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2001 United States Stamp Schedule
The Virtual Stamp Club
As of November 12, 2001

This schedule represents the latest information from a variety of sources, as well as our best guesses. The information is subject to change, and no responsibility is taken for errors, omissions or changes. Click any stamp links to see a picture of the stamp.

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January 7, Statue of Liberty.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, self-adhesive coils of 3,000 and 10,000, Washington, DC  20066.

January 7, Federal Eagle.  Six 34¢ stamped envelopes in the following formats: #10 envelope, #6 3/4, #10, #6 3/4 window, #9 security, and #9 security window, Washington, DC 20066.

January 19, Love Rose. Single non-denominated (34¢) self-adhesive special stamp, convertible booklet of 20, Tucson, AZ  85726.

January 20, Year of the Snake. Single 34¢ commemorative stamp in the lunisolar New Year series begun in 1992, pane of 20, Oakland, CA  94612.

January 24, Roy Wilkins.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamp, 24th stamp in the Black Heritage series, pane of 20, Minneapolis, MN  55401.

January 29, Capital Rotunda at night.  Single $3.50 self-adhesive Priority Mail stamp, pane of 20, Washington, DC  20066.

January 29, Washington Monument at sunrise.  Single $12.25 self-adhesive Express Mail stamp, pane of 20, Washington, DC  20066.

February 1, American Illustrators.  Twenty 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamps featuring art by: James Montgomery Flagg, Maxfield Parrish, J.C. Leyendecker, Robert Fawcett, Coles Phillips, Al Parker, A.B. Frost, Howard Pyle, Rose O'Neil, Dean Cornwell, Edwin Austin Abbey, Jessie Willcox Smith, Neysa McMein, Jon Whitcomb, Harvey Dunn, Frederic Remington, Rockwell Kent, N.C. Wyeth, Norman Rockwell and John Held Jr., pane of 20 in the Classic Collections series and press sheet of 120, New York, NY  10199.

February 7, Flowers.  Twelve 34¢ self-adhesive definitive stamps featuring: Fressia, Symbidium Orchid, Longiflorum Lily and Asian Hybrid Lily, self-adhesive double-sided convertible booklet of 20, vending booklets of 20, and self-adhesive coils of 100, New York, NY  10199.

February 7, Farm Flag.  Single 34¢ water-activated definitive stamp, pane of 100, New York, NY  10199.

February 7, Statue of Liberty.  Three 34¢ definitive stamps in the following formats: self-adhesive coils of 100, 3,000 & 10,000; self-adhesive convertible booklets of 10 & 20 and self-adhesive vending booklets of 20, New York, NY  10199.

February 14, Love Rose. Two 34¢ self-adhesive special stamp, convertible booklet of 20 and vending booklet of 20, Lovejoy, GA  30250.

February 14, Love Rose.  Single 55¢ self-adhesive special stamp for the 2nd ounce first-class rate, pane of 20, Lovejoy, GA  30250.

February 14, Lovebirds.  Two 34¢ stamped envelopes, #10 and #6 3/4 envelopes, Lovejoy, GA  30250.

February 20, Community Colleges.  Four 34¢ stamped envelope, #10, #6 3/4, #10 window, and #6 3/4 window, Joliet, IL 60436.

February 21, Hattie Caraway.  Single 76¢ self-adhesive stamp for the 3oz. first class letter rate, third in the Distinguished Americans series,  pane of 20, Little Rock, AR  72202.

February 22, Bison.  Two 21¢ definitive stamps, self-adhesive pane of 20, self-adhesive coil of 100, Wall, SD 57790.

February 22, George Washington.  Single 20¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, convertible booklet of 10 and vending booklet of 10, Wall, SD 57790.

February 22, Art Deco Eagle. Single 55¢ self-adhesive stamp, self-adhesive pane of 20, Wall, SD 57790.

February 22, Badlands. Single 70¢ international stamped card, Wall, SD 57790.

February 27, Official Mail.  Single 34¢ definitive stamp and stamped envelope, coils of 100 and single envelope, Washington, DC  20066.

March 6, Nine-Mile Prairie.  Single 70¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, pane of 20, Lincoln, NE  68501.

March 6, Apple and Orange.  Two 34¢ self-adhesive definitive stamps, convertible booklet of 20, Lincoln, NE  68501.

March 6, Farm Flag.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, pane of 20, Lincoln, NE  68501.

March 16, Diabetes.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamp, pane of 20, Boston, MA  02205 and nationwide.

March 22, Nobel Prize.  Single 34¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20, joint issue with Sweden, Washington, DC  20066.

March 29, Pan-American Inverts and Buffalo.  Single 1¢, 2¢ and 4¢ stamps reproducing the designs of the 1901 Pan-American Exposition invert errors, and four 80¢ diamond-shaped stamps depicting a buffalo, souvenir sheet commemorating the centenary of the exposition held in Buffalo, NY, pane of 7 and press sheet of 28, New York, NY 10199 and nationwide (first day of sale in Buffalo, NY).

March 30, Yale University Tercentennial. Single 20¢ stamped card, Historic Preservation series, New Haven, CT  06511.

