Big U.S. National Stamp Show Canceled

The Great American Stamp Show, scheduled for August 20-23 in Hartford, Connecticut, has been canceled. It would have been the largest stamp show of the year in the United States, and was sponsored by the American Philatelic Society, American Topical Association and the American First Day Cover Society.

Based on current information from the State of Connecticut, the show would either be canceled due to its size or require aggressive mitigation as an indoor activity.There was even a possibility that visitors from out-of-state would be required to go into quarantine for two weeks before participating in any events in Connecticut!

Virtual events will take the place of some or most of the events.

APS executive director and Scott English and the APS staff deserve special thanks for making this tough decision possible. Contracts for major stamp shows are signed years in advance, and contain cancellation penalties. Vendors for decorating, printing, food functions and more are lined up well in advance of a show. All of this had to be taken into account.

Speaking for myself and not the AFDCS or any other organization, I’m glad the show as canceled. It was becoming apparent from my discussions with other collectors that the show would have been poorly attended and those who did come would be tense: Not having fun at all. Many events that make attending a stamp show worth the extra time and effort would have been eliminated. Instead of being the showcase for Philately’s potential in the 21st century, Great American Stamp Show would have seemed more like a wake. —Lloyd de Vries

The full announcement:

Today, the American Philatelic Society, American Topical Association, and American First Day Cover Society announced the cancellation of the Great American Stamp Show. The show scheduled for August 20-23 in Hartford, Connecticut, is the largest annual stamp show in the United States.

Based on current information from the State of Connecticut, the show would either be canceled due to its size or require aggressive mitigation as an indoor activity.

Recognizing the health and safety of members, dealers, and guests as the highest priority, the APS Board of Directors approved cancellation and designated Hartford, CT as the host city for the 2024 Great American Stamp Show.

“Thank you to the dealers and members committed to supporting our show. The strength of our hobby is the people in it and that’s not worth risking,” said APS Executive Director Scott English. “Though the pandemic is changing our community, it will never weaken it.”

Since 1886, the American Philatelic Society’s annual convention has only been canceled once, in 1943 at the height of World War II.

“Some things are more important than philately, such as our community’s health and safety,” said AFDCS president Lloyd A. de Vries.

The APS, ATA, and AFDCS recognize that dealers, societies and clubs, and many individuals have already made plans and reservations in Hartford for August. Guests who have made hotel room reservations within the reserved block in the Marriott and Hilton hotels will receive automatic cancellation notifications by email or may reach out to the hotels personally. Dealer and society booth deposits and exhibitor entry fees may be applied to the Chicago 2021 show or will be refunded on request. We also encourage members to make donations to the APS, ATA, or AFDCS in lieu of refunds. Any questions may be directed to Ken Martin or Morgan Stinson.

“Although we will miss seeing our stamp collecting friends, we know this is the best thing to do. There will be shows again in the future,” said ATA president Dawn Hamman.

The APS staff is exploring a virtual show alternative for the planned show dates in August 2020, including a possible virtual dealer bourse. The ATA and AFDCS support this plan and will work closely with the APS on planning and execution.

English added, “I am proud of the APS team for how we’ve responded to this crisis. We will rise to this challenge and be stronger for it.”

The APS will provide updates on the progress of the virtual Great American Stamp Show as the planning continues.

One thought on “Big U.S. National Stamp Show Canceled

  1. Your feelings of ‘relief’ that the show has been cancelled are the same as mine. Thanks for expressing the doubts many of us had about gathering when healthy protocols are still so undecided. The pre- and post-show excursions are a huge source of enjoyment for me, and I heard these would probably not take place, as well as the banquets that are always so much fun.
    I agree that the right decision, tough though it may have been, was made.

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