Lazaroff Now Top Boston 2026 Commissioner

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Boston 2026 Commissioner Reorganization

Chris Lazaroff has been appointed as the Commissioner General of Boston 2026, replacing Yamil Kouri who will continue as the exhibition’s President.

“As work progresses it became clear that it would be best that I concentrate my time solely on my leadership role and turn the important responsibilities of the exhibits to someone else,” said Kouri. “Chris is eminently qualified to handle the position, assisted by Deputy Commissioner General Dzintars Grinfelds.”

Lazaroff was earlier selected to be the show’s U.S. East Commissioner in addition to his role as United States Postal Service Liaison.

Tom Fortunato of Rochester, New York, is assuming the East Commissioner post while continuing as Public Relations Chair. He had been the exhibits chair for the national ROPEX stamp show for two decades and has been a jointly certified APS/ATA judge since 2000.

Kouri continued, “These reassignments strengthen our Boston 2026 team and commitment to exhibiting participants in particular. We welcome Chris and Tom’s willingness to add to their present show duties.”

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Online Hotel Reservations Now for Boston 2026

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Boston 2026 Online Hotel Reservation System Now Active

Hotel reservations have opened for Boston 2026 World Expo, taking place in fourteen months.

Eight official show hotels have been selected from throughout the Boston Seaport district representing Hilton, Hyatt, Marriott, Omni and Yotel chains. All are three or four-star rated, fully wheelchair-accessible and within walking distance of the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center [below left]. The show headquarters hotel, the Westin Boston Seaport District (right), and the Omni Boston Hotel at the Seaport, are physically attached to the center itself.

Reservations are being accepted for check-ins a few days before the show’s opening, during, and a few days after the close from Tuesday, May 19 through Monday, June 1.

Per night room rates run from $229 to $333. Rates shown are for single/double occupancy. Triple and quad occupancy is available at some show hotels. These discounted prices are only available by making reservations through the Boston 2026 web site link to onPeak, the show’s contracted housing management firm. Negotiations continue to add one or two properties to the list outside of the city center. These, too, will be found on the hotel page when confirmed.

Hotel rooms are offered on a first-come basis with no guarantee that additional room blocks will be released once full. In all cases a credit card or check deposit of one night’s stay is required. Reservations must be cancelled 72 hours prior to the day of arrival to avoid a late cancellation fee of one night’s room and tax.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on X and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Added March 22:

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Additional Boston 2026 Show Hotels Contracted

Two additional properties have signed on to become official show hotels for Boston 2026 World Expo.

“Details took a bit longer than expected to work out,” said Boston 2026 Executive Director Mark Butterline, “But the addition of these hotels help round out our eight hotel offerings to attendees with discounted prices ranging from $129 to $333 per night plus tax.”

Both the Boston Marriott Newton and Boxborough Regency Hotel & Convention Center are in the greater Boston suburbs, 11 and 27 miles respectively from the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center and offer free parking. Visitors planning to drive to the region will find them especially convenient as they are off major highways with plenty of restaurants and attractions nearby. Residents of these communities take advantage of low-cost parking at train and light rail stations throughout the area and commute into the city.

Boston 2026 President Yamil Kouri reminds show-goers, “We encourage visitors to make reservations through our web site as early as possible to avoid disappointment. Each property only has a limited number of rooms available at the special reduced price. Reservations can be changed based on availability closer to the show or cancelled within 72 hours of its starting date without penalty.”

Boston 2026 Names 3 U.S. Commissioners

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Boston 2026 U.S. Commissioners Named

Three regional U.S. commissioners have been announced by Boston 2026 World Expo to handle the transport and care of exhibits before, during and after the show.

Representing the East is Chris Lazaroff, a well-established first day cover creator and enthusiast since the 1980s. He has been instrumental in promoting all aspects of FDC collecting to philatelists worldwide and an active advocate of the cachet maker bourse nationally. Chris was appointed U.S. commissioner to the IBRA 2022 exhibition in Germany, WSC Exhibition Thailand 2023, EFIRO 2023 in Romania and to the upcoming Uruguay 2025 and Liberec 2025 exhibitions. Among the former American First Day Cover Society president‘s accomplishments was reaching his goal of attending U.S. first day ceremonies in all 50 states between 1982 and 2016.

The Central commissioner is Gregory Shoults, a well-known exhibitor whose single and multi-frame exhibits on various aspects of the Third Bureau Washington-Franklin coils have won top honors, making several appearances in the APS Champion of Champions over the past 15 years. Most recently he was the CAPEX 2022 U.S. commissioner in Toronto and earlier was appointed to Brasiliana 2013 in Rio de Janeiro. Greg has been the exhibits chair for the Garfield Perry March Party national stamp show in Cleveland, Ohio, for the past 10 years. He belongs to numerous philatelic organizations, holding positions in many of them.

