The LloydBlog: Thanks

Wow. Just wow.

I didn’t think it would happen, or if it did, I was worried it would be a Hall of Fame award (for deceased members) rather than the Luff (for living members). I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want this honor.

It’s not something you work for: You don’t say, “I want to get the Luff Award for Exceptional Contributions for Philately. What do I need to do?” I also have to admit that my motives were not always altruistic and selfless.

I don’t know if there were any accomplishments specifically that swayed the Luff Committee. I write because that’s what I do. It’s not “Cogito, ergo sum” so much as “Sum, ergo scribo” — I am, therefore I write. I was writing press releases in high school, about everything from band concerts to capacitors.

I think my first philatelic writing was publicity for the 1982 American First Day Cover Society convention. When the editor of Stamps magazine asked First Days editor Sol Koved for a FDC columnist, he recommended me.

I tried dealing in first day covers, starting with just my Dragon Cards and eventually neglecting Dragon Cards because I was so busy with the other stuff. After ten years, I realized I wasn’t cut out to be a successful stamp dealer.Note 1

About that time, 1993, I became involved in the online community GEnieNote 2, mostly to get help and tips for my Apple IIe and IIgs computers. GEnie had a very strong Apple II community, as well as one for Science Fiction and Fantasy, another interest of mine. While on the dial-up system, I discovered it had a Stamp Collecting section in the “Hobby RoundTable.” I felt philately was being neglected and pitched GEnie for a stand-alone Stamp Collecting RoundTable, which I got.

My fellow moderators gave me an award for promotion (shown on the right; above is the First Cachet promoting GEnie: I borrowed an Apple IIe computer for the AFDCS convention, paid to have a telephone line installed, and gave away free FDCs). I had been calling our community “The Virtual Stamp Club” and, as a publicity stunt, I applied to make VSC a chapter of the American Philatelic Society. Chapter #1461 was the first online chapter of any major philatelic organization. (CompuServe’s forum was Chapter #1466.) I still have the GEnie trophy on a shelf in my office (above).

At one point, we had “outposts” of The Virtual Stamp Club on six different online services at the same time. I would write one story and post it in six places. Eventually, only Delphi survived and continued.

Running for the APS board in 1997 was something of a publicity stunt, too. I don’t remember who suggested I run but I saw it as a way to make The Virtual Stamp Club better known. Once elected, though, I took being a Director seriously: I wore the APS lapel pin everywhere, philatelic and not, and read all the briefing books we were given, cover to cover. (No pun intended.)

I doubt the Luff citation will include some of my philatelic failures: Being a dealer (that’s me and my 5-year-old assistant at EMPEX 1990 on the lef). The 2013 debacle where I tried to improve VSC’s resources by selling out to very big philatelic firm. (I didn’t realize which meaning of “selling out” was operative). The fact that neither of my sons collects stamps or covers (yet; hope springs eternal and now there are grandchildren).

I have many people to thank, and my next philatelic failure will be leaving some of them out. My wife Jane, who has tolerated the time spent on my philatelic pursuits. I mentioned above Sol Koved, a mentor; I still think of him and his columns when I write my AFDCS President’s columns. There are the volunteers, supporters and participants of The Virtual Stamp Club in its heyday. Leigh and Steve Ross, who convinced me the World Wide Web was worth a try and made it happen.

My editors at various philatelic publications, including the one who saved me from myself by calling up and saying, “We can’t print this!” The managers at CBS News, Radio who allowed and encouraged me to produce a weekly feature and “spot” reports on stamps.

My colleagues on the APS Board of Directors when I was first elected in 1997. I was one of five first-timers elected that year; the others were Janet Klug, Jeanette Adams, Ann Triggle and Wayne Youngblood. We all did email (not that common yet) and exchanged messages, calling ourselves “The Gang of Five.” We were amazed, maybe aghast, at the vitriol from some quarters after the Pacific 97 debacle.

I also want to thank Peter McCann, then a vice president. The board had a meeting in State College to dal with the image problems of the APS. Now, Peter and I are about as different as can be: He has multiple doctorates, gold-medal exhibits and collects countries whose names I don’t even know. He and I were eating dinner and I confessed I didn’t feel qualified to be on the Board. “You’re as well-qualified as anyone and more so than many,” he replied. It helped quite a bit.

