JFK FDC Talk Online On November 14th

John F. Kennedy first day cover expert Henry Scheuer will talk about his quest to obtain as many postmarks for the first JFK stamp as possible, in an American First Day Cover Society online seminar November 14, 2021, at 8:00 pm Eastern time on Zoom. Admission is free and the presentation is open to the public.

The John F. Kennedy memorial stamp of 1964 (Sc. 1246) was one of the most popular U.S. stamps of its era. It went on sale at nearly every post office, and many collectors had the stamp postmarked locally on the day of issue. Scheuer, a financial services professional, has FDCs from the thousands of post offices then in operation, and hopes to add more. His collection includes not only U.S. postmarks, but also covers serviced overseas and sent to overseas addresses.

The Zoom address for “Remembering John F. Kennedy: Sc. 1246 5¢ Commemorative” click here to join the meeting, or the meeting is ID 889 9249 6356 with a passcode of 598920. The program will be recorded and available for viewing at a later date.

Membership in the AFDCS is not required to attend the seminar, but, with memberships starting at $24 for Internet-only access or $35 with the printed magazine, it is very affordable and a good asset for any first day cover collector.

Members, such as Scheuer, can place notices in a secure area of the AFDCS.org website, seeking help adding to their collections. Members are in every state, as well as seven countries.

The AFDCS publishes handbooks, catalogues, directories and a bimonthly award-winning journal, First Days. The society also produces some FDCs, advocates for first day cover collecting and exhibiting, and is a co-host of Great American Stamp Show, which next will be held August 25-28, 2022, in Sacramento, Calif.

For more information on the AFDCS, visit its website www.afdcs.org, email afdcs@afdcs.org or write to the society at Post Office Box 246, Colonial Beach, VA 22443-0246.