No Division Here: Civil War Group Donates to Boston 2026

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Civil War Philatelic Society Donates to Boston 2026 World Expo

Daniel Knowles, President of the Civil War Philatelic Society, emailed Boston 2026 World Expo officers that the organization is making a total donation of $5,000.

He continued his message saying that the CWPS members, trustees and officers all look forward to participating in the show by holding meetings and presentations along with sharing a society booth with the Carrier and Locals Society.

Founded as the Confederate Stamp Alliance in 1935 by Dr. Marye Y. Dabney and August Dietz, the group broadened its collecting focus in 2020 by inviting all collectors of Civil War philately to become members and renaming the organization to reflect this. Income from dues and a permanent endowment allows the CWPS to support member benefits while continuing to research, publish and promote the many aspects of philately of the era.

The organization’s web site at details the offerings of the group, including the quarterly Civil War Philatelist magazine, expertizing service, research scholarship, mentor program, periodical archives, auctions, collections, exhibits, and more.

Look on the Boston 2026 web site‘s Donor Page for information about making individual or society donations. As a 501(c)3 organization, donations may be tax deductible.

Philatelic societies and organizations of any size should note that over 40 rooms are available for meetings and presentations daily throughout the eight-day exhibition. Contact Society Chair Mark Schwartz ( to inquire or make your interests known.

Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at and on Twitter and Facebook. Sign up to be added to the Boston 2026 email list and receive updates when available.

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