Joy At Losing
by Lloyd A. de Vries
I lost the lottery.
I ordered four sheets of the Jenny Invert souvenir sheet (as seen on
the right) so I could
service my Dragon
Cards first day covers. Like many purchasers, I was hoping that at
least one of the sheets would be one of the 100 limited edition
versions with the airplane rightside-up instead of inverted.
I couldn’t pick up the quickly-filled order from Stamp Fulfillment
Services the day it probably arrived in my post office box, and when I
got home, I had other more pressing duties, so it was a few hours
before I opened each of the four envelopes.
It’s estimated the intentional error sheets (which are really depicting
the correct Sc. C3 stamp, not a corrected version of C3a) will sell for
$2,000 to $4,000 each initially. I could use the money.
The odds are slightly better than winning a multi-state lottery
jackpot, and by buying four, I’d cut those 1 in 22,000 odds by a
fourth. Hey, you never know, as the New York State Lottery saying goes.
However, if I did receive one of the sheets shown on the left, would I sell it or use it
to create six unique Dragon Cards? Would I use the stamps on my 5- by
7-inch Dragon Cards, which are less popular than standard-size
#6¾ envelopes, or on standard-size envelopes, to maximize
bidder interest? What price would I charge my one-and-only Dragon Cards
subscriber? Would I keep one for myself? (I can answer that one: Of
course. But that, of course, would cut my potential windfall by 17
Fate, however, was smiling on me, as it is on many stamp collectors: I
lost. I didn’t get one of the “unvert” sheets. I don’t have to make
those tough decisions. All 22 Dragon Cards will be serviced with the
common variety, and the two extra stamps for postage.
Problem solved.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so glad to lose.
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