Garden Wildlife (UK 2025)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Royal Mail Special Stamps Celebrate the Incredible Array of Wildlife That Inhabits Gardens Across The UK

  • Issue date: 11 March
  • The 10-stamp set shows striking images of wildlife that inhabits gardens of the UK
  • Featured on the stamps are: a Fox; Blackbird; Common Frog; Blue Tit; Badger; Smooth Newt; Hedgehog; Robin; Buff-tailed Bumblebee; and Garden Snail
  • The stamps and a range of collectible products are available at and by telephone on 03457 641641

The gardens of the UK support a huge diversity of wildlife. Today Royal Mail reveals images of 10 stamps that explore some of the species that inhabit the nation’s gardens.

The wildlife shown on the stamps are commonly seen and readily identifiable – they are also widespread and include some of our most popular species.

Featured on the stamps are: a Fox; Blackbird; Common Frog; Blue Tit; Badger; Smooth Newt; Hedgehog; Robin; Buff-tailed Bumblebee; and Garden Snail.

Royal Mail worked with Professor Dawn Scott, Executive Dean of the School of Animal, Rural and Environmental Sciences at Nottingham Trent University, on the stamp issue.

Professor Scott said: “It was fantastic to work with Royal Mail to celebrate our iconic British garden wildlife in this special collection. Gardens can provide havens for a rich diversity of wildlife, this collection highlights just a few. I hope the beautiful images inspire people to continue to support wildlife in their own gardens.”

David Gold, Director of External Affairs and Policy said: “British people are renowned for their love of gardens, and no matter how small, in urban or rural areas, wildlife can thrive there. These stamps capture the rich diversity of wildlife found in gardens across the UK, and remind us how lucky we are to live so close to nature.”

Wildlife of the UK:
Within the millions of gardens in the UK, there is a wide range of habitats, including flowerbeds, shrubs, lawns, ponds and compost bins, each providing resources to support a plethora of species.

Positive management of our gardens – such as increasing flowering-plant diversity, reducing chemical use and providing natural food resources and refuges for hibernating animals, not only benefits our wildlife but also gives us immense benefits from increasing biodiversity.

Wildlife pollinates our plants to provide us with fresh fruit and vegetables. Wildlife recycles the waste in our compost bins and eats insects to keep control of their numbers. Gardens and green spaces have also been shown to be beneficial for our physical and mental health. All that is needed is a space in which wildlife can thrive, and humans feel the benefits.

The stamps, and a range of collectible products, are available at and by telephone on 03457 641 641. A Presentation Pack including all 10 stamps is priced at £13.40. The stamps go on general sale from 11 March.

Vulpes vulpes
Also known as the red fox, this iconic omnivorous carnivore is widespread across the UK and commonly seen in gardens but, due to its adaptability, also occurs in many different habitats, from coasts to uplands. It has distinctive reddish-orange fur with white on the neck and belly, black on the legs and a thick, bushy tail. Foxes are generalists, having a wide diet that includes insects, fruit, small mammals and leftovers put out for them. They breed once a year, with cubs being sighted playing in gardens in early summer-

Turdus merula
Blackbirds are found widely across the UK, from gardens to countryside, coasts to hills. They are common and easily recognisable garden visitors. The males are black with bright orange-yellow beaks and yellow eye-rings, whereas females are brown, often with spots and streaks on their breasts, and brown beaks. Blackbirds feed on a variety of insects, worms and molluscs, also eating berries and fruit when in season. They forage mostly on the ground, turning over leaf litter and probing the soil for food.

Common frog
Rana temporaria
Widespread in mainland Britain, frogs are found in damp habitats including gardens with ponds. They have smooth skin – grey, olive-green and yellow-to-brown in colour – with irregular dark blotches and a dark stripe around their eyes. Frogs are mainly active at night and eat insects (using their long, sticky tongues), as well as snails, slugs and worms. In spring, males call to attract females to breed. Frogs lay large clumps of black-dotted jelly frogspawn in shallow water. Young tadpoles feed on algae, but then become carnivorous.-

Blue tit
Cyanistes caeruleus
Possessing distinctive blue-and-white heads, with black eye-stripes and yellow breasts, blue tits are one of our most familiar garden visitors. They are common in woodland, hedgerows, parks and gardens, feeding on insects, seeds and nuts. It is estimated that over 15 million blue tits overwinter in the UK, with numbers recently increasing, possibly due to supplementary food and bird-box provisions in gardens. They are considered strictly ‘residential’ birds, rarely moving far from where they hatch.

