U.S. Navy Censorship Markings 1940-1945 Handbook

The Collectors Club of Chicago is pleased to announce the upcoming publication of our thirty-fifth handbook chronicling specialized philatelic subjects: U.S. Navy Censorship Markings (1940-1945), by James Moses.

The book is hardbound, and includes 330 pages of data supplementing a large void in the documented study of U.S. WWII censorship. It contains more than 575 listings of naval censor markings that include a number previously unreported. The book describes and illustrates each mark and location(s) of use, and often a brief story behind the men, ships, and bases of those who sent or received censored letters.

The book is available at the introductory pre-printing price of $68, including shipping and handling. After March 1, the book will be available at the increased retail price. Orders can now be placed on the CCC website [link], with PayPal being accepted for payment.

3 thoughts on “U.S. Navy Censorship Markings 1940-1945 Handbook

  1. Have pre-paid for the book and hope to see it in my mail box soon — but when? Do you have an update on its whereabouts in the publication process and when CCC will be mailing it? Please inform us.

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