APS Announces Service Awards

The American Philatelic Society, the largest stamp collecting organization in North America, has honored the folllowing people, with these awards in August 2020:

Nicholas G. Carter Award for National Service:

  • Deane Briggs
  • Jack Andre Denys
  • Charles DiComo
  • Larry Fillion
  • Eric Jackson
  • Bobby Liao

You can get more information about the winners and their accomplishments on the APS website.

For local service, the APS this year recognizes Tony Bruno.

The APS also named Timothy A. Hodge as Outstanding Young Adult Philatelist (Age 25-40). Their accomplishments also are detailed on the APS website.

The Luff Award is the APS’ highest award for service. Those honored this year are

  • Yamil H. Kouri, Jr., for Exceptional Contributions to Philately;
  • Kenneth Grant, for Outstanding Service to the APS; and
  • James Peter Gough, for Distinguished Philatelic Research.

Luff recipients are almost always still living. The APS Hall of Fame honors those who have passed away. This year, that includes

  • Sophie Buser (1907-1997);
  • George Griffenhagen (1924-2019); and
  • Ann Triggle (1935-2018)

You can learn why they deserve the honor here. Former APS executive director — but also a former member of the boards of the APS and American Topical Association, former Deputy Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador — Robert E. Lamb received Ernest Kehr Award, which is bestowed annually helping to guarantee the future of the hobby.

Ken Lawrence received the U.S. Stamp Society-Barbara Mueller Award for best article in the APS journal, American Philatelist.

And dealers Stanley Richmond, Jack Nalbandian and Richard Champagne share this year’s John Walter Scott Dealer Award.