Meles meles
With their unique black-and-white face markings, and being the largest native land carnivores in the UK, badgers (also known as European or Eurasian badgers) are easily recognisable. They are members of the mustelid family, closely related to otters, stoats and weasels. Badgers live in groups called clans, based in underground setts. They are nocturnal, spending much of the night foraging for food. Although their diet can be wide-ranging, badgers do have a liking for earthworms and can eat over 200 in a night.-

Smooth newt
Lissotriton vulgaris
Also known as the common newt, this species is widespread and often found in garden ponds or in habitats such as woodpiles and rockeries. They feed on insects, slugs and worms on land, and hunt invertebrates and frog tadpoles in the water. Both males and females are grey or brown in colour and have an orange or yellow belly with black spots that extend up to the throat. During the breeding season, males develop a wavy crest along their body and tail. Females lay their eggs individually and wrap them in aquatic plant leaves for protection.

Erinaceus europaeus
Garden visitors that have been voted Britain’s favourite mammal, hedgehogs were once widespread across the UK in woodland, arable land, hedgerows and grassland, but have recently suffered population declines. Unmistakable in appearance, hedgehogs (also known as European hedgehogs) have several thousand spines across their backs, and pointed furry faces with small black eyes and investigative noses. Known as ‘gardeners’ friends’ due to their diet of slugs, snails, beetles and caterpillars, hedgehogs hibernate from around November to April. In gardens, this can happen in piles of leaves or logs, in compost heaps and under sheds.-

Erithacus rubecula
With their highly distinctive red breasts, contrasting with brown bodies and white undersides, robins have been named the UK’s favourite birds. Found in a range of habitats, and common in gardens, robins are known to follow gardeners, hoovering up insects and worms that have been unearthed, although they also feed on seeds, fruits and other invertebrates. Males and females are identical in appearance. They are aggressively territorial and reinforce this by singing loudly from prominent perches.

Buff-tailed bumblebee
Bombus terrestris
The buff-tailed bumblebee is a common and widespread species found in gardens, parks and lowland areas throughout the UK. It is a large bumblebee, with yellow bands at the collar and on the abdomen. It feeds on a wide range of flowers such as lavenders, thistles and daisy-like species where its short tongue can easily reach the available nectar. The species is named after the buff-coloured tail of the queen, although workers and males have an almost white tail, often with a narrow buff-coloured line between the black abdomen and tail.-

Garden snail
Cornu aspersum
Some of the most widespread garden animals, snails have pale-grey skin and brown or yellowish shells with pale flecking and dark spiralling bands. They are active at night, feeding on leaves, fungi and plant debris. Garden snails generally hibernate during winter. After mating, they lay around 80 white eggs in an underground nest. The newly hatched snails have fragile shells and take about two years to mature. Snails are hermaphrodites, having both female and male reproductive cells, meaning they can also reproduce by self-fertilisation.

Other philatelic products for this issue include:

  • Collectors Sheet (right) £13.70
  • Postcards £4.50
  • Stamp Souvenir (unpersonalised FDC) (below) £15.65

However, no personalized FDCs are offered for this issue, nor choice of postmarks.

  • First-day envelope £0.30
  • Full sheet of 50 1st class stamps £82.50
  • Full sheet of 50 2nd class stamps £42.50
  • Framed stamps £39.99

Brian Mulroney (Canada 2025)

Updated March 20th:
[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post pays tribute to the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney
New stamp continues the long-standing tradition of recognizing the accomplishments of former prime ministers

MONTRÉAL – Canada Post today unveiled a new stamp in recognition of Canada’s 18th prime minister, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney (1939-2024). Born in Baie-Comeau, Quebec, Mulroney is considered one of Canada’s most consequential prime ministers. This latest stamp issue continues Canada Post’s long-standing tradition of honouring the accomplishments of former Canadian prime ministers.

