dealers to reach out to him as soon as possible to avoid disappointment in getting the right-size booth for their business. Dealers from other parts of the world may contact International Bourse Manager Sandeep Jaiswal to facilitate their arrangements (

“Philatelic organizations and individuals have been generous in their support of Boston 2026,” says Yamil Kouri, show President. “Our efforts in quietly seeking financial support from a variety of sources are paying off thanks to the behind-the-scenes assistance of many Boston 2026 supporters.” Information on making donations can be found on the Donor page of the show’s web site at Remember, as a 501(c)3 organization, donations may be tax deductible for those who itemize.

Schuyler Rumsey Philatelic Auctions of San Francisco has become the first auction house to confirm their staging of live auctions at Boston 2026. Each of the show’s eight days offers auction firms the opportunity to host an exclusive live auction. Schuyler Rumsey has chosen Tuesday, May 26 and Wednesday, May 27, 2026, for their events. Start gathering your consignments!

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook.

ATA Course: Buying Covers for Thematic Collections

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
ATA Course: Buying Covers for Thematic Collections

Damian Läge, the highest award-winning thematic exhibitor in the world, will present a three-part course sponsored by the American Topical Association (ATA) in May, via Zoom. He was recently chosen to sign the Roll of Distinguished Philatelists, one of the most prestigious honors in our hobby.

The course will cover aspects of recognizing, evaluating and shopping for covers with multiple frankings for a collection and/or exhibit. Läge points out that many covers you encounter at dealer booths and online have more than one stamp. These covers, with multiple frankings, vary dramatically in their philatelic importance. The course will show how to add some important items to your collection, often at a low price. Collectors and exhibitors will benefit from the course content.

Läge will share his research and insights in three sessions:

  • Saturday, May 6, 6 p.m., via Zoom – Multiple Frankings in Topical/Thematic Collections and Exhibits: How and Why
  • Sunday, May 7, 6 p.m., via Zoom – The Evaluation of Multiple Frankings: Great, Greater, Greatest – Learn to identify quality covers
  • Sunday, May 14, 6 p.m., via Zoom – How to Find Multiple Frankings for Your Collection and Exhibit

For those in time zones that make it difficult to attend the live presentation, the sessions will be taped and made available to those who register for the course. Those who enroll will be able to watch the programs again, at their convenience. Cost for the three sessions is $25 for members, $45 for non-members, with an option to purchase the course and membership at a discounted rate. Registration is open in the Events section on the ATA website at

Läge has won the highest exhibiting awards and has lectured widely throughout the world. His high enthusiasm makes his presentations both educational and entertaining. In 2015, his was the first thematic exhibit to receive 98 points at an international competition (ECTP 2015). In 2020, his one-frame exhibit, The Maori Pigeon, won the Grand Prix at ALPE-ADRIA in competition with all multiple frame exhibits in all classes. Last year he won the Grand Prix at CAPEX in Toronto. He has been winning top awards since he began exhibiting as a teenager.

This course is the result of Läge’s research and evaluation of many covers with multiple frankings. He discovered that online sellers often have philatelically significant covers for sale at good prices, as their prices often don’t differentiate great covers from mediocre ones.

This is an opportunity to learn from one of the most accomplished philatelists in the world.

Flowers (UK 2023)

[from press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Royal Mail Reveals Flowers Special Stamps

  • The new silhouette marks a significant milestone in British philatelic history
  • The 10-stamp set showcases some of the most popular types of flowers grown in gardens across the UK:
    • Sweet pea
    • Iris
    • Lily
    • Sunflower
    • Fuchsia
    • Tulip
    • Peony
    • Nasturtium
    • Rose
    • Dahlia
  • Royal Mail worked closely with gardening writer Naomi Slade on the stamp issue
  • The stamps are available to pre-order now at and by telephone on 03457 641 641
  • All 10 stamps in a Presentation Pack go on general sale from 23 March and are priced at £10.40

Royal Mail is releasing a set of 10 stamps celebrating some of the most popular flowers which are grown in gardens across the UK.

