Garden Birds (Netherlands)

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Garden birds in the Netherlands

The Hague, 23 May 2018 – On 20 May, PostNL issued a new stamp sheet: Garden Birds in the Netherlands. Illustrations of 6 different garden birds adorn this sheet. Michelle Dujardin provided the illustrations, art director Yvonne Warmerdam was responsible for the stamp design.

Second issue with (garden) birds
The Tuinvogels stamp sheet in the Netherlands is a follow-up to the issue that PostNL issued for PostEurop on April 23, Vogels in the Netherlands. At Birds in the Netherlands only 2 birds were central, on the stamp sheet of Garden Birds in the Netherlands 6 garden birds can be seen: blue tit, winter king, robin, house sparrow, golden rooster and great tit.

Every bird has a soul
On the stamps Garden Birds in the Netherlands the illustrations of the birds are placed on the stamps to fill the image. 5 of the garden birds are sitting on a twig, only the house sparrow is sitting on the ground. The illustrations by Michelle Dujardin have its characteristic minimalist style: realistic, with a slight abstract-impressionistic touch. Michelle: “I have chosen 6 common garden birds. They are birds of which everyone at least knows the name. Last summer I saw a golden rooster here in the garden. Striking, because normally you don’t see them often in the west. I have a weakness for the shape of this type of bird, which also includes the wren. Real balls that actually still resemble the egg from which they crawled. On the stamps I have depicted them the way I prefer them. As if every bird is alive, has a soul and could fly up like that.”

Own bird version
For both bird drawings, Michelle used photos to properly capture the feathers, the colors and the shape. “But I always take the liberty to draw my own version of the birds. With a build-up of colors that you don’t always see at first sight, “says Michelle.

The Tuinvogels stamp sheet in the Netherlands has 6 stamps in 6 different designs, with value designation 1, intended for mail up to 20 grams with a destination within the Netherlands. The stamps have been available since May 20 at the post office in the Bruna stores and via the website. The stamps can also be ordered by telephone from Collect Club customer service on telephone number 088 – 868 99 00. The period of validity is indefinite.