
Awards and Exhibitors
"Three-Cent Byrd on FDCs:" Alan Warren, PA (Grand Award).
"George Washington, The Inauguration Sesquicentennial Issue, Sc.
854:" Lee Kaufman, CA.
"Puffin Cachets:" Dave Bennett, CA.
"Cachets of Ed Mendlowitz:" Ed Mendlowitz, NJ.
"USA and Australia - A Joint Celebration:" Noel G. Almeida, Australia.
"A Tribute to the American Red Cross:" John H. Hayner, Ohio.
"POW/MIA "We Must Never Forget:" William Allen, NJ.
"'Legends of the West,' Earliest Known Uses:" Lee Kaufman, CA, and Gil
Celli, NY.
"U.S. Souvenir Pages - EFOs and PNCs:" Grace E. Marchese, NJ.
No awards:
"Stars and Stripes Forever:" Jack Lines, WA.
"Separation of State and Church:" Jack Lines, WA.
"Harlan Fiske Stone Cachets:" Harlan F. Stone.
"Weird Stuff First Day Covers:" Lloyd de Vries, NJ.
"New Jersey First Day of Issue, 1883-1997:" Brad Arch, NJ.
"Trains of the Past: Hear That Whistle Blow:" Arthur Rosenberg, MO.
"Mississippi Territory: April 7, 1948:" Brenda D. Reynolds, TX.
"Pallets, Pallets:" Viola M. Gianetti, MI
Here are the special awards for exhibits:
- Robert C. Graebner Award for best novice FDC exhibit (best exhibit by a
first-time exhibitor)to Red Cross/Hayner.
- Samuel August Award for the best topical exhibit to Red Cross/Hayner.
- Marge Finger Award for the most popular exhibit, as determined by popular
ballot of those attending the show, to Red Cross/Hayner.
- Lawrence S. Fischer Award for the best research exhibit to Byrd/Warren.
- Winfred M. Grandy Award for the best exhibit of cacheted FDCs with emphasis
on cachet research, other than the Grand Award to Sc. 854/Kaufman.
- Herman Franz Fluegel Award for best exhibit of cacheted FDCs 1945 and later
with emphasis on color to Puffins/Bennett.
- Richard H. Thompson Award for the best exhibit of U.S. FDCs other than the
Grand Award winner to Sc. 854/Kaufman.
- Foreign FDC Award to Puffins/Bennett.
- The Junior FDC Award was not awarded.
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