Vimy Ridge (World War I) (Canada 2017)

[press release]
New stamps to be issued with France mark 100th anniversary of Canadian sacrifice and victory in the Battle of Vimy Ridge
This significant First World War action was pivotal in our history

OTTAWA – On April 8, 2017, Canada Post will issue commemorative stamps to mark the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge, an impressive victory in the First World War that was a coming-of-age moment for Canada.

The joint issue with France will feature two stamps, one designed by Canada Post and the other by France’s La Poste, honouring the bond that the battle on French soil forged between the two nations.

At 5:30 a.m. on April 9, 1917, the first wave of soldiers in the nearly 100,000-strong Canadian Corps emerged from their muddy trenches. The Corps was ordered to seize a heavily fortified and strategic height of land, Vimy Ridge, in northern France. The ridge had been a virtually impregnable German-held position since early in the war and had withstood several previous assaults, at great cost to the Allies.

Advancing on the heels of a ferocious artillery barrage that pounded the German defences, the Canadians crossed a treacherous no man’s land, attacked up hill and played a vital role in helping Allied forces capture Vimy Ridge.

It was one of the most impressive Allied victories of the First World War – but it came at a heavy price. Nearly 3,600 Canadians were killed and more than 7,000 were wounded over four days of bitter fighting. The Canadian soldiers’ bravery, determination and skillful precision at Vimy earned Canada international accolades. To this day, the Battle of Vimy Ridge is considered by many to be one of the defining moments that helped to forge a proud, more independent identity for a nation that was still relatively young.

“The Battle of Vimy Ridge saw thousands of Canadians make the ultimate sacrifice and is the best-known chapter in our country’s proud First World War history,” says Deepak Chopra, President and CEO of Canada Post. “The valour of Canadians at Vimy a century ago is a poignant reminder of the enormous price paid so we can live in freedom.”

The Canadian stamp was designed by Susan Scott of Montréal and features the two towering pylons of Walter Allward’s Vimy monument, which represent France and Canada. The sheer scale of the monument reflects Canada’s important contribution to Allied victory in the First World War. In the foreground of the stamp is a figure of a grieving man, one of the monument’s statues, symbolizing loss and grief. The ridge behind the monument on the stamp recalls the site of the battle itself.

Also represented on the stamp are the thousands of names inscribed around the base of the monument. They are a memorial to all the Canadians who died in France during the First World War and had no known grave at the time. Laurel sprigs surrounding the monument’s two towers on the stamp represent the victory and tragic loss of life. A maple leaf on one sprig represents Canada, while an oak leaf on the other represents France.

The Canadian National Vimy Memorial was featured on a stamp Canada Post issued in 1968, commemorating the 50-year anniversary of the armistice that ended the First World War.

About the stamps
Available in a booklet of 10, the domestic rate stamps measure 41 mm x 30 mm and feature lithography in a four-colour process and two special inks. A Canada souvenir sheet at the Canadian international rate featuring two stamps – one designed by Canada and one by France – measures 130 mm x 85 mm and includes lithography and offset gravure printing. An official first day cover with a single domestic rate stamp and a joint official first day cover with both stamps at the Canadian international rate measure 190 mm x 112 mm and feature a four-colour process and one special ink.

Canada Post and France’s La Poste unveiled stamps to honour the Canadian soldiers who fought in the Battle of Vimy Ridge in 1917. His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, Governor General of Canada (left), was joined by Deepak Chopra, President and CEO of Canada Post, to unveil the Canadian stamp. France’s stamp was unveiled by His Excellency Nicolas Chapuis, Ambassador of France to Canada, and Benoît Georges, representative of La Poste for the Americas. Photo by Denis Drever\Canada Post.

En Francais:
Une émission conjointe avec la France souligne le centenaire de la victoire du Canada à Vimy et les sacrifices de nos soldats
Cette importante bataille de la Première Guerre mondiale est un événement charnière de notre histoire

OTTAWA – Le 8 avril 2017, Postes Canada émettra des timbres commémoratifs pour souligner le centenaire de la bataille de la crête de Vimy, une victoire remarquable qui donna au Canada son identité propre.

Cette émission conjointe du Canada et de la France est composée de deux timbres, l’un conçu par Postes Canada et l’autre par La Poste (France), pour illustrer le lien que ce combat en sol français a créé entre les deux nations.

À 5 h 30 le 9 avril 1917, la première vague des quelque 100 000 soldats canadiens sort des tranchées boueuses. Le corps d’armée doit prendre une partie stratégique très élevée et puissamment fortifiée du nord de la France, la crête de Vimy. Dès le début de la guerre, les Allemands avaient envahi cette position, la rendant quasi impénétrable. Elle avait déjà résisté à plusieurs assauts, forçant les alliés à combattre au prix de grands sacrifices.