These Special Stamps mark a significant milestone in British philatelic history as they are the first to feature the silhouette of HM King Charles III. This is the first change of silhouette since 1968. [more on the silhouette]

The stamps feature striking photographs of flowers against a white background alongside their common names and show:

  • Sweet pea
  • Iris
  • Lily
  • Sunflower
  • Fuchsia
  • Tulip
  • Peony
  • Nasturtium
  • Rose
  • Dahlia

Royal Mail worked closely with gardening writer Naomi Slade on the stamp issue.

The UK’s Favourite Blooms:
Although they are steeped in the familiarity of long association, many of the UK’s most identifiable flowers have arrived here from all over the world.

In addition to our native dog roses, a key ancestor of the garden favourite is the fragrant, multi-petalled French rose, Rosa gallica. It was prized by the Greeks and the Romans, and legend has it that new varieties arose when a cultivated form, Rosa gallica var. of ficinalis, was carried from Syria to France after the Crusades, where it became the Rose of Provins.

Peonies, too, are a footloose breed. The tree peony is esteemed in China as Hua Wang, the King of Flowers, and although 8th-century Buddhist monks originally valued peonies for their medicinal properties, this has been overshadowed by the sheer magnificence of their blossoms. Frequently held up as paragons of simplicity, lilies are more complex and culturally significant than most of us imagine. Cherished for millennia, the various species can be found in rocky Chinese gorges, flourishing in American meadows, or baking in Mediterranean heat. Yet throughout history, they have represented gods and purity, death and seduction, and have appeared in art for thousands of years.

Dahlias arrived in Spain from Central America, and inspired Europeans with their flamboyance and in finite variety. Like 17th-century ‘tulip mania’, dahlia-fancying soon became an expensive hobby. By the 19th century, dahlia tubers could fetch as much as £100 – then several years’ wages for many people.

It seems that even the UK’s best-loved traditional blooms are wanderers. Sweet peas hail from Sicily, while fuchsias, nasturtiums and sunflowers – often the first seeds we sow as children – are from the Americas.

In many ways, however, geography and provenance are irrelevant to the glorious melting pot that is a garden. Flowers mark our celebrations, our joys and our sorrows and, above all, they unify us through a pleasure that we can all understand.

David Gold, Director of External Affairs & Policy, Royal Mail, said: “Britain is a nation of gardeners, and a love of flowers runs deep in our collective consciousness. His Majesty is known to be a passionate gardener and we are delighted that the first Special Stamps to feature his silhouette should be a celebration of some of the most popular flowers in British gardens”.

The stamps are available to pre-order now at and by telephone on 03457 641 641. A Presentation Pack including all 10 stamps in the set is available on general sale from 23 March and priced at £10.40.

[VSC: Philatelic products include first day covers (two postmarks, the Tipton alternate shown below], unserviced cacheted envelope, picture postcards and sheets and half-sheets with just five of the 10 designs.]

Technical Specifications:
Number of stamps: Ten
Value of stamps: First Class
Design: Charlie Smith Design
Stamp format: Square
Stamp size: 35mm x 35mm
Number per sheet: 25/50
Printer: Cartor Security Printers
Print process: Lithography
Perforations: 14.5 x 14.5
Phosphor Bars: as appropriate
Gum: PVA


First UK Stamps with Charles Silhouette

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
HM King Charles III Silhouette Takes Its Place on UK Stamps

The creation of the new HM King Charles III silhouette was a collaboration between the illustrator Andrew Davidson, Head of Design and Editorial at Royal Mail, Marcus James, and Ian Chilvers, from design agency, Atelier Works.

The project began with Andrew Davidson working on a likeness that would work at stamp size.

The second major stage of development was the digitising and fine-tuning of the detail in the silhouette. This was conducted by both Royal Mail and Atelier Works with visual adjustments that were tested at actual size to ensure the silhouette would work at the diminutive dimensions required.

The final image was adjusted to ensure a likeness to the new Definitive ’everyday’ stamp.