Vesma Grinfelds of California will be in charge of exhibitors from the West. She was the prior U.S. Commissioner to Korea 2014, New York 2016, Jerusalem 2016, Prague 2018, Indonesia 2022, IBRA 2023, Bangkok 2023, Mare Balticum in Estonia 2024 and will continue the role for the upcoming PhilaKorea 2025. She is active in the Collectors Club of San Francisco, American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors (AAPE) and Rossica. For many years Vesma has been the Director of the AAPE Youth Champions of Champions competition held at GASS annually. She received the 2024 APS Kehr Award for service to guarantee the future of the hobby.

Overseeing the three will be Commissioner General Yamil Kouri and Deputy Commissioner General Dzintars Grinfelds.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Boston 2026 Seeks 3 Million Stamps

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Three Million Stamps Needed!

Boston 2026 World Expo calls on all collectors to donate off-paper stamps to build its inventory for use in welcome packets and the youth and beginners’ areas during America’s next international philatelic exhibition.

Coordinating the collection process is Michael Lawson, Boston 2026 Chief Financial Officer, in association with the Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History. “World Stamp Show-NY 2016 collected roughly three million stamps for free giveaways in a variety of ways,” said Lawson. “We are again counting on the philatelic community to show their generosity and desire to promote the hobby by donating common, unwanted duplicates we all have an abundance of to our show.”

It may be hard to grasp that many stamps, but artificial intelligence can help. Google’s Gemini explained it this way. With an average thickness of 0.01 inches per stamp, a three million stamp stack would span 2,500 feet, nearly half a mile, or roughly the height of a 200-story building.

Donations of any quantity would be welcomed, mint and used, but all should be off-paper and sorted by US and non-US if possible. Any on-paper material is to be soaked before sending. Stamp clubs are especially encouraged to participate by holding a soaking/collection program with their members. Dealer stock, including hundreds of the same stamp, may also be sent. Any glassines and tongs sent are much appreciated. As a 501(c)3 organization, Boston 2026 donations may be tax-deductible to the donor.

Items are to be mailed to: Spellman Museum of Stamps and Postal History, Attn: Michael Lawson/Boston 2026, Regis College, 241 Wellesley Street Weston, MA 02493. Please include a note with an email address to receive confirmation of receipt.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Boston 2026’s Second Bulletin Available

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Boston 2026 Bulletin #2 Now Available

The second Boston 2026 bulletin detailing information about the show with emphasis on exhibit rules and registration has just been released and is available in electronic format on the show’s web site at

The 44-page document includes the official IREX (Individual Regulations particular to Boston 2026) as required by the governing body of international exhibiting, the Fédération Internationale de Philatélie (FIP), having granted the show its Recognition.

Boston 2026 is not just one but several exhibitions taking place at the same time hosting the collective best of the world’s renowned exhibitors. The largest is the FIP Exhibition comprised of mostly competitive exhibits among 4,000 frames that are judged and vie for medal awards from bronze to large gold and special prizes, as will the Literature Class entrants.

A separate Polar Salon of 200 frames of both competitive exhibits and non-competitive displays will also take place along with a German-American Salon of 50 non-competitive frames. The annual 2026 APS Champion of Champions Competition rounds out the exhibitions.

Additional non-competitive displays add to the rarities, including a world-class Court of Honor along with institutional, ephemera and other invited exhibits.

Only electronic applications will be accepted for all exhibition types through the appropriate form. All will be online when the new Boston 2026 web site is unveiled in a few weeks.

Bulletin #2 additionally provides a timeline of show deadlines, information for societies and postal administrations, and includes two topical articles highlighting Boston area women and African Americans on stamps.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

WESTPEX Show Donates $10K to Boston 2026

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WESTPEX Donation to Boston 2026 World Expo

America’s premier west coast World Series of Philately exhibition, WESTPEX®, Inc, has pledged a donation of $10,000 in support of Boston 2026.

Their contribution continues the philanthropic mission of the San Francisco area organization. The group also presented grants to the past two U.S. internationals, WASHINGTON 2006 and World Stamp Show-NY 2016.

In writing to Boston 2026 officials, WESTPEX Chairman Behruz Nassre said, “During the last WESTPEX board meeting, the board members authorized a $10,000 donation to Boston 2026. As a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding and promoting philately in the United States, the board felt it was essential that we show our support and hopefully encourage other shows to do the same.”

Yamil Kouri, Boston 2026 President, welcomed the news by saying, “We appreciate the generous support of WESTPEX and echo the sentiments of Behruz and the board in all of our efforts in promoting this wonderful hobby.”

WESTPEX 2025 takes place at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel April 25-27, its anchor location for the past 18 years. Attending major societies include the American Helvetia Philatelic Society, Rossica Society of Russian Philately, Mexico-Elmhurst Philatelic Society International (MEPSI) and Rhodesian Study Circle. See the show’s web site at for complete information.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Helvetia Society Donates to Boston 2026 Show

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Boston 2026 Receives Major Grant from American Helvetia Philatelic Society

Boston 2026 World Expo is pleased to announce a generous $2,500 grant from the American Helvetia Philatelic Society (AHPS), the world’s largest English-language Switzerland philatelic society. Members of AHPS have been raising funds through their “$26 for ’26” campaign to support the society’s activities at Boston 2026, which includes a $2,500 grant approved by its board for the show according to AHPS Treasurer Bruce Marsden.