Dans la foulée d’un terrible barrage d’artillerie qui a pilonné la défensive allemande, les soldats canadiens traversent une zone périlleuse, attaquent l’ennemi en amont et jouent un rôle primordial dans la prise de la crête de Vimy par les forces alliées.

Cette victoire est l’une des plus impressionnantes des forces alliées, mais le tribut payé est très lourd. En quatre jours de combat sans merci, près de 3 600 Canadiens sont tués et plus de 7 000 subissent des blessures. La bravoure, la détermination et la précision des soldats canadiens à Vimy ont valu au Canada les éloges du monde entier. À ce jour, la bataille de la crête de Vimy est considérée par plusieurs comme faisant partie des grands moments qui ont permis au Canada, encore relativement jeune, de se forger une identité distincte et empreinte de fierté.

« La bataille de la crête de Vimy a coûté la vie à des milliers de Canadiens et elle représente un volet incontournable du rôle de notre pays dans la Première Guerre mondiale, affirme Deepak Chopra, président-directeur général de Postes Canada. Le courage des Canadiens à Vimy il y a cent ans est un douloureux rappel de l’énorme prix payé pour la liberté. »

Le timbre Canadien, conçu par Susan Scott de Montréal, représente les deux colonnes jumelles du majestueux Mémorial national du Canada à Vimy, chef-d’œuvre de Walter Allward, qui représente la France et le Canada. La taille imposante du monument évoque l’importante contribution du Canada dans la victoire des alliés et la fin des combats de la Première Guerre mondiale. La vignette représente à l’avant-plan une des statues érigées sur le monument, celle d’un homme affligé symbolisant le deuil. Derrière le monument, la crête rappelle le site de la bataille.

Illustrés également sur le motif sont les milliers de noms gravés autour du monument, évoquant le souvenir de tous les Canadiens qui sont morts en France durant la Première Guerre mondiale et dont le lieu de sépulture est inconnu. Les branches de laurier qui forment un cercle devant les deux tours du monument représentent à la fois la victoire et la perte tragique de vies humaines. La feuille d’érable symbolise le Canada, alors que la feuille de chêne symbolise la France.

Postes Canada a émis en 1968 un timbre orné du Mémorial national du Canada à Vimy à l’occasion du 50e anniversaire de l’armistice qui a mis fin à la Première Guerre mondiale.

À propos des timbres
Proposés en carnets de 10, les timbres au tarif du régime intérieur mesurent 41 mm x 30 mm et sont lithographiés en quatre couleurs au moyen de deux encres spéciales. Un bloc-feuillet Canada au tarif du régime international en monnaie canadienne et composé des deux timbres – l’un conçu par le Canada et l’autre par la France – mesure 130 mm x 85 mm et il est imprimé selon les techniques de lithographie et d’héliogravure. Un pli Premier Jour officiel comportant un seul timbre au tarif du régime intérieur et un pli Premier Jour officiel conjoint comportant les deux timbres au tarif du régime international en monnaie canadienne mesurent 190 mm x 112 mm et sont imprimés en quadrichromie avec une encre spéciale.

Daisies (Canada 2017)

[press release]
Canada Post “picks” Daisies for 2017
Annual flower issue timed for spring and newlyweds OTTAWA Ð Once again, Canada Post will welcome spring and delight future newlyweds, gardeners and collectors with their annual spring flower issue. This year, the domestic-rate Permanent stamps will focus on two colourful varieties of daisies:

  • While named after a shoreline village in Ohio, the lakeside daisy is now almost exclusively found on southern Ontario’s Bruce Peninsula and Manitoulin Island. Designated “threatened” on both federal and provincial species-at-risk lists, the perennial plant thrives in development-prone areas of exposed bedrock with scant soil.
  • The usually lavender showy fleabane is found in wet meadows and open forests in higher elevation areas of British Columbia and Alberta.

