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The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries.
Steve Reinhard is the new president of the American Philatelic Society, the biggest
stamp collecting organization in the U-S.
"I was a mathematics teacher for 33 years. I am now retired." "Public school?" "Yes." :06
And his stamp collecting specialty?
"What we call aero-philately, which is collecting stamps and covers — envelopes — relative
to air mail services around the world." :09
Like most stamp societies, A-P-S membership is decreasing.
"There are still collectors out there, but they're collectors who don't join stamp clubs,
collectors who don't go to stamp shows, their collecting is basically focused on the
Internet. (:12) and we have to find a way to approach this group." :15
With an eye toward the future, the A-P-S has a new program aimed at school-children and
their teachers, called "Stamps Teach."
"Not necessarily stamp collecting, but just in stamps, and what they can learn from
stamps." :06
Membership includes many services for adults, including a monthly magazine and
member-to-member stamp sales. You can find out more at stamps-dot-org.
I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting,
visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
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