Most of my colleagues in the AFDCS leadership. They’ve let me bounce ideas off them and done much of the work as I’ve tried to transform the organization from an overgrown club into a leading international stamp society. Some of them drive me nuts at times, but I’m sure I return the favor. 😎

My parents, both of whom collected stamps and encouraged me as a child to do so. More than that, they taught me to volunteer when something needs to be done. My Cub Scout pack was going to fold because it didn’t have a committee chairman. My father rearranged his work schedule to attend the meetings, and began 25 years as a Scouter volunteer. In going through my mother’s things after she died, I discovered a newspaper clipping that said she was the president of The Torbank Community Nursery School that I attended. She also encouraged my writing and let me use one of her typewriters. (That was later, after nursery school.)

1I’ve joked that I come from a long line of retail failures, which really isn’t fair to my father and grandfathers: Chain discount stores, Depression, Holocaust, respectively.

2 “GEnie” with two capital letters is correct; it stood for “General Electric” and used GE’s internal communications network during off-peak hours. “IIe” and IIgs” are correct, too.

2023 Luff Winners: Kupiec-Weglinski, de Vries, Kaufmann

The American Philatelic Society has announced the winners of its Luff Awards, the most prestigious honor the APS can bestow upon living philatelists. They are:

  • For Distinguished Philatelic Research: Jerzy W. Kupiec-Weglinski
  • For Exceptional Contributions to Philately: Lloyd A. de Vries, and
  • For Outstanding Service to the APS: Patricia A. (Trish) Kaufmann

You can read the APS press release, which includes detailed biographies and accomplishments of the winners, here.

The Luff Award was established in 1940 in memory of John N. Luff, APS president from 1907 to 1909, who was considered the most prominent American philatelist of his era.

U.S. Scott Catalogue Update (July 2023)

5798 (63¢) Chief Standing Bear
a. Imperforate

5799 Endangered Species pane of 20
a. (63¢) Laysan teal
b. (63¢) Black-footed ferret
c. (63¢) Roanoke logperch
d. (63¢) Thick-billed parrot
e. (63¢) Candy darter
f. (63¢) Florida panther
g. (63¢) Masked bobwhite quail
h. (63¢) Key Largo cotton mouse
i. (63¢) Lower Keys marsh rabbit
j. (63¢) Wyoming toad
k. (63¢) Vancouver Island marmot
l. (63¢) Golden-cheeked warbler
m. (63¢) Guam Micronesian kingfisher
n. (63¢) San Francisco garter snake
o. (63¢) Mexican gray wolf
p. (63¢) Attwater’s prairie chicken
q. (63¢) Nashville crayfish
r. (63¢) Piping plover
s. (63¢) Desert bighorn sheep
t. (63¢) Mississippi sandhill crane
u. As No. 5799, imperforate
v. As No. 5799a, imperforate
w. As No. 5799b, imperforate
x. As No. 5799c, imperforate
y. As No. 5799d, imperforate
z. As No. 5799e, imperforate
aa. As No. 5799f, imperforate
ab. As No. 5799g, imperforate
ac. As No. 5799h, imperforate
ad. As No. 5799i, imperforate
ae. As No. 5799j, imperforate
af. As No. 5799k, imperforate
ag. As No. 5799l, imperforate
ah. As No. 5799m, imperforate
ai. As No. 5799n, imperforate
aj. As No. 5799o, imperforate
ak. As No. 5799p, imperforate
al. As No. 5799q, imperforate
am. As No. 5799r, imperforate
an. As No. 5799s, imperforate
ao. As No. 5799t, imperforate

Let’s Take The Ferry! (Canada 2023)

[from Details magazine; day of issue press release is below] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Let’s Take The Ferry!

5 stamps Issue date: 12 July

Ferries are part of Canada’s marine heritage and continue to play a role in regional transit systems. Harkening back to a more leisurely mode of travel, these stamps, featuring Canadian ferries still in service, are sure to inspire both nostalgia and wanderlust.

Built in 1993, Spirit of British Columbia has a capacity to transport 2,100 passengers and crew, plus more than 350 vehicles, on a 95-minute scenic route that crosses the Salish Sea, connecting Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and Victoria (Swartz Bay).

Chi-Cheemaun – “big canoe” in Ojibwe – crosses Lake Huron’s Georgian Bay between Tobermory, on the Bruce Peninsula, and Manitoulin Island. Built in 1974, the passenger and vehicle ferry operates from May to October, with a capacity of 643 passengers and close to 150 vehicles.

Launched in 1910, the rare side-wheeled paddle steamer Trillium was retired in 1956 but returned to service in 1976 following a two-year restoration. It now carries up to 800 passengers between Toronto and the Toronto Islands.

