Loew Taking Over APS Expertizing

In a telephone-conference board meeting, the American Philatelic Society Board has approved Gary Loew from Atlanta [right] to replace Tom Horn as Director of Expertising, reports Foster Miller in The Stamp Collecting Forum. He will be moving to Bellefonte and will start June 16.

Loew has written dozens of articles on postal history for such publications as The Collectors Club Philatelist and Philatelic Literature Review, as well as a regular column for Kelleher’s Stamp Collector’s Quarterly. He will be teaching an APS “On The Road” series seminar, “Introduction To Seaposts: Ship Letters, Packet Mail, Paquebots And More,” in Saint Louis July 25, preceding Americover 2019. Both will be held at the Renaissance Saint Louis Airport Hotel. Information and registration for “Seaposts” is available on the APS website (second item).

During the meeting, APS executive director Scott English said Loew will be the process leader, not the lead expert. That is, he will direct the operation, not necessarily do all or most of the expertizing.

“Gary’s role will be precisely the same as the role Tom Horn is playing now,” English said in a message on the TSCF board. He also revealed that the APS has five finalists for the “content editor” position recently vacated by Mark Kellner, which includes editing the journal American Philatelist. He believes a new editor will be chosen before the end of the month.

Meanwhile, English says staffers Doris Wilson and Fred Baumann have been editing the AP — and even finished it three days early.

One thought on “Loew Taking Over APS Expertizing

  1. I have several stamps that have perforation varieties. I have not had them certified because of the cost. I’m hoping to find someone who would take be an interest in the mm and partner up with me in getting them certified and auctioned off.

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