[Note: While the March 20 press release says “today unveiled a new stamp,” the actual issue date was March 21.]

Mulroney, who served as prime minister from 1984 to 1993, believed that Canadian democracy “is advanced by the collision of great ideas and the articulation of competing visions of the country.” Having won back-to-back Conservative majorities in the 1984 and 1988 federal elections – a feat that hadn’t been achieved in Canada since the Liberals secured a second term in 1953 – he spent his tenure pursuing a vision and championing ideas that were transformative.

His government ushered in significant privatizations, tax reforms and deregulations, as well as reduced government expenditures. A determined proponent of opening Canada’s economic borders, Mulroney led the charge when it came to the Canada-United States Free Trade Agreement and later the North American Free Trade Agreement.

He also proved himself a talented statesman. Mulroney was instrumental in the efforts to reunify Germany after the fall of the Berlin Wall. He was also a vocal opponent of apartheid in South Africa, which set him apart from his American and British counterparts. He and his government are credited with helping dismantle the apartheid regime, which in turn contributed to Nelson Mandela’s freedom. Mulroney’s environmental achievements were likewise historic. Most notably, he was instrumental in facilitating the historic 1991 Air Quality Agreement between the U.S. and Canada.

Some of Mulroney’s initiatives including free trade and the GST were undoubtedly controversial at the time. However, today many Canadians regard these policies as key to Canada’s economic progress in the decades that followed.

Mulroney died on February 29, 2024, at the age of 84.

About the stamp
The stamp features a photograph of a relaxed and smiling prime minister, capturing his warm and approachable demeanour. The stamp was designed by Paprika using a photograph taken by Bill McCarthy and was printed by Colour Innovations. The issue includes a booklet of 10 Permanent™ stamps and an Official First Day Cover (below). The cancel site is Baie-Comeau, Quebec, Mulroney’s birthplace.

Stamp products are available at and at select postal outlets across Canada.

Canada Post video:

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada rend hommage au très honorable Brian Mulroney
Le nouveau timbre perpétue une longue tradition de commémoration des réalisations d’anciens premiers ministres.

MONTRÉAL – Postes Canada a dévoilé aujourd’hui un nouveau timbre en l’honneur du 18e premier ministre du Canada, le très honorable Brian Mulroney (1939-2024). Né à Baie-Comeau, au Québec, Brian Mulroney est considéré comme l’un des premiers ministres les plus influents du Canada. Cette nouvelle émission perpétue la longue tradition de Postes Canada de souligner les réalisations d’anciens premiers ministres canadiens.

Brian Mulroney, qui a été premier ministre de 1984 à 1993, estimait que la démocratie canadienne « progresse grâce au choc des grandes idées et à l’articulation de visions concurrentes du pays ». Ayant remporté deux élections fédérales consécutives avec une majorité conservatrice en 1984 et en 1988, un exploit inédit au Canada depuis la deuxième victoire des libéraux en 1953, il passe ses mandats à réaliser une vision et des idées transformatrices.

Son gouvernement lance d’importantes privatisations, réformes fiscales et mesures de déréglementation, en plus de réduire les dépenses gouvernementales. Fervent défenseur de l’ouverture des frontières économiques du Canada, le politicien mène la charge pour l’adoption de l’Accord de libre-échange entre le Canada et les États-Unis et, plus tard, de l’Accord de libre-échange nord-américain.

Il laisse aussi sa marque comme homme d’État. Brian Mulroney participe activement aux efforts visant à réunifier l’Allemagne après la chute du mur de Berlin. Il s’oppose aussi fermement à l’apartheid en Afrique du Sud, ce qui le distingue de ses homologues américain et britannique. Brian Mulroney et son gouvernement sont considérés comme des alliés ayant aidé à démanteler le régime d’apartheid, ce qui a contribué à la libération de Nelson Mandela. Les réalisations environnementales du politicien passent également à l’histoire. Plus particulièrement, il joue un rôle clé dans la conclusion de l’Accord sur la qualité de l’air de 1991, une entente historique entre le Canada et les États-Unis.

Certaines des initiatives de Brian Mulroney, y compris l’accord de libre-échange et l’introduction de la TPS, étaient controversées à l’époque. De nos jours, toutefois, bien des gens considèrent que ces politiques ont été déterminantes pour le progrès économique qu’a connu le Canada au cours des décennies qui ont suivi.