Named after the founder of North America’s first credit union and built in 1971, Alphonse-Desjardins can transport up to 590 passengers and more than 50 vehicles. It provides a year-round connection across the St. Lawrence River between Québec and Lévis.

Built in 1990, New Brunswick’s Grand Manan V travels in some of the highest tides in the world, carrying up to 300 residents and visitors and 60 vehicles to Grand Manan, the largest island in the Bay of Fundy.
Updated July 12th:

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
“Let’s Take the Ferry!” New stamps highlight Canada’s marine heritage
Stamp issue showcases five active ferries representing Canada from coast to coast.

OTTAWA – Canada Post is releasing five new stamps highlighting ferry transportation in Canada. Featuring five ferries that are operating in Canadian waters, the stamp issue honours the country’s rich marine heritage.

Waterway transportation has been a fundamental part of Canada’s history and development, with Indigenous Peoples traditionally using canoes, kayaks, umiaks and other vessels to hunt, transfer goods and carry people along coastal regions and across lakes and rivers. Today, ferries in Canada transport millions of passengers and vehicles each year, playing important roles in regional transit systems and the tourism industry.

The stamp issue presents five ferries, each representing different regions of Canada:

  • Spirit of British Columbia connects Vancouver (Tsawwassen) and Victoria (Swartz Bay, Vancouver Island), B.C., across the Salish Sea.
  • Chi-Cheemaun travels between Tobermory (Bruce Peninsula) and Manitoulin Island (South Baymouth), Ont., across Lake Huron’s Georgian Bay.
  • Trillium provides passage between Toronto and the Toronto Islands, Ont., across Lake Ontario.
  • Alphonse-Desjardins links Québec and Lévis, Que., across the St. Lawrence River.
  • Grand Manan V connects Blacks Harbour and Grand Manan Island, N.B., across the Bay of Fundy.

About the ferries:

  • Spirit of British Columbia has a capacity for 2,100 passengers and crew, along with more than 350 vehicles, and is one of the two largest ferries in the BC Ferries fleet. Built in 1993, the vessel was converted in 2018 to dual-fuel propulsion, allowing the ship to use liquefied natural gas and significantly reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Chi-Cheemaun, which means “big canoe” in Ojibwe, was built in 1974 and runs from May to October. The ferry features Woodland-inspired artwork on its bow and funnel, while on-board amenities include Muskoka chairs on the upper deck and an art gallery.
  • Trillium is the oldest ferry of the stamp issue. Launched in 1910, the vessel is a rare side-wheeled paddle steamer and, at 564 gross tonnes, is the largest ferry in the Toronto fleet and can carry up to 800 passengers.
  • Alphonse-Desjardins, named after the founder of North America’s first credit union, was built in 1971 and traverses a one-kilometre span of the St. Lawrence River between Québec and Lévis year-round, offering views of the old city and its fortifications from the water.
  • Grand Manan V navigates in some of the world’s highest tides to bring visitors and residents to and from Grand Manan – the largest island in the Bay of Fundy – while providing passengers with a chance to spot wildlife, including whales and seabirds. The vessel also transports millions of dollars of lobster, salmon and dulse each year.

About the stamp issueDesigned by Lionel Gadoury and Owen Gabany of Context Creative, the stamps depict postcard-perfect photos of the ferries in their home waters. Printed by Lowe-Martin, the issue includes a booklet of 10 Permanent™ domestic rate stamps, an Official First Day Cover (a first day of issue special envelope), and a souvenir sheet of five stamps.

The stamps and collectibles are available at and postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Voyage en traversier: De nouveaux timbres mettent en vedette le patrimoine maritime du Canada
L’émission présente cinq traversiers canadiens toujours en service.OTTAWA, ON, le 12 juill. 2023 /CNW/ – Saluant le riche patrimoine maritime du Canada, Postes Canada lance cinq nouveaux timbres présentant autant de traversiers canadiens toujours en service au pays.

Le transport par voie navigable fait partie intégrante de l’histoire et du développement du Canada, les peuples autochtones utilisant depuis longtemps des canots, des kayaks, des umiaks et d’autres embarcations pour la chasse et pour le transport des gens et de la marchandise le long des régions côtières, ainsi que sur les lacs et les rivières. Aujourd’hui, les traversiers canadiens accueillent des millions de personnes et de véhicules chaque année, et jouent un rôle important dans les systèmes de transport régionaux et l’industrie touristique.

