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American First Day Cover Society
2023 Cachetmakers Contest

Results Announced August 16, 2024

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Category 11: Event Covers

First Place: Joshua McGee

Second Place: Boston 2026 (Chris Calle & Foster Miller)

Third Place: Foster Miller
Category 12: Foreign Covers

First Place: Kevin Colton

Second Place: Kevin Colton

Third Place (tie): Lloyd de Vries

Third Place (tie): Kevin Colton
Category 13: Rookie of the Year

Gregory Scolieri
Category 14: Inaugural Covers
Not applicable for 2023

Category 15: Juniors Ages 10 and Younger

First Place: Marrah Reichart

Second Place (tie): Mikey Vozick-Seltzer

Weston Strothcamp

Third Place (tie): Tinley Kriefall

Alyssa Holtgrave

Colton Strothcamp
Category 16: Juniors Ages 11 to 17

First Place: Katie Marks

Second Place: Christina Esbeck

Third Place: Annajoy Marks
And the Top Cachet of the Year is.....

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