Rich Drews Seeks APS Director-at-Large

Rich Drews
Candidate Statement for APS Director at Large

drewsI’m announcing my run for Director at Large of the American Philatelic Society (APS). We need a strong board to develop and help implement long term strategic plans for the APS, provide skilled oversight and build member benefits. Declining numbers demand that we actively use the internet and other innovative approaches to reach new potential members. Our board must solidly support the efforts of the APS staff but stay out of daily operations. I’m running to help make this happen.

I’ve earned degrees from Cal Tech and Northwestern, been a corporate controller and built a nationwide insurance sales force and brokerage. I sold to my partners, entering philately full time. I bought Stamp King, returned to show dealing and opened an auction house, becoming the APS official auctioneer from 1995-99. I sold in 2000 and retired.

I joined the APS in 1976 and have exhibited and judged for over 30 years. I’ve held officer positions in local clubs, including COMPEX and the Chicago Philatelic Society. I co-chair the speaker program and head the nominating committee for the Collectors Club of Chicago, was a founding member of the AAPE [American Association of Philatelic Exhibitors], serving 8 years on the board. I headed the Chapter Activities Committee and the Expert Committee for the APS and developed and taught several courses for members. I ran the volunteers at Ameripex ’86, was Executive Director of WCSE ’92 [World Columbian Stamp Exhibition ’92] and judge internationally.

drews2Much of my time is spent giving back to a hobby that, in addition to reading and mathematics, has been my preoccupation and joy since age 5. My efforts have been amply rewarded with the Champion of Champions, large golds internationally plus numerous local and national awards including the Luff Award for service and the Hennig Award for improvements in judging. When I’m not at shows with Bonnie and our 3 dogs, I’m fishing or doing dachshund rescue. My business experience and involvement in every aspect of the hobby are what I’d like to offer to assist the APS and the APRL.

My biggest joy in collecting is the lifelong friends. Working with them and sharing our mutual passions for philately keeps me coming to all the shows I can attend. My email is richbear427 (AT) I’m pleased to respond to any ideas that will help our hobby.