L’émission de timbres met en vedette cinq traversiers, chacun représentant une région canadienne différente:

  • Le Spirit of British Columbia traverse la mer des Salish entre Vancouver (Tsawwassen) et Victoria (Swartz Bay, sur l’île de Vancouver), en Colombie-Britannique.
  • Le Chi-Cheemaun parcourt les eaux de la baie Georgienne du lac Huron entre la péninsule Bruce (Tobermory) et l’île Manitoulin (South Baymouth), en Ontario.
  • Le Trillium fait la navette sur le lac Ontario entre Toronto et les îles de Toronto, en Ontario.
  • L’Alphonse-Desjardins sillonne le fleuve Saint-Laurent entre Québec et Lévis, au Québec.
  • Le Grand Manan V relie Blacks Harbour à l’île Grand Manandans la baie de Fundy, au Nouveau-Brunswick.

À propos des traversiers

  • L’un des deux plus grands navires de BC Ferries, le Spirit of British Columbia peut transporter jusqu’à 2 100 personnes, dont l’équipage, et plus de 350 véhicules. Construit en 1993, il est doté en 2018 d’un système de propulsion à deux carburants, pouvant ainsi fonctionner au gaz naturel liquéfié et produisant considérablement moins de CO2.
  • Construit en 1974, le Chi-Cheemaun (« grand canot » en ojibwé) est en service de mai à octobre. Sa proue et sa cheminée sont ornées d’œuvres inspirées du style Woodland, alors que son pont supérieur offre des commodités comme des fauteuils Adirondack et une galerie d’art.
  • Le Trillium est le plus ancien des navires de l’émission. Rare bateau à vapeur à roues latérales, il est d’abord inauguré en 1910. Avec sa capacité de 564 tonnes brutes, il est le plus grand traversier de la flotte de Toronto et peut transporter jusqu’à 800 personnes.
  • Nommé en l’honneur du fondateur de la première coopérative de crédit en Amérique du Nord, l’Alphonse-Desjardins est construit en 1971. Il sillonne le fleuve Saint-Laurent toute l’année sur un kilomètre entre Lévis et Québec, offrant une vue sur la vieille ville et ses fortifications.
  • Le Grand Manan V navigue sur les plus hautes marées du monde pour transporter touristes et gens de la région entre le continent et l’île Grand Manan, la plus grande de la baie de Fundy, leur permettant de peut-être apercevoir des baleines et des oiseaux marins en cours de route. Le navire transporte également des millions de dollars de homard, de saumon et de main-de-mer palmée chaque année.

À propos de l’émission de timbresConçus par Lionel Gadoury et Owen Gabany de Context Creative, les timbres montrent de merveilleuses photos des traversiers sur leurs eaux respectives. Imprimée par Lowe-Martin, l’émission comprend un carnet de 10 timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur, un pli Premier Jour officiel (enveloppe du premier jour d’émission) et un bloc-feuillet de cinq timbres.

Les timbres et les articles de collection sont en vente sur et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays.

AFDCS Seeks Volunteers for GASS 2023

The AFDCS is seeking members to volunteer for Great American Stamp Show.

The available slots are:

Thursday, Aug, 10, Friday, Aug. 11, and Saturday August 12: 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 12-2 p.m., 2-4 p.m.. and 4-6 p.m.
Sunday, August 13: 10 a.m.-12 p.m., 12-2p.m., and 2-4 p.m.

COVER PREPARATION: Thursday, August 10 and Friday, August 11: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Please let Americover volunteer coordinator Ralph Nafziger — — know by August 4 if you can help, and if so, when and for which duty.

New Crypto Stamp on the Way from PostNL (Netherlands 2023)

[press release; Google translation] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
PostNL is launching a new crypto stamp this fall
Unique collaboration between postal companies from the Netherlands, Austria and Luxembourg

PostNL is issuing a crypto stamp for the second time. The new NFT crypto stamp is a unique collaboration between PostNL, Österreichische Post and POST Luxembourg. This fall, the new crypto stamp will be launched simultaneously in the Netherlands, Austria and Luxembourg.

PostNL launched a crypto seal for the first time in September 2022; the NL crypto stamp. For this stamp, PostNL joined forces with Österreichische Post, never before has a crypto stamp been issued jointly by two postal companies.

The second crypto stamp is again the result of a special international collaboration, this time with Austria and Luxembourg. This crypto stamp is a first for POST Luxembourg. Österreichische Post is a forerunner in the field of crypto stamps. In 2019, they were the first postal company ever to also market stamps as NFT.