April 17, Mt. McKinley. Single 80¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, pane of 20, Fairbanks, AK  99709.

April 19, Great Plains Prairie. Ten 34¢ self-adhesive stamps featuring: Pronghorn, Badger, Burrowing Owl, Lizard/Gopher, Bison, Prairie Dog, Butterfly, Dung Beetle, Meadowlark, and Kangaroo Rat, 3rd in the Nature of America series, pane of 10 and press sheet of 60, Lincoln, NE  68501.

April 26, University of South Carolina. Single 20¢ stamped card, Historic Preservation series, Columbia, SC  29201.

April 28, Northwestern University.  Single 20¢ stamped card, Historic Preservation series, Evanston, IL  60201.

May 1, University of Portland.  Single 20¢ stamped card, Historic Preservation series, Portland, OR  97208.

May 17, Peanuts.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamp, pane of 20 w/header, Santa Rosa, CA  95402.

May 23, U.S. Veterans.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamp, pane of 20, Washington, DC  20066 and nationwide.

May 30, Acadia National Park. Single 60¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp for an international rate, pane of 20, Bar Harbor, ME 04609.

June 21, Frida Kahlo. Single 34¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20, Phoenix, AZ 85026.

June 27, Baseball's Legendary Playing Fields.  Ten 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamps featuring Ebbetts Field, Crosley Field, The Polo Grounds, Forbes Field, Comiskey Park, Schibe Park, Yankee Stadium, Fenway Park, Tiger Stadium, and Wrigley Field, pane of 20 and booklet of 10 21-cent stamped postal cards, New York, NY  10199, Chicago, IL 60607, Boston, MA  02201, and Detroit, MI  48233.

June 29, Atlas Statue.  Single (10¢) nondenominated self-adhesive definitive stamp, coil of 10,000, New York, NY  10199.

July 10, Leonard Bernstein.  Single 34¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20, New York, NY  10199.

August 3, Woody Wagon.  Single (15¢) nondenominated presort first-class card rate self-adhesive definitive stamp, coil of 10,000, AMERICOVER in Denver, CO 80202.

August 6, Lucile Ball. Single 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamp, pane of 20, 7th in the Legends of Hollywood series, Los Angeles, CA  90001.

August 9, Amish Quilts.  Four 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamps, 1st in the American Treasures series, pane of 20, Nappanee, IN  46550.

August 23, Carnivorous Plants.  Four 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamps featuring the Cobra Lily, English Sundew, Yellow Trumpet, and Venus Flytrap, pane of 20, STAMPSHOW '01 in Des Plaines, IL 60018.

September 1, Eid.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive special stamp, 4th and probably final in the Holiday Celebrations series, pane of 20, Des Plaines, IL 60018 and nationwide.

September 20, White Barn.  Single 21¢ stamped card, Washington, DC  20066.

September 20, George Washington.  Two 23¢ definitive stamps, self-adhesive pane of 20 and self-adhesive coil of 100, Washington, DC  20066.

September 20, Art Deco Eagle.  Single 57¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, pane of 20, Washington, DC  20066.

September 20, Bison.  Two 21¢ definitive stamps, water-activated pane of 100, self-adhesive convertible booklet of 10 and self-adhesive vending booklet of 10, Washington, DC  20066.

September 29, Enrico Fermi.  Single 34¢ commemorative stamp, pane of 20, Chicago, IL  60607.

October 1, Porky Pig.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive commemorative stamp, 5th and final in the Warner Bros. series, pane of 10, special die-cut pane of 10, two half press sheets of 60, stamped card in booklet of 10, Beverly Hills, CA  90210.

October 10, Madonna & Child: Lorenzo Costa. Single 34¢ self-adhesive special stamp for the Christmas season, convertible booklet of 20, Philadelphia, PA  19104.

October 10, Santas. Eight 34¢ self-adhesive special stamps for the Christmas season in the following formats: pane of 20, double-sided convertible booklet of 20, and vending booklet of 20, Santa Claus, IN  47579.

October 18, James Madison.  Single 34¢ water-activated commemorative stamp, pane of 20, MEGAEVENT in New York, NY  10199.

October 19, Thanksgiving.  Single 34¢ self-adhesive special stamp, pane of 20, Dallas, TX  75260.

October 21, Hanukkah. Single 34¢ self-adhesive special stamp, pane of 20, MEGAEVENT in New York, NY  10199.

October 21, Kwanzaa. Single 34¢ self-adhesive special stamp, pane of 20, MEGAEVENT in New York, NY  10199.

October 24, United We Stand.  Three 34¢ self-adhesive definitive stamps, convertible booklets of 20, coils of 100 and coils of 10,000, Washington, DC 20066 (also released in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Connecticut, and a couple of offices surrouding Washington, DC located in Maryland and Virginia) and nationwide on November 5th.

November 19, Love Rose. Single 57¢ self-adhesive special stamp for the 2nd ounce first-class rate, pane of 20, Washington, DC  20066.

December 17, Farm Flag. Single 34¢ self-adhesive definitive stamp, ATM pane of 18, Washington, DC  20066.

Compiled by Jay Bigalke
©2001 de Vries Philatelic Media

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