[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Siegel Auction Donation to Boston 2026
Dr. Yamil H. Kouri, Jr., president of Boston 2026 World Stamp Show, Inc. is pleased to announce the first donation to Boston 2026 World Expo by an auction house. Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. of New York City, and its President, Scott R. Trepel, have pledged a donation of $10,000 to the Boston 2026 show fund.
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries will also take a large dealer booth (#125) on the Boston 2026 show floor.
Scott Trepel has been the president of Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries since 1992. At the Great American Stamp Show 2021 he was presented the John Walter Scott Dealer Award by the American Philatelic Society. He is also a past member of the Smithsonian’s National Postal Museum Advisory Council.
Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries, Inc. was also a major contributor to New York 2016 World Stamp Show, the previous world philatelic exhibition in the United States. Scott’s partnership with Boston 2026 World Expo will contribute to its success.
Yamil and Scott will also be exploring joint marketing and sponsorship opportunities involving both organizations.
Boston 2026 World Expo takes place May 23-30, 2026, at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center. Full show details may be found at Boston2026.org and on Twitter and Facebook.