APS Suspends ARIPEX (Arizona)

[press release]
APS Board Suspends ARIPEX WSP Accreditation

On Thursday, November 3, 2022, the APS Board of Directors unanimously voted to suspend the World Series of Philately accreditation for ARIPEX ahead of the planned show in 2023. The suspension means the winner of the competitive exhibition will not be eligible for the Champion of Champions.

APS Executive Director Scott English and the Committee on National Exhibitions and Judging (CANEJ) Chair Darrell Ertzberger participated in ARIPEX in February 2022, identifying issues with the show. The APS offered corrective actions and support to make the necessary changes to ARIPEX but found no improvement.

On October 30, 2022, CANEJ met to review reports from English, Ertzberger, and others and determined that ARIPEX failed to comply with WSP rules and recommended the APS Board suspend WSP accreditation for 2023. Specifically, the Committee found ARIPEX violating three provisions of Section E(2) due to late and incomplete reporting, failing to maintain a level of excellence, and violating one or more rules for WSP exhibitions.

In suspending the WSP accreditation, the APS outlined several steps to address the concerns, or it will revoke accreditation. The required actions are:

  1. Rebuild the show’s organizational structure to include individuals separate from the Show Chair serving as chairs for the bourse, exhibits, awards, and jury to restore confidence the exhibits can be better managed and preserve the national-level requirements,
  2. The governing body, the Arizona Federation of Stamp Clubs, must rebuild its committee to ensure proper oversight and accountability for the show’s operations, and
  3. Commit to the approved rules of the World Series of Philately to include a functioning website, an approved prospectus, and an approved jury no later than August 1, 2023.

“This was not an easy decision, but we have to protect the interests of members who entrust valuable collections to the show committee,” said English, “I’ve heard from members ready, willing, and able to get ARIPEX back on track. We hope the ARIPEX leadership takes the necessary steps to make it happen.”

World Series of Philately
A WSP show is an APS World Series of Philately show. These U.S. national-level shows have undergone an accreditation process and must follow standards (WSP Rules/Requirements) to maintain their status. The multi-frame grand award-winning exhibit at each WSP show is invited to compete in the annual Champion of Champions at the Great American Stamp Show for the highest exhibiting honor.

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