Brian Mulroney décède le 29 février 2024, à l’âge de 84 ans.

À propos du timbre
Le timbre présente une photo du premier ministre détendu et souriant, qui reflète son attitude chaleureuse. Le timbre a été conçu par Paprika à partir d’une photo prise par Bill McCarthy et a été imprimé par Colour Innovations. L’émission comprend un carnet de 10 timbres PermanentsMC et un pli Premier Jour officiel. Le lieu d’oblitération est Baie-Comeau, au Québec, la ville de naissance de Brian Mulroney.

Le timbre et le pli Premier Jour officiel sont en vente sur et dans certains comptoirs postaux au pays.

Canada Post video with French subtitles:

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Canada Post to unveil stamp paying tribute to the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney

MONTRÉAL, March 17, 2025 /CNW/ – Canada Post invites you to the private unveiling of a new commemorative stamp in recognition of Canada’s 18th prime minister, the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney (1939-2024), on Thursday, March 20 at the Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal. [The photo on the left is a stock photo that may or may not resemble the stamp design.]

Born in Baie-Comeau, Quebec, Mulroney is considered one of Canada’s most consequential prime ministers. He believed that Canadian democracy “is advanced by the collision of great ideas and the articulation of competing visions of the country.”
This stamp issue continues Canada Post’s long-standing tradition of honouring the accomplishments of former Canadian prime ministers.

WHAT: The Right Honourable Brian Mulroney stamp unveiling

WHEN: Thursday, March 20; doors open at 5 pm and event starts at 5:30 pm

WHERE: Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Galerie des Bronzes

  • 1379 rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal
  • Accessible entrance at 1379A rue Sherbrooke Ouest (through the Cinéma du Musée)

RSVP: Media interested in attending the private unveiling are asked to confirm their attendance by email to

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Postes Canada dévoilera un timbre en hommage au très honorable Brian Mulroney

MONTRÉAL, le 17 mars 2025 /CNW/ – Postes Canada vous invite au dévoilement privé d’un timbre commémoratif en hommage au 18e premier ministre du Canada, le très honorable Brian Mulroney (1939-2024), le jeudi 20 mars au Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal.

Né à Baie-Comeau (Québec), Brian Mulroney est considéré comme l’un des premiers ministres les plus influents du Canada. Il estimait que la démocratie du Canada « progresse grâce au choc des grandes idées et à l’articulation de visions concurrentes du pays ».

Cette émission perpétue la longue tradition de Postes Canada de souligner les réalisations d’anciens premiers ministres canadiens.

QUOI : Dévoilement du timbre consacré au très honorable Brian Mulroney.

QUAND : Jeudi 20 mars; les portes ouvriront à 17 h et l’événement débutera à 17 h 30.
OÙ : Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Galerie des Bronzes

  • 1379, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, Montréal
  • Entrée accessible au 1379A, rue Sherbrooke Ouest, en passant par le Cinéma du Musée

RSVP : Les médias qui souhaitent assister au dévoilement privé doivent confirmer leur présence par courriel à

GASS 2025 Main Hotel All But Sold Out

The Great American Stamp Show 2025 block of rooms at the Renaissance Schaumburg Hotel is all but sold out. According to the GASS Travel page on the American Philatelic Society website, a few rooms remain for Saturday or Sunday nights, and cancellations may occur closer to the show.

However, the APS recommends you find other accommodations to be sure. It provides a link to that is already set up for the area and the dates. However, other “travel aggregator” sites such as Travelocity or Expedia will work, too. You can also look up the convention center on Google Maps —1551 North Thoreau Dr., Schaumburg, IL 60173 —and ask Google to show you hotels in the area. Note that the prices shown are for bookings now, but can still be used for comparison.

Keep in mind that the “Woodfield” area runs a free “trolley” (shuttle bus) service (map on the left). It is not 24/7, though. Check its website for times and schedules.

Although the main hotel has a shuttle of its own, it does not go to O’Hare Airport, just 13 miles away. Other hotels in the area may offer that service.