For 2017, all stamp issues will include references to Canada’s sesquicentennial. For the Daisies issue, the words “Canada 150” are printed on the stamps in microtype. Due to the popularity of this issue for wedding invitations and stationery, the 26 mm (W) X 32 mm (H) stamps are available in booklets of 10 or coils of 50 — with the coil liner printed with the lyrics of Harry Dacre’s 1892 classic song, “Daisy, Daisy.” A two-stamp Souvenir Sheet, prepaid postcards of both designs and strips of four and 10 stamps from the coil are also available. An Official First Day cover featuring both stamps is canceled in Tobermory, Ontario. The stamps were designed and illustrated by Debbie Adams, of Adams + Associates Design Consultants Inc. and printed by the Lowe-Martin Group. The souvenir sheet The Official First Day Cover

Canadian Opera (Canada 2017)

[press release]
Canadian Opera issue sings the praises of Canadian talent

OTTAWA — In time for the 2017 opera season, Canada Post has launched five stamps celebrating two significant Canadian-penned operas and three individuals who helped to put modern Canadian opera talent on the world stage.

In their stamp design debut, Parcel Design Inc.’s creative director Gary Beelik and designer Kristine Do, with illustrator Peter Strain, have created a bold five-stamp issue that embodies the colour and drama of modern operatic performances.

Two of the highly theatrical stamps depict significant Canadian operas. Filumena — composed by John Estacio with a libretto by John Murrell — tells the true story of the only woman ever to be hanged in Alberta: an Italian immigrant convicted of murdering a police officer. The opera is being restaged by the Calgary Opera in celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, and held its opening performance on February 4. Commissioned to celebrate Canada’s centennial in 1967, Louis Riel — composed by Harry Somers and featuring a libretto by Mavor Moore in collaboration with Jacques Languirand — romanticizes the life of the legendary Métis leader. It is being restaged in 2017 to mark both the 50th anniversary of its debut by the Canadian Opera Company and Canada’s sesquicentennial.

The additional three stamps pay homage to the artists who bring magic to the stage. Bass baritone Gerald Finley and soprano Adrianne Pieczonka are regarded internationally as being among the greatest operatic voices on the modern stage. Director Irving Guttman, known as “the father of opera in western Canada” for his artistic vision, is credited with discovering and fostering some of the country’s greatest talent.

The issue includes a booklet of 10 Permanent domestic rate self-adhesive stamps (two of each design), measuring 32 mm x 32 mm, and a gummed souvenir sheet bearing a row of the five stamps. An Official First Day Cover, which incorporates lyrics from both operas, is cancelled in Calgary, Alberta. As with all 2017 stamp issues, Canadian Opera includes references to Canada’s sesquicentennial, which are visible when the stamps are illuminated by a black light. 

Mathieu Da Costa (Black History) (Canada 2017)

[press release] [This stamp’s issue date is February 1]
2017 Black History stamp commemorates Mathieu Da Costa
17th century interpreter believed to be the first person of African descent to arrive in Canada whose name is known today

OTTAWA – Canada Post’s annual Black History Month stamp for 2017 will commemorate a historical figure who continues to fascinate and confound scholars.

Admittedly little is known about Mathieu Da Costa. From the few records that remain, historians conclude he was a free man who earned a living as an interpreter for Europeans who were trading with Indigenous people in the New World. Believed to be of African or even Euro-African descent, his connection to Canada came in the year 1608 – the year Samuel de Champlain founded the city of Québec – when Da Costa signed a contract to work for French fur-trader, explorer and governor of Acadia, Pierre Dugua de Mons.

“While the full story of Mathieu Da Costa may never be known, interest in his life and in his unique connection with our country is a reminder of the values of respect, acceptance and diversity that Canadians cherish,” says Canada Post President and CEO Deepak Chopra.

With no portrait of Da Costa available, designer Andrew Perro and illustrator Ron Dollekamp worked closely with Canadian historical illustrator and storyboard artist Francis Back to ensure the period clothing and sailing ship reflect De Costa’s time and socio-economic milieu. As with all stamps issued in 2017, the Black History stamp will contain references to Canada’s sesquicentennial that are visible only via a special black light.

The domestic rate stamps, available in booklets of 10, are self-adhesive and measure 32 mm x 25 mm. The Official First Day Cover is cancelled in Tadoussac, Quebec, where historians believe Da Costa may have come ashore.

UNESCO World Heritage Sites (Canada 2017)

Issue date: January 16, 2017

  • Dinosaur Provincial Park
  • Mistaken Point
  • Historic District of Old Québec
  • L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site
  • Red Bay Basque Whaling Station

From Canada Post’s Details magazine:

Don’t miss your last chance to see Canada’s most spectacular UNESCO World Heritage sites – on our stamps, that is.

Crafted by Lara Minja, of Lime Design, these definitive stamps showcase five places in Canada that have special status because of their importance to the common heritage of humanity. Mistaken Point (N.L.), the Historic District of Old Québec (Que.) and L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site (N.L.) make their debut in the series, while Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alta.) and Red Bay Basque Whaling Station (N.L.) enjoy an encore.

