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Stamp One For The Gipper

The new Ronald Reagan stamp was unveiled at the former president's library in Simi Valley, Calif., in early November.

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The selection of an image for the stamp came down to two portraits, one serious, the other smiling, said Reagan Foundation chairman Frederick J. Ryan Jr.

"People usually remember Ronald Reagan with a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye and that's what the stamp shows," he said.

Reagan died June 5, 2004, of Alzheimer's disease complications. He was 93 years old.

The stamp was unveiled on November 9th, the 15th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall,. and the ceremony took place just steps away from a chunk of the Berlin Wall.

"If he were here today I know that Ronnie would be very touched. He considered it the honor of a lifetime to serve as president," said Mrs. Reagan. "But I think he would also say 'now, don't make too much of a fuss.'"

Although the stamp won't be available until early February, trinkets reproducing its design are already on sale.

"The gift shop was busy all day, as they had on sale the pins that pictured what the stamp is going to be like," wrote Ron Sobel in The Virtual Stamp Club message board. "In fact the pins are so good they look like a actual stamp. They sold very fast."

The gift shop also had for sale coffee mugs and tote bags with the stamp design.

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