Letter Carriers “Save Christmas”

They’re saying a mail carrier in Southern California’s Inland Empire may have saved Christmas for many Riverside residents.

His delivery truck had broken down while making the rounds midday on Christmas Eve and he was waiting for a tow when it burst into flames.

He grabbed as many packages as he could from the truck. However, the truck and whatever the man couldn’t save were a total loss.

The Riverside Press-Enterprise newspaper reports the USPS will send a letter to all customers along the delivery route. Those who were expecting a package that might have been destroyed should contact the local USPS consumers affairs office at 858-674-2670.

We have a similar story from Osawatomie, Kansas, about 50 miles south of Kansas City. This letter carrier was able to save all the packages in his truck. The volunteer fire department posted on Facebook, “the mailman saved Christmas!”

Photos right and below by the Osawatomie fire department.

Neither postal worker was identified.