Cancelled in a fishing community near Mistaken Point – Canada’s latest UNESCO site – the Official First Day Cover boasts a souvenir sheet with some hidden features in celebration of Canada’s sesqui- centennial. Use black light to explore our tribute to these captivating sites and you’ll find the official Canada 150 logo and text waiting to be discovered. [January 16th press release]
Stamps showcase five UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Earth’s earliest complex large life forms, a Viking settlement and Old Québec’s well-preserved historic district are all celebrated

OTTAWA, Jan. 16, 2017 /CNW/ – Canadians are invited to discover the country’s early historic settlements and to envision the origins of complex organisms on this planet by new stamps depicting UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

“These sites are treasures for Canada and the world – and we hope that these stamps instill pride and arouse a sense of wonder in every Canadian,” says Canada Post President and CEO Deepak Chopra.

Three of the stamps feature sites that are new to the multi-year series, which has celebrated all 18 sites:

Mistaken Point (N.L.), at the southeastern tip of Newfoundland, gives us some sense of what life looked like when organisms began to get larger than microbes and complex. Embedded along this gorgeous coastline are groups of the oldest known fossils of ancient soft-bodied life forms, dating back 560 to 580 million years. These strange multi-celled organisms ranged in size from as small as a fingernail to as long as a metre and had no legs or eyes. They are believed to be the planet’s first large life forms.

The Historic District of Old Québec (Que.), founded in 1608 by Samuel de Champlain, is still bustling with activity, yet has maintained the integrity of essential historical buildings and spaces over more than four centuries. Fortified with walls, gates and bastions, this is the only colonial city north of Mexico to have preserved its ramparts.

L’Anse aux Meadows National Historic Site (N.L.), at the tip of Newfoundland’s Great Northern Peninsula, contains timber-framed turf dwellings built by a Norse expedition more than 1,000 years ago. The settlement is the earliest known European presence in North America.

The remaining two stamps bear images of locations that appeared on U.S.-rate stamps issued in 2015:

Dinosaur Provincial Park (Alta.), was declared a World Heritage site for its exceptional fossil specimens of Cretaceous dinosaurs, as well as undisturbed badlands and riverside habitat.

Red Bay Basque Whaling Station (N.L.), on the south coast of Labrador, is the most complete and extensive example of a 16th-century Basque whaling station in North America.

World Heritage Sites are chosen by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), which “seeks to encourage the identification, protection and preservation of cultural and natural heritage around the world considered to be of outstanding value to humanity.”

Designed by Lara Minja of Lime Design, the 24 mm x 20 mm self-adhesive stamps are sold in booklets of 10 and 30. A gummed souvenir sheet of the five stamps, an Official First Day Cover cancelled in Trepassey, NL, and postage-paid postcards of the three new stamp images are also available. Postage-paid postcards for Dinosaur Provincial Park and Red Bay Basque Whaling Station are also available.

Year of the Rooster (Canada 2017)

These stamps were issued Monday January 9th. Order the stamps and products here.

[press release]
Canada Post welcomes Lunar New Year with stamp issue
Year of the Rooster stamps shine with gold accents

OTTAWA – Canada Post will greet the Year of the Rooster with a two-stamp issue, the ninth in its most recent series honouring the Lunar New Year. A Permanent™ domestic-rate stamp featuring a rooster image, with its chest proudly puffed out, is paired with an international-rate stamp offering a close-cropped profile view of the rooster’s stately face. Both images are created from lines of gold foil.

“Canada Post is proud to celebrate the vibrant and festive occasion that is the Lunar New Year, which is marked by Canadians of Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and other East Asian heritage,” says Canada Post President and CEO Deepak Chopra. “The annual unveiling of this stamp issue has become a much-anticipated event, with the artistry of the series praised by both collectors and mailers.”

Designed by Paprika, a firm in Montréal, the stamps include several features:

  • The pane of 25 domestic-rate stamps includes four Chinese blessings, presented in calligraphy by Albert Ng.
  • While all 2017 stamps include elements that point to Canada’s sesquicentennial, this issue’s reference is two-fold. “Canada 150” appears dropped out of the tagging that surrounds the stamps, an effect visible only under a black light. However, on the uncut press sheet and pane of 25 domestic stamps, a gold foil sesquicentennial logo is visible to the naked eye.
  • The international-rate official first day cover (OFDC), which also features a traditional Chinese blessing, is unsealed to enable the Chinese New Year tradition of giving money in a red envelope.

The Year of the Rooster arrives on January 28, 2017, and runs until February 15, 2018. Those born under this sign are honest, courageous and confident. Marked for success, they achieve their goals through a combination of wit, charm and hard work.

