Ronnei To Coordinate AFDCS Exhibiting

[press release]
Ronnei To Coordinate Exhibit Efforts for FDC Society

The American First Day Cover Society has chosen Todd Ronnei, a gold-medal exhibitor himself, to coordinate its exhibiting programs and promote FDC exhibiting.

Ronnei was awarded the Reserve Grand and a Large Gold medal for his U.S. Winston Churchill (Sc. 1264) exhibit at the AFDCS’s Americover 2018 and at Minnesota Stamp Expo in 2018. [One of the covers is shown below.] He has a number of other FDC exhibits, including the 1967 Urban Planning stamp (Sc. 1333) and 1970 Fort Snelling stamp (Sc. 1409), and is the Exhibit Chair for Minnesota Stamp Expo, a World Series of Philately show.

Ronnei and his family live in a Minneapolis suburb. He has been the webmaster for a number of years and also served on its board of directors, five years as its chairman.

The AFDCS presents unique awards in special categories at its Americover shows, created by Kerry Heffner, and Randy Smith distributes a general AFDCS award to shows upon request. “Todd will pull together these efforts, while adding others and encouraging more FDC collectors to try their hand at exhibiting,” said AFDCS president Lloyd A. de Vries.

The AFDCS, a 501(c)(3) educational not-for-profit organization, also recently reorganized its Education Department and is putting more emphasis on those programs.

The society publishes its award-winning journal First Days six times a year, as well as handbooks and directories, and is a co-sponsor of the big U.S. summer philatelic event, Great American Stamp Show (Aug. 12-15 in the Chicago area) or its equivalent virtual show.

For more information on the AFDCS, visit its website, email or write to the society at Post Office Box 246, Colonial Beach, VA 22443-0246.

Todd Ronnei’s Winston Churchill exhibit can be seen here.