Eid (Canada 2025)

[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Prayer rug celebrating ties between Indigenous and Muslim peoples adorns new Eid stamp
Canada Post is proud to mark two festivals celebrated by Muslim Canadians with a stamp featuring the Canadian Prayer Rug

OTTAWA – Canada Post issued a new stamp today to mark two of the most important religious holidays in Islam: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. The commemorative stamp features a prayer rug celebrating the connection between Indigenous and Muslim peoples – and the multi-faith collaboration that built Canada’s first mosque.

The Canadian Prayer Rug was created in 2016 as a project of The Green Room, a youth-support program run by the Edmonton-based charityIslamicFamily, which provides spiritually and culturally sensitive services to the local community.

The rug was designed by local Métis artist Kit Craven and Muslim weaver Noor Iqbal, based on research and interviews carried out by youth with Indigenous Elders and descendants of early Muslim settlers.

Prayer rug commemorates relationship that resulted in Canada’s first mosque
The rug’s design depicts Alberta’s diverse landscapes and distinct seasons. At its centre are an archway and a lodgepole pine – a tree that supports teepees and lodges and is reminiscent of the cypress of settler homelands.

Weaved with locally sourced wool, dyes and other materials, the prayer rug reflects the rich cultural and geographical history of the region, bringing together elements that honour the community’s heritage.

More than a work of art, the rug symbolizes unity and multiculturalism within Treaty 6 Territory, which includes Edmonton. It celebrates the deep, enduring connection between Indigenous and Muslim communities, which helped to open the country’s first mosque in Edmonton in 1938.

Celebrating Canada’s culturally diverse population
This is Canada Post’s seventh stamp issue commemorating the Islamic holidays of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Celebrated by Muslim Canadians, both events can last several days and include communal prayers and feasts, visits with family, gift-giving and acts of charity.

The Eid stamp is one of several stamps Canada Post issues each year to mark annual celebrations that are important to Canada’s culturally diverse population – others include Diwali, Hanukkah and Christmas.

About the stamp
The stamp issue was designed by Kristine Do with illustration by Kit Craven and photography by Maya Visnyei. Printed by Colour Innovations, the issue includes booklets of six Permanent™ domestic rate stamps and an Official First Day Cover cancelled in Edmonton, Alberta.

[en Francais pour les médias d’information]
Un tapis de prière célébrant les liens entre les peuples autochtones et musulmans orne un nouveau timbre consacré à l’Aïd
Postes Canada est fière de souligner deux fêtes célébrées par la communauté musulmane du pays en émettant un timbre orné du tapis de prière canadien.

OTTAWA – Postes Canada a émis un nouveau timbre aujourd’hui pour souligner deux des plus importantes fêtes du calendrier musulman : l’Aïd al-¬Fitr et l’Aïd al-Adha. Le timbre commémoratif présente un tapis de prière célébrant le lien entre les peuples autochtones et musulmans, ainsi que la collaboration multiconfessionnelle qui a mené à la construction de la première mosquée au Canada.

Le tapis de prière canadien (Canadian Prayer Rug) a été créé en 2016 dans le cadre d’un projet de The Green Room, un programme pour les jeunes géré par l’organisme de bienfaisance d’Edmonton IslamicFamily, qui offre des services spirituels et culturels à la communauté locale.

Œuvre de l’artiste métisse locale Kit Craven et de la tisseuse musulmane Noor Iqbal, la tapisserie s’inspire d’entrevues menées par des jeunes avec des aînés et aînées autochtones et la descendance des premières populations musulmanes établies au pays.

Un tapis de prière célébrant le lien qui a mené à la construction de la première mosquée au Canada
Le motif du tapis illustre les paysages variés et les saisons distinctes de l’Alberta. Au centre se trouvent une arche et un pin tordu latifolié, un arbre qui soutient les tipis et les huttes, et qui rappelle les cyprès des terres natales des colons.

Le tapis de prière est fabriqué de laines, teintures et autres matériaux d’origine locale, et reflète la riche histoire culturelle et géographique de la région, incorporant des éléments qui honorent le patrimoine communautaire.

