[press release] [click on any of the pictures for larger versions]
Nominations Sought for ATA Award
The American Topical Association is accepting nominations for the Distinguished Topical Philatelist award. The ATA’s highest award is presented each year to a person who has made outstanding contributions to philately, especially topical philately. It will be presented at the awards banquet at the Great American Stamp Show in Cleveland, Ohio, on August 12, 2023.
Individuals, study units and chapters/stamp clubs may nominate a person who they think is qualified. The recipient is chosen by a committee made up of past recipients. Letters of nomination should be sent to the chair of the selection committee, Vera Felts at vera_1102@yahoo.com or mail to 211 Petal Lane, Sequim, WA 98382-3612. Deadline for nominations is December 31, 2022.