“We are thrilled to partner with Boston 2026,” said AHPS President Steven Opheim. “This grant underscores our members’ passion for Swiss philately and their commitment to advancing the hobby through world-class events like Boston 2026 World Expo.”

As the largest English-language society dedicated to Swiss philately, AHPS connects over 200 members across 35 states and 8 countries. Through monthly Member Meetings via Zoom, its award-winning TELL journal, and an active AHPS Facebook Group, AHPS fosters an international community of passionate collectors of Switzerland and Liechtenstein philately. AHPS’ website hosts an extensive online library, rich with Swiss philatelic research and resources.

During Boston 2026, AHPS will host several events and will share a society table with United Nations Philatelists Inc. (UNPI), the world’s largest organization dedicated to UN and UN-related philately. Attendees are invited to visit the table to connect with the AHPS and UNPI communities throughout the eight-day exhibition.

For more information about AHPS, including membership options and access to their extensive philatelic resources, visit or contact Paul Sobon, the AHPS Secretary at

Boston 2026 will take place from May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details can be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

FEPA Recognizes Boston 2026

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Boston 2026 Receives FEPA Recognition

The Federation of European Philatelic Associations (FEPA) has granted Recognition status to the Boston 2026 World Expo.

FEPA is the continental European organization that supports 45 members (national philatelic federations, associations and unions) in promoting philately. Its activities are principally focused on sharing information, promoting innovation and cooperation, supporting exhibitions and rewarding achievements.

FEPA recognition is normally restricted to exhibitions on European territory. In granting its recognition to Boston 2026 World Expo, however, the FEPA Board is aware of the global importance of this exhibition and wishes to help the Organizing Committee to promote the show in Europe.

Recognition by FEPA grants Boston 2026 three privileges:

  • Marketing and promotion of the exhibition through its channels (magazine, website, newsletters, etc.)
  • Technical expertise as requested
  • Use of its logo and flag

FEPA information can be found on its web site at

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Boston 2026 Releases 4th Label

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Fourth Boston 2026 Label Now Available

Boston 2026’s newest collectible label was released at 1 PM today during a ceremonial presentation about the World Expo on the exhibition floor at the Great American Stamp Show in Hartford, Connecticut.

Award-winning stamp artist Chris Calle has once again shared his talents in support of America’s next international philatelic exhibition by creating the fourth in a series of yearly patriotic-themed promotional “The Road to Boston 2026” designs.

The 2024 artwork features a portrait of John Adams, the Harvard educated lawyer from Massachusetts who eventually became the second President of the United States. Furthering his work as a delegate to the First and Second Continental Congresses, he was one of five men on the committee that drafted the Declaration of Independence. A view of Adams addressing the Congress is seen under his likeness. So, too, are two of the four U.S. stamps from the 1974 Bicentennial Era issue depicting Philadelphia’s Carpenter’s Hall, site of the first Continental Congress and later referred to as Independence Hall, and the quote, “We ask but for Peace, Liberty and Safety” from the Congressional petition to King George III.

As before, 3,000 water-activated sheetlets of nine labels were produced by the Portland Stamp Company. Prior labels depicted a Post Rider in 2021, Ben Franklin in 2022 and Sam Adams in 2023. All three are no longer available.

Both the unsigned and a limited edition of 450 artist-signed versions of the 2024 sheetlet are available. Orders are currently being accepted through the Boston 2026 web site.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

Boston 2026 Show’s Bulletin #1 Available

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Boston 2026 Bulletin #1 Available

Bulletin #1 for Boston 2026 World Expo has just been released in digital format and is available for viewing and downloading at

This first of two expected bulletins contains over 50 pages introducing readers to the composition of the one-a-decade U.S. international exhibition through the people and organizations making it possible.

Boston 2026 President Yamil Kouri said, “Much work has gone into this informative booklet that will answer most questions potential attendees and participants have. We’ve also included several articles about greater Boston’s historical significance to the nation’s founding along with their philatelic tie-ins.”

Initial show hotel information is included. At this point arrangements have been made with eight hotels within walking distance of the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center, site of the show. More affordable options are being sought further away from the city center but easily accessible using the many public transportation options Boston offers. Reservations for all offerings will be available starting in the Spring of 2025.

Donors are gratefully acknowledged across several pages. Donation levels are explained with various thank-you premiums associated to each, including admittance to the Minuteman Club. As a recognized 501(c)3 organization donations may be tax-deductible to U.S. contributors who itemize.

Bulletin #1 features a listing of current booth holders, numbering over 75. Booth space is still available for 4- or 8-day options. Interested dealers are urged to contact US/Canada bourse chair Mark Reasoner ( or international bourse chair Sandeep Jaiswal ( Postal administrations will be contacted later this year with participation information.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.