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Denise and husband Chris display awards for their first day cover cachets in the annual American First Day Cover Society contest. |
Trick or Treat.
The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries.
Some people build collections of stamps with supernatural themes — skeletons, graveyards and more. And there is now an organization for them: The Halloween Spooktacular Stamp Club, founded by Denise Lazaroff.
"They can just collect one thing Halloween or they can collect everything Halloween."
LdeV: "Do you also cover supernatural?"
DL: "Yes, we do. We also cover Harry Potter and Edgar Allan Poe." RUNS :12
Like many subject collectors, Lazaroff's stamp collecting theme comes from a wider interest.
"I've always been into Halloween since my girls were small. When they were teenagers, I used to have parties once a year and scare the bejeebies out of teenages, because that's so fun to do." RUNS :12
The club is a study unit of the American Topical Association, the national organization for people who collect stamps by subject.
The Halloween Spooktacular Stamp Club covers a wide area, even movie monsters and Batman.
Members don't just collect U-S stamps, which Lazaroff says is a good thing.
"A lot of the foreign countries have a lot of Halloween-considered stamps, but the U-S does not have very many." RUNS :09
The U-S has now climbed on the bandwagon — or maybe that's a hearse — with its first Halloween stamps, the Jack O'Lanterns.
American Topical Association:
I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting, visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
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