Stamp Writers Group Invites Web Writers

[press release]
APS Writers Unit 30 To Invite Online Content Providers

Writers Unit 30, the American Philatelic Society affiliate that has represented stamp collecting writers, editors and publishers for more than 50 years, is now encouraging membership for online content providers: The people who write and edit websites, blogs and social media.

Most philatelic writing these days is on the Web. Often, the same material is published in print, on a website and in social media at the same time.

“Writing is writing, whether it is for print, broadcast or the internet,” said WU30 president Lloyd A. de Vries. “The styles may change, but the purpose is the same: To communicate, inform, and exchange ideas. We think including internet content producers in WU30 will be mutually beneficial.”

The APS Writers Unit publishes a quarterly newsletter, The Philatelic Communicator; supports literature competitions; and maintains a “Hall of Fame” for outstanding stamp collecting writers, both in the past and those active today. In addition, new programs are being planned. WU30 was founded in 1967, and meets annually at APS StampShow’s successor, Great American Stamp Show.

TPC issues often include articles on writing itself, layout, opportunities and news.

“30” is the traditional mark that was placed at the end of newspaper copy to indicate to editors and typesetters that it was finished. Not coincidentally, the Writers Unit is Affiliate #30 of the APS.

Membership is open to all who write, publish or edit in philately, from periodical columns to research books, and now, explicitly, to those who write for digital media. Membership is $15 a year anywhere in the world for .pdf copies of The Philatelic Communicator, delivered via email. Membership with a printed journal is $20.

To join, or for more information, visit the WU30 website at or write WU30 at PO Box 411571, Saint Louis, MO 63141-3571.