First Collection Sold Out
“The first NFT crypto stamp proved to be extremely popular among both classic collectors and NFT aficionados,” says Bob van Ireland, Director Mail Netherlands at PostNL. “All variants of the collection of the first NL crypto stamp are now sold out. By cooperating with the postal companies in Austria and Luxembourg, we hope to make even more people enthusiastic about this new stamp.”

Georg Pölzl, CEO Austrian Post: “Our know-how in crypto and blockchain technology is in demand worldwide. We will be issuing the next joint stamp in autumn, together with the post organizations from Luxembourg and the Netherlands, under license. The next generation of the Crypto stamp will stand under the unifying motifs of our three countries.”

Pierre Zimmer, Deputy managing director of POST Luxembourg: “More than 170 years after the first stamps were issued in the Grand Duchy, this year we will introduce a new, innovative way of collecting and trading stamps through the use of blockchain technology. Through the collaboration with PostNL and Austrian Post, we strive to build a global community of stamp collectors while making collecting and trading more accessible, convenient and secure.”

Secret design
The design of the new crypto stamp remains secret for now. It is already known that the crypto seal, as with the first collection, is characterized by a unique symbol. In the previous edition. That symbol was a bull. The final design will be revealed later this year, but PostNL will announce more details of the design in the near future via the website, the Collect Club and the Crypto Stamp newsletter.

The new crypto stamp consists of a unique combination of a physical stamp and a digital NFT. The crypto stamp comes in a limited edition with a value of €9.25. PostNL will announce more later about the start of the (advance) sales, circulation and points of sale. [PostNL supplied this illustration without explanation.]

Echt Hollands Definitives (Netherlands 2023)

[from PostNL handouts] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Echt Hollands (Truly Dutch) Definitives

Date of issue: 3 July 2023

  • A sheet of 10 stamps in 10 different designs for destinations within the Netherlands (€10.10)
  • A sheet of 5 stamps in five different designs for delivery outside the Netherlands (€8.25)
  • A sheet of 50 stamps in one design designs for delivery outside the Netherlands(€82.50)

“Echt Hollands” means “truly Dutch.”

These three stamp sheets are part of the basic range of stamps, which consists of permanent stamps from the basic range and special stamps from the annual collection. Permanent stamps include stamps with the portrait of King Willem-Alexander, the love stamps, birth stamps, mourning stamps, business stamps on rolls and these. The previous permanent stamps were issued in 2014 white-and-blue 3D icons. PostNL regularly redesigns its permanent stamps to reflect the spirit of the times.

The Echt Hollands 10 x Nederland 1 stamps feature 10 ‘Truly Dutch’ (Echt Hollandse) images: a vase with tulips, a carrier pigeon with a letter, a bakfiets (cargo bicycle) with plants, a coffee pot and mug with a Boerenbont motif, a lighthouse, a herring, canal houses, a whipped cream cake, a caravan and a cheeseboard. Of the 10 images, five are also featured on the Echt Hollands 5 x Internationaal 1 stamps: the herring, the vase with tulips, the lighthouse, the carrier pigeon and the coffee pot with mug. The Echt Hollands 50 x Internationaal 1 features the vase with tulips.

All the illustrations were hand-drawn by illustrator Sanny van Loon from Amsterdam, and are placed in the centre of the stamps against a background of diamonds or stripes in different shades of turquoise. The stamps for domestic destinations have a drawn golden-yellow perforated border. The foreign destination stamps have a dark blue border.

Van Loon previously designed the 2018 December stamps. She began by grabbing pen and paper. “My desk was littered with A4 sketches in no time. I drew all kinds of things: landscapes, food, flowers, art, buildings and so on,” she says. “Based on the sketches, I made a selection of subjects that made me happy.”

Sanny’s illustrations are often nostalgic in character. “I love vintage, retro or whatever you want to call it. It is an important aspect of my work, but I always create fresh images that everyone can recognise,” she says. “The 1970s caravan [camper] on the stamp is a good example of how to mix nostalgia with contemporary. Many people will think of past holidays with their parents, but camping has also been rediscovered by younger generations. So this image combines the traditional and what is currently cool.”

Sanny describes the illustrations as “miniature paintings,” each with its own story. “The image of the tulips in the enamelled jug [above] was in my head right from the start. One of the tulips has already hung its head; everybody knows that phenomenon. Some of the petals have fallen onto the table. This refers to the flower still lifes of the Dutch masters, which always show something fleeting, something transient.

“The illustration featuring the cheeses had many iterations,” van Loon says. “I drew countless sketches: cheese sandwiches, cheese markets, cheese cubes, whole cheeses, cheese shops, cheese knives, cheese paper, and so on. Everything finally fell into place when I saw the cheese board in front of me, with the familiar Dutch cheese cubes on skewers and a pickle and a tomato on top.

