This is a temporary repository for these pictures until they can be picked up and put on the official PHS Music site. Click on the thumbnails for larger versions
©2003 Lloyd A. de Vries
Select Ensembles Concert, February 12, 2003 (42):
Please note: Lighting in the PHS auditorium is not very good. (I'm being kind.) All the lights pointing to the right side of the stage were burned out. The top row and bottom row of the Prem1eres were lost. I have lightened some of the pictures to "retrieve" those shots, but then the pictures are grainier. Some pictures just couldn't be fixed, and aren't here at all. (Apologies in particular to Kevin O'Malley, whose duet with Justin Long was completely in the dark photographically.)
There were also some performers who just couldn't be seen from the audience. However, an attempt was made to depict as many of the students as possible.
Time for a commercial: The Waldwick Community Band is looking for qualified, motivated high school musicians to play in this adult community band. PHS students who have played in the Waldwick Band include Sean Ryan, Dave Caravella, and Karl de Vries; PHS alumnus Jeff Berinato is currently a member. There are several other Paramus residents in the band, too.
The Waldwick Band rehearses Thursday evenings 7:30 - 9 PM, at The Cupola on Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus; there are four concerts during the school year, three on Saturday nights (March 15th and May 3rd are upcoming), and one on a Sunday afternoon. All concerts are free, nor are there fees to belong to the Waldwick Band.
If interested in performing with this friendly, low-key band, please contact Lloyd A. de Vries, AIM "The Lloyd" or {201} 251-4234.
Why am I such a zealot for student involvement in community music? Because I had the opportunity to play with the union band in my home town as a high school and then college student, and it was great playing with adults (including some of my schoolteachers). Because it was a different experience from playing with a school band different music, different attitudes. Because over the years I have met and made so many friends (including my wife).
And, finally, because I think community music groups need regular infusions of younger blood. True, some of the high school students will pack away their horns in a few years. Some will move away to other communities, but, hopefully, those communities' musicians will move here.
There is musical life after high school, and outside high school. Besides, why should the music teachers have all the fun?