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Wishful Thinking?
The Stamp Collecting Report, I'm Lloyd de Vries.
When Douglas Hughes met the press after entering his not-guilty pleas, there was a blowup of a stamp showing the postal worker and the gyrocopter he flew over Washington, D-C.
Hughes flew the small craft over the White House and other restricted airspace in April before landing on the U-S Capitol grounds. He was arrested... and is also in trouble because he put the Postal Service logo on his gyrocopter.
It’s not a real stamp. It’s not GOING to be a real stamp... despite anything you read.
There was a press release touting the stamp on what appears to be a congressional subcommittee website. It’s a hoax; it’s not a real Congressional website. Instead, it was put together by a group that supports campaign finance reform... which gave Hughes the design blowup just before he met with reporters. Hughes said he did the stunt to draw attention to the issue.
Besides, Hughes is still alive, despite the risks of flying a gyrocopter... and living people are not honored on U-S stamps.
I'm Lloyd de Vries of The Virtual Stamp Club. For more on stamps and stamp collecting, visit virtual-stamp-club-dot-com.
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