“I wanted to feature the herring on its wee square cardboard plate on a separate stamp [below right]. Surely no one in the world eats herring the way we do?” she says.

“All these subjects relate to my own life. I often base my work on memories, but I depict them in such a way that they appeal to everyone. For example, when I see Boerenbont crockery [below], I’m always reminded of the cosiness of visits to my grandmother. And the canal houses [below] look like the ones near where I was born and where I live now.”

Technical Details:
Echt Hollands 10 x Nederland 1
Stamp size (wxh): 20.8 x 25.3mm:
Sheet size (wxh): 75 x 126mm:
Paper: normal with phosphor print
Glue: self-adhesive
Printing technique: offset
Printing colours: cyan, magenta, yellow and black
Print run: 2,050,000 sheets
Appearance: sheet of 10 stamps in 10 different designs
Design: Sanny van Loon, Amsterdam
Printer: Cartor Security Printers, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Item number: 430961
Copyright: stamp w/ Boerenbont pattern Boerenbont® Royal Boch Bvba

Echt Hollands 5 x Internationaal 1
Stamp size (wxh): 20.8 x 25.3mm:
Sheet size (wxh): 58 x 126mm:
Paper: normal with phosphor print
Glue: self-adhesive
Printing technique: offset
Printing colours: cyan, magenta, yellow and black
Print run: 1,060,000 sheets
Format: sheet of 5 stamps in 5 different designs
Design: Sanny van Loon, Amsterdam
Printer: Cartor Security Printers, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Item number: 430962
Copyright: stamp w/ Boerenbont pattern Boerenbont® Royal Boch Bvba

Echt Hollands 50 x Internationaal 1
Stamp size (wxh): 20.8 x 25.3mm:
Sheet size (wxh): 120 x 498mm:
Paper: normal with phosphor print
Glue: self-adhesive
Printing technique: offset
Printing colours: cyan, magenta, yellow and black
Print run: 75,000 sheets
Format: sheet of one stamp in one design
Design: Sanny van Loon, Amsterdam
Printer: Cartor Security Printers, Wolverhampton, United Kingdom
Item number: 430963

Note: PostNL does not sell directly to collectors in North America. Its website refers to a company called Nordfirm, which says it sells Dutch new issues at face value. The Virtual Stamp Club has no connection to this company.

Sail Den Helder (Tall Ships Races) (Netherlands 2023)

[taken from a PostNL handout] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Sail Den Helder (Tall Ships Races)

Date of issue: 26 June 2023

On 26 June 2023, PostNL will publish the Sail Den Helder 10-stamp sheet. This year’s maritime event will take place from 29 June to 2 July. Sail Den Helder is organised together with the 2023 Marinedagen (Navy days), marking the start of the Tall Ships Races 2023. The ten stamps feature photos with examples of the types of ships that are present at these three events. A sheet of ten stamps costs €10.10.

This is the 6th time the port of Den Helder has hosted this maritime event. It is expected to attract 300,000 visitors. Den Helder’s harbour and quays will give them the opportunity to learn about what the maritime sector has to offer: from sailing heritage and tall ships to modern training ships and naval vessels. Besides the many hundreds of ships, the focus will be on social issues such as energy transition and protecting life on and under water.

Sail Den Helder will be combined with the Marinedagen, the open days of the Dutch Royal Navy. In addition, the port of Den Helder will be the starting location for the Tall Ships Races 2023 on 1 July. This race, in which just under 100 tall ships are expected to participate, will run via Hartlepool (England), Frederikstad (Norway) and Lerwick (Shetland Islands) to Arendal (Norway). The Tall Ships Races are designed to introduce young people to the world of seafaring and sailing. That is why half of the crew of the participating ships are between the ages of 15 and 25.

The sheet features two different designs. On the left side, the stamps are rotated 180 degrees compared to those on the right side. Both stamp designs feature photos of two different sailing ships. The landscape image features a Navy motor vessel on the right-hand side, on the tab next to the stamp. The perforations extend to the sheet edge. This allows each stamp to be torn from the sheet together with its corresponding tab. The typography on the stamp runs between the pictures at right angles.

