U.S. Adds 2 Winter Issues (US 2021)

[press release]
Postal Service Announces Additions to the 2021 Stamp Program

WASHINGTON, DC — The U.S. Postal Service today announced two additions to its 2021 stamp program. The new stamps feature the North American river otter and St. Nick — Santa Claus, one of our most recognized and beloved cultural icons.

Otters in Snow
This booklet of 20 stamps features four scenes of the alert and playful North American river otter reveling in winter’s white landscape.

The original illustrations were rendered in pen and ink, with watercolor in shades of brown for the otters, using black for facial features and crosshatching. The wintry background is white, with blue water, light blue and violet shadows, and black crosshatching.

Art director Derry Noyes designed the stamps with artwork from illustrator John Burgoyne.

A Visit From St. Nick
Four new designs in this booklet of 20 stamps tell the story of Santa’s visit on Christmas Eve.

In the first stamp, Santa stands on a snowy rooftop, sack slung across his back, with one leg inside the red-brick chimney; the second stamp shows Santa as he descends through the chimney, his legs dangling over the hearth; the third stamp is a close-up of a winking Santa; and the fourth stamp shows Santa in his sleigh, with four reindeer visible as they fly across the face of the full moon and into a starlit sky.

Art director Greg Breeding designed the stamps with original art by Brad Woodard.

All stamp designs are preliminary and subject to change. Additional details, including issue dates, will be announced later.

Postal Products
Customers may purchase stamps and other philatelic products through the Postal Store at usps.com/shop, by calling (844) 737-7826, by mail through USA Philatelic, or at Post Office locations nationwide.