Both the domestic and international rate stamps are self-adhesive and measure 32 mm x 32 mm. The domestic stamp is available in booklets of 10 and panes of 25, and the international stamp in booklets of 10. The issue also includes a gummed souvenir sheet of both stamps, a gummed transitional souvenir sheet featuring both the 2016 Year of the Monkey and 2017 Year of the Rooster international stamps, an uncut press sheet and Official First Day Covers for both stamp denominations. [press release]
Canada Post To Unveil the Year of the Rooster stamps

VANCOUVER, Jan. 6, 2017 /CNW/ – Canada Post invites you to greet the Year of the Rooster a little early with the unveiling of a two-stamp issue, the ninth in its most recent series honouring the Lunar New Year, on Monday, January 9 at the Vancouver Main Post Office.

WHAT: Unveiling of the Year of the Rooster stamps


  • Acting Consul General KONG Weiwei – People’s Republic of China
  • Acting Mayor Raymond Louie – City of Vancouver
  • Greg Kabatoff, Director, Retails Sales Area West – Canada Post
  • Three Degrees, Designers of the Year of the Rooster coins

WHERE: Vancouver Main Post Office
495 West Georgia Street (Corner of West Georgia and Richards Street)
• Meter and parkade parking is available on Richards Street

WHEN: Monday, January 9, 11 a.m.

Canada’s 2017 Issues

Updated March 30th: Dates subject to change (unless past!) Links are to specific issues’ blog pages.

Vimy Ridge, the Halifax Explosion and the 100th anniversaries of the NHL and the Toronto Maple Leafs are part of Canada Post’s stamp program for 2017
Special Canada 150 stamp collection yet to be revealed

Canada Post will welcome the country’s sesquicentennial with a 2017 stamp program that introduces a wealth of new subjects and winds up some long-running series.

With Canadians gearing up for the 150th anniversary of Confederation and a year of celebrating, Canada Post will place a special 150th anniversary feature on each stamp in the 2017 collection.

“Every stamp helps tell Canada’s story,” says Deepak Chopra, President and CEO of Canada Post. “With this year’s lineup, we’re not only helping to tell our country’s story, but we’re also helping to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Canada, which we all come together to celebrate.”

New stamp issues include:

      • Black History Month: The story of Mathieu Da Costa, believed to be the first person of African descent to reach Canada whose name survived in the historical record.
      • Canadian Opera: A look at two great Canadian operas, as well as some talented individuals who have put our country on the world stage in opera.
      • Daisies: A bouquet of two indigenous blooms; southern Ontario’s lakeside daisy and showy fleabane, found in the high country of British Columbia and Alberta.
      • Battle of Vimy Ridge, 100th Anniversary: We respectfully honour the thousands of Canadians who lost their lives or were injured while securing Vimy Ridge from enemy forces.
      • Multiculturalism – Eid, Diwali and Hanukkah celebrations: Stamps that depict our pride in being a land of diverse customs and celebrations.
      • National Hockey League 100th Anniversary: Looking back on a century of the game that connects us all.
      • Toronto Maple Leafs™ 100th Anniversary: A celebration of a proud history of the boys in blue.
      • Halifax Explosion 100th Anniversary: We look at how Halifax weathered this terrible and deadly event, the greatest marine tragedy of its time.

Several stamp series or annual issues that will continue or conclude are:

      • Lunar New Year: Year of the Rooster (Vancouver, January 9th)
      • UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Canada
      • Canadian Photography
      • Birds of Canada
      • Canada Post Community Foundation

For [2017]’s Christmas greetings, mailers can choose a sacred image, with Adoration of the Shepherds by Tommaso de Stefano Luneti or whimsical images of woodland creatures.

Additional 2017 stamp issues in development will be announced closer to their release date.

Many of Canada’s stamp topics are the result of suggestions from the Canadian public or organizations wishing to commemorate a significant person, milestone or event. Canada Post is welcoming suggestions for consideration for the 2019 program and beyond.

A overview is in the September Details magazine from Canada Post:

    • UNESCO World Heritage Sites (final installment)
    • Year of the Rooster
    • Mathieu Da Costa / Black Heritage (thought to be the first African to set foot on Canadian soil) (February)
    • Daisies (March)
    • 100th anniv of Battle of Vimy Ridge (April)
    • Canadian Photography (final installment)
    • Canadian Opera
    • National Hockey League centennial
    • Toronto Maple Leafs centennial
    • Community Foundation stamp
    • Christmas stamps
    • “a few other surprises along the way”