All events are listed on the edges of the sheet. At the top is the title Sail Den Helder 2023, with Marinedagen underneath. At the bottom is the title The Tall Ships Races 2023, with, in chronological order, all the ports of call of the sailing race and their corresponding latitude and longitude. The five ships on the stamps are typical of the types of ships that will be present during Sail Den Helder 2023 in June and July. The ships pictured are the air defence and command frigate Zr. Ms. De Ruyter from 2002 (Netherlands), the two-master Abel Tasman from 1913 (Netherlands), the tall ship Juan Sebastián de Elcano from 1927 (Spain), the three-master ARM Cuauhtémoc from 1982 (Mexico) and the three-master Mircea from 1938 (Romania).

The sheet was designed by graphic designer Maud van Rossum from Amsterdam. She explored the subject partly by visiting the Maritime Museum in her hometown. “What fascinates me about this maritime subject is how everything works on board those big ships,” Van Rossum says. “Reflecting the many aspects of the subject on two different stamp designs was a real challenge. And not just Sail Den Helder, but also the Marinedagen and the Tall Ships Races that are linked to it.”

For PostNL, Van Rossum also designed 200 years of the Mauritshuis (2022), Queen Máxima at 50 (2021) and The first atlases (2020). With Piet Gerards, she collaborated on the World Heritage Sites in the Netherlands (2014), Inauguration of Willem-Alexander (2013) and 100 years of Heemschut (2011) stamps.

Technical Details:
Format: sheet of ten stamps in two different designs, with value 1 for post up to and including 20g for destinations within the Netherlands
Item number: 430861
Design: Studio Maud van Rossum, Amsterdam
Photography: Sail Den Helder
Lithography: Marc Gijzen, Voorburg
Stamp size: 40 x 30mm
Sheet size: 170 x 122 mm
Paper: normal with phosphor print
Gum: gummed
Printing technique: offset
Printing colours: cyan, magenta, yellow and black
Print run: 80,000 sheets
Printing company: Koninklijke Joh. Enschedé B.V., Haarlem
Item number: 430861

Note: PostNL does not sell directly to collectors in North America. Its website refers to a company called Nordfirm, which says it sells Dutch new issues at face value. The Virtual Stamp Club has no connection to this company.

Filmmaker Denys Arcand (Canada 2023)

Updated June 27th:
[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
New stamp recognizes Canadian filmmaker Denys Arcand
The internationally acclaimed artist has been captivating and challenging audiences for more than 60 years

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post today issued a new stamp to honour internationally acclaimed Canadian filmmaker Denys Arcand, whose incredible career has spanned more than 60 years. Known for his intellectual curiosity, the Quebec-born artist has written and directed over two dozen films, television shows and documentaries.

Arcand first developed a passion for politics and history while studying at the Université de Montréal, where he also co-wrote and co-directed his first film, Seul ou avec d’autres (1962). A year later, he joined the National Film Board of Canada (NFB) as a documentarian where he began cultivating his reputation for pushing boundaries. His first feature-length documentary On est au coton (1970) was about Quebec’s textile industry – it was so controversial that the NFB waited six years before releasing it.

As he moved into fiction, Arcand found more freedom to express his views and to challenge audiences, which would earn him critical acclaim.

In 1986, he experienced box-office success with Le déclin de l’empire américain. The biting comedy about sexual mores won several honours, including eight Genie Awards. It also became the first Canadian film to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film.

Arcand would build on this success with hits that include Jésus de Montréal (1989) and Les invasions barbares (2003), which won an Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film – the first for Quebec (and Canada). After more than 60 years in the industry, Arcand continues to direct.

Among Arcand’s many honours are a Governor General’s Performing Arts Award in 1995 and a Canada’s Walk of Fame induction in 2004. He is also a Companion of the Order of Canada (2004) and a Compagnon de l’Ordre des arts et des lettres du Québec (2015).

About the stamp
The stamp features a black and white photograph by Bertand Carrière of Arcand behind the camera during the filming of Le déclin de l’empire américain in 1985.

Designed by Paprika and printed by Lowe-Martin, the issue includes a booklet of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and an Official First Day Cover, which showcase the photography of Alexandre Isard and Rick Eglinton. The cancel site is Deschambault, Quebec, where Arcand spent his childhood.

The stamp and collectible are available at and postal outlets across Canada.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un nouveau timbre rend hommage au cinéaste canadien Denys Arcand
Le cinéaste de renommée mondiale Denys Arcand pousse le public à jeter un regard critique sur le monde depuis plus de 60 ans

MONTRÉAL – Postes Canada a émis aujourd’hui un nouveau timbre en l’honneur du cinéaste canadien de renommée mondiale Denys Arcand, dont la carrière exceptionnelle s’étend sur plus de 60 ans. Reconnu pour sa curiosité intellectuelle, le célèbre Québécois a écrit et réalisé plus d’une vingtaine de films, d’émissions de télévision et de documentaires.