Plus qu’une œuvre d’art, le tapis est un symbole d’unité et de multiculturalisme au sein du territoire du Traité no 6, qui comprend Edmonton. Il célèbre le lien durable et profond entre les peuples autochtones et musulmans, qui a mené à l’ouverture de la première mosquée du Canada à Edmonton en 1938.

Célébrer la diversité culturelle du Canada
Il s’agit de la septième émission de timbre de Postes Canada soulignant les fêtes islamiques de l’Aïd al-Fitr et de l’Aïd al-Adha. D’une durée de plusieurs jours, elles sont célébrées par des fidèles de partout au Canada. Elles sont généralement synonymes de prières communes, de visites familiales, de festins partagés, de cadeaux et d’actes de charité.

La vignette consacrée à l’Aïd fait partie des nombreuses émissions annuelles soulignant des fêtes importantes pour la population diversifiée du Canada, notamment Diwali, Hanoukka et Noël.

À propos du timbre
L’émission de timbre a été conçue par Kristine Do, l’illustration est de Kit Craven et la photographie, de Maya Visnyei. Imprimée par Colour Innovations, l’émission comprend un carnet de six timbres PermanentsMC au tarif du régime intérieur et un pli Premier Jour officiel oblitéré à Edmonton, en Alberta.

William F. Buckley, Jr. (U.S. 2025)

This stamp was announced by the USPS on March 6th:

One of the most influential public intellectuals in modern U.S. history, William F. Buckley Jr. (1925–2008) defined the conservative movement of the mid-20th century and was one of its most recognizable spokesmen. Author of more than 50 books, Buckley foundedNational Review, one of the nation’s leading conservative publications, and hosted the Emmy Award–winning public affairs television program Firing Line for more than 30 years. Original art by Dale Stephanos features a portrait of Buckley, created by hand with graphite and charcoal on hot-press watercolor paper, then refined digitally. Greg Breeding, an art director for USPS, designed the stamp.

No date of issuance or city was given. The latest information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Boston 2026 Stamp Show (U.S. 2026)

These stamps were announced by the USPS on March 6th:

For one week in May 2026, the world capital of stamp collecting will be Boston, host of the Boston 2026 World Expo, the 12th international philatelic exhibition of the United States. To build anticipation and commemorate this confluence of art, history and international goodwill, two intaglio-printed stamps will highlight the special role of Boston in the American Revolution as we prepare to celebrate the nation’s 250th anniversary. Greg Breeding, an art director for USPS, designed these stamps with digital illustrations by Dan Gretta featuring the Old North Church and a “midnight rider” on horseback in Colonial garb.

No date of issuance or city was given. However, many philatelists expect them to be issued at Great American Stamp Show in August. The latest information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

Updated March 10th:
The American Philatelic Society says these stamps will be issued on the first day of Great American Stamp Show, Thursday, August 14, in Schaumburg, IL.

U.S. Marine Corps 250th (U.S. 250th)

This stamp was announced by the USPS on March 6th:

The familiar symbolism of a Marine Corps emblem appears on this stamp to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Marine Corps. First established during the Revolutionary War as the American colonies fought for independence, the Marine Corps is respected worldwide as an elite fighting force, prepared to face any challenge and prevail in the conflicts of the 21st century. Antonio Alcalá, an art director for USPS, designed the stamp.

No date of issuance or city was given. The latest information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

U.S. Navy 250th (U.S. 2025)

This stamp was announced by the USPS on March 6th:

First established during the Revolutionary War as the American colonies fought for independence, the U.S. Navy is now at the forefront of cutting-edge technology that safeguards the maritime interests of the United States, ensuring economic prosperity and the freedom of the seas. Featuring the emblem of the Navy against a white background, this stamp celebrates the U.S. Navy’s 250th anniversary. Antonio Alcalá, an art director for USPS, designed the stamp.

No date of issuance or city was given. The latest information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.

U.S. Army 250th (U.S. 2025)

This stamp was announced by the USPS on March 6th:

This stamp celebrates the 250th anniversary of the U.S. Army. Established by the Continental Congress in 1775, the Army is now a global force with a clear purpose: to fight and win America’s wars. Featuring the military service mark of the U.S. Army against a white background, the stamp was designed by Antonio Alcalá, an art director for the USPS.

No date of issuance or city was given. The latest information will appear below the line, with the most recent at the top.