Denys Arcand cultive une passion pour la politique et l’histoire pendant ses études à l’Université de Montréal, où il coécrit et codirige son premier film, Seul ou avec d’autres en 1962. Un an plus tard, il devient documentariste pour l’Office national du film du Canada (ONF) et commence à se bâtir une réputation de cinéaste qui repousse les limites. Son premier long métrage documentaire, On est au coton (1970), sur l’industrie du textile au Québec, est tellement controversé que l’ONF attend six ans avant de le lancer.

Denys Arcand se tourne par la suite vers la fiction, genre lui offrant plus de liberté pour exprimer sa vision et provoquer le public, et qui finit par lui valoir les éloges de la critique.

En 1986, il connaît du succès au guichet avec Le déclin de l’empire américain. La comédie mordante sur les mœurs sexuelles récolte plusieurs honneurs, dont huit prix Génie. Il s’agit également de la première production canadienne à être mise en nomination pour l’Academy Award du meilleur film en langue étrangère.

Le cinéaste poursuit son ascension avec des films comme Jésus de Montréal (1989) et Les invasions barbares (2003), qui récolte un Academy Award du meilleur film en langue étrangère – le premier au Québec (et au Canada). Après plus de 60 ans dans l’industrie, Denys Arcand poursuit sa carrière de réalisateur.

Entre autres honneurs, Denys Arcand reçoit un Prix du Gouverneur général pour les arts du spectacle en 1995 et une étoile sur l’Allée des célébrités canadiennes en 2004. Il est également fait Compagnon de l’Ordre du Canada (2004) et Compagnon de l’Ordre des arts et des lettres du Québec (2015).

À propos du timbre
Le timbre présente une photographie en noir et blanc de Denys Arcand derrière la caméra prise par Bertrand Carrière lors du tournage du film Le déclin de l’empire américain en 1985.

Conçue par Paprika et imprimée par Lowe-Martin, l’émission comprend un carnet de six timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur et un pli Premier Jour officiel mettant en vedette des clichés d’Alexandre Isard et de Rick Eglinton. Le lieu d’oblitération est Deschambault, au Québec, où Arcand a passé son enfance.

Les timbres et les articles de collection sont en vente sur et dans les comptoirs postaux partout au pays.

Original post, June 20th:
Denys Arcand is a French Canadian film director, screenwriter and producer. He will be 82 when this stamp is issued June 28, and he is expected to attend the unveiling ceremony. His film The Barbarian Invasions won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Film in 2004 and he has also received three other Oscar nominations. He has also won several awards at the Cannes Film Festival, including the Best Screenplay Award and the Jury Prize. Read more about him at Wikipedia and Internet Movie Database. The photo is by GCD Graphics via Wikipedia and was taken at the 2007 Toronto International Film Festival.

[media advisory] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post recognizes acclaimed filmmaker Denys Arcand

Canada Post invites you to attend the unveiling of a special stamp to celebrate internationally acclaimed filmmaker Denys Arcand on Tuesday, June 27, in Montréal.

The upcoming stamp will be officially issued on Wednesday, June 28, after it is unveiled on Tuesday, June 27, and three days after Mr. Arcand’s birthday on June 25.

Who: Denys Arcand will be joined by family, friends, and a line-up of special speakers, who will be a surprise to Mr. Arcand.

Théâtre Outremont
1248 avenue Bernard Ouest, Montréal

When: Tuesday, June 27, at 5 pm ET

RSVP: As this is a small and private event for Mr. Arcand’s family and friends, we request that media RSVP to if planning on attending.

[en Francais, Avis aux médias]
Postes Canada rend hommage au grand cinéaste Denys Arcand

Postes Canada vous invite au dévoilement d’un timbre spécial consacré au cinéaste de renommée internationale Denys Arcand le mardi 27 juin, à Montréal.
Le timbre sera dévoilé le mardi 27 juin et officiellement émis le mercredi 28 juin, soit trois jours après l’anniversaire de naissance de M. Arcand, le 25 juin.

Qui: Se joindront à Denys Arcand des membres de sa famille, des proches et des personnalités qui prendront la parole à la surprise de l’invité d’honneur.

Théâtre Outremont
1248, avenue Bernard Ouest, Montréal

Quand : Le mardi 27 juin, à 17 h (HE)

Prière de confirmer votre présence: Comme il s’agit d’un petit événement privé, nous demandons aux médias de confirmer leur présence à